My name is Joyce Giboom Park and I am the author of Yellow Fantasy: Deconstructing the Legacy of Asian Fetishization. I wrote this book because of how overlooked the topic of Asian fetishization—and sexual racism—is in society, and how its history and implications are often unknown to many Asian individuals.
My hope is that, in reading this book, you will come to understand how the modern phenomenon of “Yellow Fever” is rooted in insidious aspects of history and how individuals are consciously and unconsciously perpetuating its characteristics within modern relationships. In this book, I hope to instill the same sort of awareness within you in becoming more conscious of sexual racism in your own life, and the need to persist against its prevalence that has already bled into multiple aspects of society. Ultimately, I want you to see this book as a tool to help you become an activist of your own, using it as a way to start conversations regarding the topic and to educate those around you that who might be unconsciously perpetuating sexual racism.
In this book, you'll learn about:
How and why Asian women came to be perceived as hyper-sexual, mysterious or submissive and docile beings.
How Asian fetishization and the derogatory “Yellow Fever” plays into larger themes of pornography, trafficking, and dating platforms.
How Asian fetishization relates to the oppression of women’s rights and BIPOC communities.
You will love this book if you are passionate about learning more about BIPOC rights, Womxn’s rights, and about empowering Asian-American and Asian communities.
The book is written in [3] Parts...
Part [1] contains the introduction and Chapters 1-3. These chapters go over how history came to portray Asian women in a sexually-illuminating light, as well as how that came with the simultaneous rejection and emasculation of Asian men. They explore the past of how “Yellow Fever” and its modern implications came to be.
Part [2] contains Chapters 4-6. These chapters explore the modern implications of Asian fetishization in media & pornography, sex tourism and trafficking, mail-order brides, as well as its prevalence in Alt. Right and Incel communities.
Part [3] contains Chapters 7-8 and the Conclusion of the book. It refers to the future of “Yellow Fever,” and the positive changes that are occurring and that can potentially occur. It refers to the changes that we, as readers of the book and as individuals in this society, can do in order to fight against sexual racism ourselves.
What I Need & What You'll Get
This book will be published with New Degree Press. I set up the pre-order tiers to help cover the costs for publishing my book. Money raised will go towards the following:
The Editor I will work with to revise and publish my manuscript in December 2020
The Cover Design of my Book - the mockups you see currently are a placeholder!
The Layout Design for the interior of my book (Physical Copy, Ebook Formats)
The Copyediting for My Book - to make help polish the grammar and spelling prior to publication
The Launch & Promotion Efforts for my book - when I ultimately publish this winter 2020.
When I pre-sell 100 copies of my book, I will publish.
When I pre-sell 150 copies of my book, I will also publish an audiobook.
When I pre-sell 200 copies of my book, I will publish a hardcover edition.
I am also offering some exclusive rewards for people who pre-order my book now:
You will receive a personally signed copy of my book when I publish
A Personal, handwritten thank you note for pre-ordering my book
Your Name will appear in a Special, Acknowledgements Section of my book (“with Special Thanks to”)
Early access to the Introduction of my Book and my entire manuscript, with the opportunity to review it and give me early feedback
The opportunity to help give me feedback and be involved in selecting my cover
I will do a book topic/workshop seminar where I will share experience the experiences of writing my book
And more...
About the Author
Joyce Giboom Park is an author, editor, and content creator, passionate about Asian-American and BIPOC politics & representation. She is passionate about advocating for Asian-American immigrant communities, whether through using her writing as a leading voice, or through working with grassroots organizations to participate in community organizing. Aside from her passion for writing and advocacy, Park can often be found watercolor painting and taking intermittent naps with her cat. For more information you can connect with Joyce at and @notyouryellowfantasy on Instagram.
Risks & Challenges
The biggest challenge with publishing a book is delivering the finished book to the backer, specifically my mailing of the book to you. I have eliminated this risk by building into the campaign the mailing and shipping costs of your signed copies to you within each pre-order tier.
The risk of delivering the pre-sale copies of my book is contingent on the publisher we use. I will be working closely with New Degree Press to make sure we get the earliest possible ship date of the signed book copy to you. We will keep all pre-sale backers up-to-date as my book hits each key milestone and publishes. You will know when the copies of my book you pre-ordered are expected to ship.
Other Ways You Can Help
Some people just can't contribute, but that doesn't mean they can't help:
Please Share my Pre-sale Campaign on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn with your friends, family and network. Please use #[BookHashtag] and tag me as well as my publisher, New Degree Press so we can help amplify your efforts.
You can easily share my Pre-Sale Campaign Page via Indiegogo at the top of the page
Please share my book to 5 friends, family members, or co-workers who you think would enjoy it. Please do this as a text message or Direct Message on social media.
Thank you so much for of all of your love and support!
Thanks again,
Joyce Giboom Park