WE MADE IT! After only 10 DAYS (and with 45 days still remaining!) WITH YOUR SUPPORT, we made it to the minimum we needed to make WONDERLAND and on WORLD MENTAL HEALTH DAY of all days!
But this isn't the end of the story. The £5000 target was the minimum and any support that you can give NOW will make an EVEN BIGGER DIFFERENCE.
Thank you to our current supporters who helped us SMASH the target, now... people of internet land... join us and help us make an even better film together!
Our new target, to allow us to spend more time with the cast and crew, use better equipment, and make an altogether better film is: £7000.
TOM: "Mark is a professional acting coach with BAFTA and Oscar winning clients, he's written for television and directed for theatre, but this is his first time writing and directing for film. This is a chance for him to put his years of experience of working with actors, directors and writers into practise. "
This is a serious photo of Mark...
This is the
REAL Mark...
MARK: "Tom is a professional actor, magician and acting coach. He recently signed with a great new agent. He is a fantastic producer on WONDERLAND, he is arranging much of the casting of the actors. He is also our magic consultant and last but by no means least - he's playing Peter, a man who helps our lead character Aoife to use her imagination to battle her Mum's grief."
This is Tom..
Okay, sorry, THIS is Tom...
WONDERLAND is the uplifting story of Aoife, a 9 year old girl, who uses the power of her imagination to help overcome her mother's grief and depression. We don't want to spoil the story, so that's all we're saying for now...
(This is Lilah, she's playing AOIFE)
We were asked to express what it would mean for you to help us:
It's hard to put it into words but...
We simply cannot make WONDERLAND without you. The ability to make our film lies with you, our friends, family, colleagues, and supporters.
You will be helping a unique new film, helping creative people do what they do best, helping us employ Scottish actors, technicians and creatives, to make a film that raises awareness about mental health problems, an issue that accounts for around 50% of GP visits, and yet is still treated like it's 'all in our head'. It's a real problem that experts believe will become the most prevalent illness in the world by 2030.
What We Need & What You Get
- We need £5000 to make WONDERLAND. This means that we can support everyone that brings their expertise to our project. Amazingly, a few key members of the team really want this project to happen so much, that they've offered to donate their fee back to the campaign, but that still leaves a lot to raise!
- We think we've created some phenomenal perks with real value - from becoming an extra in our film to attending an intimate champagne magic performance, a filmmaking masterclass with the film's creative team, to getting a year of acting classes, to a day of private actor coaching, producer credits on IMDB and much more!
- If we don't reach our goal, we get nothing, nada, zero, zilch - and then we start having to sell our furniture and body parts.
The Impact:
- "We want to tell a story about the importance of the imagination. All the greatest human achievements have come about as a result of someone having the imagination to overcome the obstacles in their way. This is a film about how a child would try to save her Mum from depression."
- "Mark has been a professional acting coach, tv writer and theatre director for the past 14 years, but never had the opportunity to put the skill and knowledge built working with actors, writers and directors to create his own film work. "
- "We're all passionate advocates for mental health awareness and progress - this film isn't preachy, but it does deal with the issue head on."
Risks & Challenges:
We don't know if we'll get all the money, and we've chosen the ALL OR NOTHING option of funding to show that we're really committed to this, we don't just want to take whatever we can make and run.
Telling a great story is difficult for a first time film director, so we've surrounded Mark with people that have done this a lot before. We've also cast some phenomenal acting talent too.
Other Ways You Can Help:
- If you can't help financially, then you can help by spreading the word, sharing the news about our film, about our fundraising campaign and help us raise awareness about mental health issues in your own community.
We hope you'll come on board and help us to make WONDERLAND together.