As featured on the Miami Herald Community Voices
Kendall man on mission to remind world of late uncle’s talent for guitar playing
'Paying tribute to a lost loved one can weigh heavily on our hearts. But Kendall resident Yanatha Desouvre has made it his mission to help the world know and remember his guitarist uncle and godfather, Daniel Coulanges, who died in 1989 at 28 of HIV/AIDS complications.
“Imagine the musicians Jimi Hendrix, Kurt Cobain, or Amy Winehouse, who all died at a very young age, had some rare unheard creative works that were never shared with the world. What would you do to get that music to the world?” Desouvre said in email.
He last saw his godfather 27 years ago when Desouvre was an 11-year-old boy. Coulanges, was a classical Haitian guitarist, “like his award-winning, world-renowned accomplished older brother Amos Coulanges.” Another uncle in the musical family, Nito Coulanges, was in the Haitian gospel band, Echo Mysteriuex.
Desouvre discovered his late godfather’s music through its remarkable journey to him.
A video of Daniel Coulanges playing “Killing Me Softly”
and “Don’t Cry for Me Argentina”
traveled from New York to Paris to Miami.
“My Uncle Amos Coulanges said, ‘Nephew, someone told me they have a recording of Daniel playing guitar at a college in Staten Island, New York.’ He told me as soon as he gets it he’ll send me a copy,” Desouvre said.
“I received a gift I will never forget,” he said. “I opened the international package and silence filled the room. I put the DVD in my computer and with each guitar string my godfather plucked I cried and cried. My godfather was speaking directly to me with each note.”
“He died on April 30, 1989, two years before Magic Johnson made his announcement, and never had an opportunity to share his talent with the world, until now,” Desouvre said.
In the grainy video Coulanges also plays a stunning classical guitar adaption of “Ne Me Quitte Pas” by Belgian singer-songwriter Jacques Brel.
Desouvre is trying to raise $1,358 update ($1280.71) through Indiegogo to have the recordings remastered.
He is also trying to raise awareness about HIV testing through the project. Desouvre is a prolific author. He was born in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, grew up in Brooklyn and Philadelphia, and now lives in Kendall with his wife and three children. Another is on the way. He works at the University of Miami.
He said he remembers his godfather in the Brooklyn apartment. He remembers him playing guitar and he said he does not want to throw away his chance to share that music with the world.
“My wife and I named our second daughter Danielle after my godfather. She shares his drive, ambition and sense of humor,” he said.
As for the recording, he said, “I managed to extract the audio from the video performances. I plan to get the songs mastered and produced so we may share this sentimental musical and video project with the world titled, ‘Daniel Coulanges — World's Finest — Live in New York’ because that was how the host introduced my godfather.”
He relates to and quotes “Hamilton” creator Lin-Manuel Miranda and the words in Miranda’s Tony acceptance speech: “Nothing here is promised, not one day.”
“I strongly agree with Lin-Manuel Miranda. I also believe since we all only have just one life to live we must all live that life to the fullest,” Desouvre said. “This is a story of how a nephew/godson wants to honor the legacy of his musically gifted late uncle/godfather Daniel Coulanges. That nephew/godson is me.”
Desouvre is planning to release the album for his godfather in January.
“After the album is produced all the proceeds from that album will create a fund to establish and finance a not-for-profit center called Daniel Coulanges Center for Arts, Technology, and Business where there will be workshops and classes for anyone who wants to learn the business of the art that they are passionate about,” Desouvre said.
Read more from the Miami Herald here:
Featured in the Community Voices Section in the
and ![]()
Check out the 4th campaign to getting the music mastered.
In 1989, two years before Magic Johnson announced he was HIV positive, My uncle and godfather lost his life to AIDS; he was a mere 28 years old. Although his life ended far too soon I am working on his legacy will lasting forever with this Indiegogo project to bring the recently found rare recording to life. I'm working with my uncle and godfather's music to raise awareness about HIV, encouraging everyone to know their own HIV status. This is important everywhere, but especially in Miami-Dade County, which Care Sources indicates is the number one county in Florida for new cases of HIV.
It all started last spring when I received a package in the mail. I opened the box, found a video, placed it in his video player, and pressed play. The harmonious sounds of his my late uncle and godfather, Daniel Coulanges, filled the room as he played an unaccompanied classical guitar adaptation of: "Ne Me Quitte Pas, Don’t Cry for Me Argentina, Killing Me Softly and many more I felt my late uncle and godfather's presence as if they were in the same room.
With your pledges, I am confident we will get the music mastered and produce the album.
Have you ever wanted to share your talents with the world? What if you never had a chance to? My late uncle and godfather Daniel Coulanges described as, "The world's finest guitarist" died at the young age of 28 years old on April 30th, 1989 of HIV/AIDS. At that time it was a death sentence. Today with early testing and medicine many are living and thriving with HIV/AIDS. In Miami, One in 99 Miami-Dade residents is living with HIV or AIDS (one in 67 male and one in 178 female) source Your generous pledge will help awareness of the importance of one knowing their HIV status negative or positive.
Daniel never had an opportunity to share his talents with the world. Thanks to my other uncle Amos Coulanges, he was able to get rare footage of his late baby brother Daniel performing. My wife and I named our second daughter Danielle after my late godfather/uncle. Danielle has his sense of humor, candidness, and adventure.
This video is Daniel's cover of "Killing Me Softly." With that rare footage, I was able to extract the audio. However, I need your help from there. With your pledges, I am confident we will able to fully commit and complete this project. This remarkable project includes:
World's Finest guitar pick
LIMITED VINYL (Only 200 will be printed)
Credit on the Album
Executive Producer Credit
Digital Download Film of Daniel's Performance in Concert
In the spirit of transparency, here are the approximate breakdowns the World's Finest costs:
LIMITED Production of VINYL - $1738.00
Graphic Design - $370
Shipping and Handling - $106
World's Finest Guitar clip - $50
Mailing Fulfillment - $150
Total= $2414
By backing this project, it will give us the necessary funding to do one thing
1. Once the funding is complete, the funding you provide will allow us to bring the album into production and distribution on VINYL on 200 LIMITED AMOUNT. We have always made sure our albums are packaged beautifully & we want to maintain that standard. We will be fulfilling the vinyl orders and ship them to you
3. Professional graphic design. Because we are working with aged images we want those images to be restored and the graphics and text to be as professionally done as possible and your funding will help us get there.
4. Editing the concert video. Editing the aged footage will take some time and with your pledges, the editing will be done and distributed to you to enjoy watching over and over again
With your pledges, I am confident we will support this project fully funded
World's Finest Live in New York Vinyl Track-lists
1. Etude No 17
2. Adelita
3. Maria
4. Capricho Árabe
5. Valse Vénézuelienne
6. Valse Vénézuelienne (reprise)
7. Spanish Roman (Romance de Espana)
8. Killing Me Softly
9. La Bohème
10. Ne Me Quitte Pas (Don't Leave Me)
11. Don't Cry for Me Argentina
12. Chason Latine
13. Sine
14. Nan Fon Bwa
15. M Pap Pale Man Pawôl
16. Belle Haîti
17. Ti Zandô
18. Kouzin
I encourage everyone reading this to pursue your passion intentionally with purpose because if you don't no one else will. No one is promised tomorrow so why not pursue your passion with the natural gifts that you've been given right NOW.
To paraphrase a conversation I recently had with someone. We are killing ourselves softly with each moment that passes when we don't at least attempt to express and share our talents with each other. But letting your light shine you unknowingly inspire others to shine their lights as well. It is never too late until it is.
The risk and challenges that come with completing this project are not getting the funds to produce the album in a professional manner. With your pledges, I am confident we will support this project fully funded