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World Health Card

World Health Card is the first highly secured international health smart card for your personal medical records instantly available in 19 languages!

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World Health Card

World Health Card

World Health Card

World Health Card

World Health Card

World Health Card is the first highly secured international health smart card for your personal medical records instantly available in 19 languages!

World Health Card is the first highly secured international health smart card for your personal medical records instantly available in 19 languages!

World Health Card is the first highly secured international health smart card for your personal medical records instantly available in 19 languages!

World Health Card is the first highly secured international health smart card for your personal medical records instantly available in 19 languages!

Zack Podrug
Zack Podrug
Zack Podrug
Zack Podrug
1 Campaign |
Toronto, Canada
$174 USD 5 backers
0% of $125,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

World Health Card is a personal, secure, medical portable journal. Card can be used everywhere in the world in multiple languages.


WHC - World Health Card - patient's Card

According to the most recent research into the cost of medical mistakes in terms of lives lost, 210,000 Americans are killed by preventable hospital errors each year.

When deaths related to diagnostic errors, errors of omission, and failure to follow guidelines are included, the number skyrockets to an estimated 440,000 preventable deaths each year!


There would be something which can protect you to a certain point against medical errors!


You could make health care faster, safer, more efficient and less costly!


That it already exists !

World Health Card doctor's starter kit


Doctor happy to see patient with WHC Card

Healthcare is more expensive by the minute and further away from the reach of ordinary citizens. It is time for people to do something for the people!

We are more than confident that a solution for many problems is in the smart card system we invented. Instead of spending billions on national data centers, we created medical records that patients can carry in their pocket anywhere. Can't be more convenient and handy than that! This concept shall produce instant positive results. Project implementation has defined, finite cost and countless benefits to : patients, doctors, EMS, insurance, therapists, nurses, pharmacy, travelers ... even to the Government.



Our goal is to introduce WHC cards to as many persons as possible in short time. Many people reading this page shall recognize how useful smart health card is and how close we are to have it in many hands and pockets. 

At the same time funds raised shall be used to equip 5000 most visited tourist destinations world wide with doctor's starter kits so cards holders can utilize their cards sooner. When we say destinations we mean many cities and attractions millions of people live in or visit. It can be anything from Key West , Miami, Disney World,Tokyo, Bangkok, Bejing, Munich, Sidney, India, Manila, Bali, Mallorca, Moscow, International Airports, business and tourist Centers  ... you name it and we'll do it

Card holder that became a patient after sudden accident or illness will find re-assuring fact that anywhere he goes WHC shall be welcomed and accepted. Feel safer when travelling. That is a major part of our plan!


We are at the point where after 2.5 years of development our funds are almost depleted and the project is almost finished. Software is in the last few stages of completion. Manuals have to be written and printed. Delivery boxes prepared, labeled, USB sticks printed, registration WEB site prepared for and hosted, tech support organized. Ordering logistics setup, big advertising started up, instructional videos prepared. Personalization team has to be hired, setup with space, computers and all the office tools.

Finally, the most expensive items come in 6 dollar figures or more: molds and production of the smart card readers has to be prepared, actual WHC cards initial stock production planned and ordered. All those things require a lot of effort and some serious coin.

We need your help to finish it off and release WHC into the public. Our startup is about health care so sooner we start sooner system will have positive impact on people's lives.


World Health Card patient self service kiosk - prototype (real working model)


Focal point of WHC project is smart card. It is miniature computer loaded with data structured as mini data base. Chip cards are perfect media to securely store, retrieve and change information on demand. Even more access to stored data is completely controlled by card holder. Multiple levels of security prevent everybody else from accessing saved info in case card is found or stolen. WHC uses bank or military kind of security or better!

WHC magic takes a place in few square millimetres in the centre of microprocessor based chip. Whole card looks like credit card and fits everybody's pocket. Actual smart card technology was invented in Europe in approximately 1980. So we didn't invent concept of chip health cards but we sure perfected it to new levels!


We had in mind of helping each of our own domestic economies, so here is a breakdown of the parts:

  • Smart cards - Canada
  • Chips for Smart Cards - Germany
  • Patient's PIN PAD smart card reader - USA
  • Patient's biometric smart card reader - USA
  • Doctor's smart card reader - USA
  • Manuals, USB sticks, packaging, delivery - USA, Canada


Help us so we can help you! Finished World Health Card project means improved health care for every individual equipped with the card. Project has it's practical side, business side, contributing angle and overall is intended to improve health care:

  • You will help fund exciting international project for the greater good!
  • Technology behind WHC is amazing achievement!
  • WHC technology helps each individual cardholder to manage and carry personal medical records in order to get better healthcare
  • We are starting with USA and Canada but project is really global, international in every sense, applicable to everyone, everywhere
  • Funding starts at US $10.00 only with no limit ceiling amount!
  • Perks offered are not only practical and also philanthropic. Your funding will affect thousands of people in positive way!  
  • You will be able to get cards for your self, your immediate family and everyone else you care about. 
  • WHC will improve your health care, may save your life and that fact alone is worth the effort!

When seconds and minutes matter,  World Health Card can literally save your life!



  • Personal ID information 
  • Emergency contact information 
  • Blood type
  • Allergies
  • Organ donor
  • Vaccinations
  • Living will information
  • Insurance information
  • Medication plan
  • Medication administration history
  • References
  • e-Prescriptions
  • Messages to next doctor utility
  • Emergency Center (PSAP) registration
  • Auto Diagnostic utility
  • Prenatal recording
  • Quick Triage
  • Insurance claim write up utility
  • Insurance status real-time check
  • Insurance fraud protection
  • Identification and verification by biometrics
  • Copy fields for transfer to third party software
  • Auto fill forms
  • All medical information in 19 different languages




Our goal is to bring WHC to real life sooner rather than later. Time matters, especially when human life is in danger. As a contributor you would want the same thing. Every package mailed out shall contain WHC brochure. Show WHC card and that brochure to your doctor and every doctor you encounter! Many of them already have an idea to enhance their services by switching to a smart card solution but many don't know where to start. WHC is an easy and quick solution!


Doctor very happy to see another patient with WHC card!

Your cards delivery schedule:

Delivery of personalized WHC smart cards and other parts shall start on February 15th 2014 (or sooner).



After patient, the doctor is second person to use the card to the fullest capabilities. There are many screens and information visible and editable by a doctor. Here are just a few points:

  • Rich content and easy flow of medical information
  • Secure validation of card holder's identity without presentation of any other documents
  • Instant validation of 2 independent insurance sources
  • Easy review of existing medications, chronic diseases, life critical illnesses
  • Medical journal and notes from previous visits
  • Review existing medications, secure e-prescription of new ones
  • Vaccination records
  • Instant claim facility

All above and much more wrapped up in multiple languages which are available only a click away

Everything is in real time once the patient has inserted his/her card into the smart card reader and allowed the doctor to see the contents! As soon as the patient removes the card the information on the screen goes away. At this point the doctor is ready to see the next patient

Everybody knows that a doctor's time is very expensive. WHC saves that time, makes doctor's to be more efficient and see more patients. They can concentrate on providing better medical advice and not spend this time on writing up paper work!

WHC is ideal for doctors who want to improve their practice by switching to smart card usage.

See below for typical doctor's Screen:

This is the first screen that populates after a patient has inserted their card into the reader - demo Screen

You can see that Stine is happy  because she showed up with a WHC card and now she is in good hands! The doctor will find out details about her health situation within seconds

Doctor's do not have to have Internet in order to handle WHC cards. They can literally be in the middle of a jungle, on top of a mountain or anywhere else as long as he or she has a computer capable of interacting with WHC cards. How great is that!?

Only time when it is ideal for doctor's to have an internet connection is when they want to verify insurance status of patients in real time, but that is optional. This makes WHC ideal for undeveloped countries with scarce or non existent communications infra structure


There are more opportunities for doctors than it meets the eye. Typical US or Canadian family doctor has about 4000 - 8000 patients in their files

  • Doctor's access control card
  • Validate patient's identity in seconds
  • Validate 2 different insurance accounts live
  • Review existing medications, med plans, allergies, life critical info
  • Check medical notes from other doctors
  • Create claim for insurance in one minute or less
  • Use ICD-10 International medical codes
  • Earn extra income by selling cards and extending their validity
  • Switch their own practice to WHC Suite practically overnight
  • In WHC case size does not matter! It can be few hundred patients or regional hospital with 100000 patients. All the same for WHC
  • Doctor will never run into "I didn't know about that allergy" dangerous situation ever again
  • Direct payment to account is part of the doctor's control card
  • Doctor can see more patients a day and earn more money
  • Everything is HIPAA (USA) and PIPEDA (Canada) privacy compliant
  • No licences, monthly or yearly fees to pay

    and much, much more in multiple languages with beautiful Interface



Our system integrates usage of the card with pharmacies. All prescriptions are written electronically and confirm dispensing of prescriptions as well. "Creative" people with Photoshop will be out of luck trying to make up their "own" prescriptions and life threatening overdosage situations. Fake prescriptions are a matter of the past and are not possible any more with WHC.

Needless to say, prescriptions are electronic, fully portable, encrypted and very clear to pharmacists. Medication dispensing is confirmed by features in the card.

Besides that, when going anywhere all prescriptions are in you pocket, safely stored in WHC card. So if a traveler ever runs out of medication a local pharmacy in any country will be able to see and read the prescription in their native language. How great is that?


Health insurance companies are the ones to feel the biggest money effect from WHC usage! WHC system has integrated many real life anti fraud techniques that allows system to save millions or hundreds of millions to insurers. 

In the end of the day whoever pays the medical bill will get huge savings. Being that Obamacare or Sun Life or Medicare or some other insurance company. Those savings will create for the first time ever rates to go down instead of going up all the time. We have big part of software devoted to insurance and claims processing.

We are ready to elaborate this to details with any insurance company. Inquiries from health insurance companies are most welcomed. 



WHC patient card! Everybody needs one

Get a card for yourself, your family and or relatives you haven't seen for a long time, as well as friends and everybody else!

Get it for your employees! Show your appreciation and interest in their well being

It makes a perfect gift and can work anywhere in the world


WHC family of 4 package

Protect your family! Get a WHC card for family of 4

Makes a perfect gift and can save lives


WHC Gold card + Doctor's Starter Kit

You can get a Limited edition WHC Gold card and donate a doctor's starter kit to any doctor, hospital or medical institution in USA or Canada!

Help WHC to reach as many medical institutions as possible. Your donation will help promote WHC system and enable thousands of patients to get their cards accepted. Your donation shall be delivered by USPS or courier service with gift certificate in your name

You will also have your name or your company name posted on separate page with the list of donors on our website


WHC World Elite Card + Doctor's Starter Kit


Buy Limited edition WHC World Elite card and donate doctor's starter kit to any doctor, hospital or medical institution in the World! World Elite card is ideal for executives or professional's traveling the world. If needs arise, the card holder shall get preferred treatment at medical institutions implementing WHC system. It will likely enable faster treatment at other WHC doctor locations as well

Help WHC to reach as many medical institutions as possible! Your donation will help promote WHC and enable WHO (World Health Organization) doctors or Doctors Without Borders to be able to utilize our WHC system. You choose the destination and leave the rest to us to get it done. Recipient of this package shall receive a certificate in the donor's name

Again, your name or company will be posted on a separate page on our website with a list of all the donors


World Health Card is the best smart health card in the world today! Every person on Earth should have one. It is a chip card that securely carries individual medical records. WHC card is patented and contains surprising amount of innovation and functionality not found in any other health cards anywhere! Almost every nation in Europe has health smart card system for their citizens but mostly for administrative purposes. 

WHC concept is very special with personal medical info actually being where it belongs, and that's in the card holder's wallet. Not sitting in some remote server managed by strangers and just waiting to be hacked and stolen by fraudsters. 

WHC card is also very unique because it is created and maintained by it's owner. It has quadruple protection against stealing: 

  1. Records are encrypted
  2. There is a picture of the card holder inside the chip
  3. PIN
  4. Biometric token (never leaves a chip, nobody can steal it)

More security:

  • Only medical professionals can see content of the card and only after patient's explicit approval! 
  • They can write into the card, but only to locations allowed by the system. 
  • Data are stored in the chip only! 
  • Nobody can track down the card or steal data from the chip. 
  • Found or stolen card is useless to third party.

Read more about WHC System on this WEB site:


Do we really need to do it? By now everybody should understand immense benefits that card like that brings to card holder and health care as an system. Here is more facts:

  • There is about 80 million of smart health cards in Germany. Every citizen has one
  • There is about 65 million smart health cards in France. They call it Vitale
  • There is 24 million smart cards in Taiwan
  • There is 2 million card in Slovenia

... basically every country in Europe already implemented smart cards. 

Germans and French were first ones to start and now they are on 3rd or 4th generation of cards.


Here we compiled 3 of the most popular smart health cards in the world today against World Health Card. Feature by feature:


It really does to you, your family members and everybody you know. First and foremost WHC saves lives. Medical emergencies happen any time, anywhere. Not only in your home town but also when visiting other places or traveling abroad. 

WHC will enable patient (everybody is patient at some points of life :( ) , to have his/her medical info, medical notes, prescriptions, notes of allergies, emergency contacts, insurance and much more available at any time. Not only EMS but any doctor should have access to card records. Their job is to save lives and provide quality medical care based on precise medical facts. The lack of same can impede doctor's ability to help. 

Every card has myriad of useful information written right into the chip. There is about 1400 bits of medical info securely encrypted inside. Card could cut check-in process at the doctor's office from ten minutes to mere seconds. 

Patient using WHC kiosk, prototype

Self serving PC or kiosk will greet patients in 19 different languages and let patient express his or her reasons for visit in easy, non stressful way. Doctor will serve WHC patient faster and better than others. Referrals to other doctors, medication plans, prescriptions are all electronic with no possibility of fraud. Billing to insurance all electronic, quick and very efficient. 


Why, for simple reason that every week they meet new 2000-4000 people and inevitable somebody will get ill. Yes, cruise ships have doctor and nurses for their guests but being on high seas makes their job quite hard.

For example there is about 26 million people in USA suffering from diabetes. It is just to easy not know that fact and give confused person in distress some medication that alone is not dangerous but combined with existing pre-condition becomes deadly.

By accepting WHC cards they will be able to treat patients with more medical information available, with greater confidence and provide quality service everybody deserves. 


Last but not least feature is that WHC preserves a nature. All records and  transactions are electronic so when in hands of thousands of people countless trees will be spared. No more photocopying, clipboards, storage of mountains of papers, toner waste. Cards are small in size with big heart. 

PVC used can be recycled, gold from chips recovered. Packaging we envisioned shall be made of fully recyclable materials so it will not end in landfillshere


Finally, help us to help you! Your funds will go a long way in WHC promotion. 

The WHC team will appreciate if you:

  • Make donation or donations in order to help many people to get a better chance of receiving more suitable healthcare
  • Buy a WHC card, get a family pack for everybody
  • Get cards for your relatives, friends, employees, etc
  • Tell your doctor about WHC
  • Follow us on Twitter and Facebook
  • Share those social media links with circle of your friends. Popularity will promote WHC to new heights. That will ultimately help everyone to utilize their new WHC cards sooner and at more places

Please do not:

  • Hesitate to ask questions on twitter and facebook. We will be happy to answer
  • Forget your card somewhere. Instead take it with you wherever you may go
  • Forget about unfortunate people around the world. Give them a gift in hope of a better tomorrow

> Team World Health Card would like to thank you in advance for your generous donations and advance purchases of WHC. Thank you for taking the time to read this posting.


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Choose your Perk

WHC - Funder

$10 USD
This is a project for the world! Your donation of $10.00 shall enable World Health Card to be introduced to more places at faster rate. Countries under development will greatly enhance health care by using WHC System
2 claimed

WHC card - International

$27 USD
Card comes by USPS, Canada Post or International Air Mail for overseas card holders. Could be used straight away with doctor that enrolled into WHC system.
Estimated Shipping
February 2014
2 claimed

WHC - Family

$100 USD
4 cards come by USPS, Canada Post or International Air Mail for overseas card holders. Could be used straight away with doctor that enrolled into WHC system.
Estimated Shipping
February 2014
1 claimed

WHC - Family

$100 USD
4 cards come by USPS, Canada Post or International Air Mail for overseas card holders. Could be used straight away with doctor that enrolled into WHC system.
Estimated Shipping
February 2014
0 claimed

WHC - Doctor Starter Kit

$325 USD
Doctor's kit contains all parts needed to start processing WHC patient's cards: patient's smart card reader, doctor's smart card reader, doctor's control card, USB stick with software, patient's card. Includes delivery to USA and Canada by USPS or Canada Post.
Estimated Shipping
February 2014
0 claimed

WHC - Gold Card

$499 USD
WHC Limited edition Gold card comes by USPS, Canada Post or International Air Mail for overseas card holders. Could be used straight away with doctor that enrolled into WHC system. Funder ordering in Canada and USA gets opportunity to donate doctor starter kit to any doctor or medical institution of his choice. We will deliver it with special personalized gift certificate so name of contributor will get recognized.
Estimated Shipping
February 2014
0 out of 300 of claimed

WHC - Elite Card

$999 USD
WHC World Elite Limited edition card comes by USPS, Canada Post or International Air Mail for overseas card holders. Could be used straight away with doctor that enrolled into WHC system. Funder ordering gets opportunity to donate doctor starter kit to any doctor or medical institution of his choice. We will deliver it with special personalized gift certificate so name of contributor will get recognized. Funder shall receive extra care at location he helped to equip.
Estimated Shipping
February 2014
0 out of 149 of claimed

WHC - Moneymaker

$9,990 USD
You are special kind of funder, one that recognizes tremendous business opportunity in WHC! Thousands of doctors and millions of people waiting to start using WHC. Have a best shot at it by getting this perk.
Estimated Shipping
March 2014
0 out of 10 of claimed

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