Right then.
Hey there. My name's Peter Lalush. I'm a filmmaker and writer based in Raleigh, North Carolina. It's been my dream to make a feature film for a while, and I think YOU'RE SO DEAD! is a solid story that can stand on its own, with a very small crew and an extremely low budget. Plus it'd be fun to make.
YSD! follows Kevin, a college student home for the weekend, who wakes up from an intense nap to find his family missing and a body in the foyer of the house. He enlists the help of his annoyed next-door neighbor, Taylor, in order to figure out how it got there and what to do about it.
This is going to be a very stylish and fast-paced film with a black-and-white aesthetic, blood, flashbacks, more blood, dark humor, MORE blood, and quite a few narrative twists and turns. We have some amazing, talented, and passionate people on board. We have ambition. We have drive. We have a location and a script.
But what we don't really have is a budget. That's where you come in.
What do we need.
We want YSD! to be the best film it can possibly be, and for that we're going to need help. $2500 is just a target for us - any sort of contribution we can pick up will be HUGELY appreciated.
Here's what your contribution will go towards, and our main fundraising priorities:
- EQUIPMENT AND EFFECTS. Specifically a new microphone - our current microphone is very broken. Also, there's gore. We want it to be good gore.
- MAKING MERCH. Such as the cool stuff you'll get for supporting us - which we'll make available once the movie's done!
If this campaign goes past $2500, we have STRETCH GOALS!
- MUSIC LICENSING. This movie needs the perfect soundtrack.
Who do what.
Here are just a few of the beautiful, amazing, talented people who've agreed to be part of this project. And I'm here too.
PETER LALUSH - writer, director, producer, Kevin
Aside from what I mentioned above, I'm also a musician and the recipient of NCSU's 2017 Creative Artist Award for the play Girl in Space. As far as my previous film work, I've directed and starred in a short film called Lockout that made the top 16 at the NCSU Campus MovieFest in 2015, and a fake slasher trailer called Violence Please! in 2016. I'm really passionate about creating energetic and entertaining stories with a comic twist. YSD! is going to be my first feature film, and hopefully not my only one.
Kat and Linnie are longtime friends of mine, and I'm really excited to have their help. They're the Head Honeys at the Horror Honeys and Belladonna Magazine, the first horror magazine written entirely by women (thehorrorhoneys.com and belladonnahorrormag.smugplant.com), and the Bitches in Charge at Smugplant Productions (smugplant.com) where they write all kinds of rad-as-hell scripts and stories. They are extremely passionate about good film and supporting artists, and it means a lot to me that they're a part of this project.
(Top: Katie Barrett and Peter Lalush. Bottom: Nicole Hiemenz and Natalie Sherwood.)
Katie Barrett graduated Peace College with a degree in Theatre among other things in 2015. Since then she has been actively involved with many arts groups in the Triangle community, most recently including NCSU's Theatrefest's (Zelda, Tea with Edie and Fitz), Little Green Pig (This Is Not a Novel), South Stream Productions (Una, Blackbird) and Theatre in the Park (Lucy, Dracula). She has been seen off the stage working with NCMA and as this year's Theatre Coordinator for SparkCon. Katie is also an avid lover of the horror genre and thrilled to be involved in this project!
While Nicole Hiemenz appeared in the short film OneSwipe and was a production assistant for the short film For Good Measure earlier this year, that is where her screen credits end. However, she has been acting and doing technical work on the stage for the past six years, most recently through NC State's University Theatre program. She's very excited for this opportunity, and would like to thank her friends and family for supporting her!
Natalie currently pursues a degree in polymer and color chemistry at NC State, along with minors in chemical engineering and theatre. She frequents the NC State University Theatre stage, portraying notable characters such as Sir Edward Clarke in Gross Indecency, Yente in Fiddler on the Roof, and Antigone in The Burial at Thebes. Sherwood has acted in several locally produced short films, including three Campus MovieFest pieces that each won a jury award. You're So Dead! is one of three films she will appear in this summer. As always, she dedicates her performance to the memory of her beloved "Momma Bear," Vicki Poole Sherwood.
Risks & challenges.
This would be a lot of us's first time working on a feature film. As such, there's a lot to worry about. Scheduling. Shots going wrong. Going over budget. Any number of things.
But we're passionate people. We get things done, even when the universe gets in our way. We've all worked on projects before, and we have the power and drive to overcome almost anything. We may be a small crew, but we are a mighty one. And you know I mean it, because I hate the word "mighty", but I'm using it here in spite of myself because I believe in us, and you should, too.
Please get the word out!
We get that not everyone is able to make a contribution. That's okay! Whether you can support us or not, please share us around and tell your friends, your family, anyone who might be able to help out. We really appreciate any attention you can get us.
Thanks, everyone. With your help we can make YSD! the best damn movie it can be.