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Young People of Color Incorporated

A grassroots NPO dedicated to empowering young people of color through fostering creativity, critical thinking & activism.

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Young People of Color Incorporated

Young People of Color Incorporated

Young People of Color Incorporated

Young People of Color Incorporated

Young People of Color Incorporated

A grassroots NPO dedicated to empowering young people of color through fostering creativity, critical thinking & activism.

A grassroots NPO dedicated to empowering young people of color through fostering creativity, critical thinking & activism.

A grassroots NPO dedicated to empowering young people of color through fostering creativity, critical thinking & activism.

A grassroots NPO dedicated to empowering young people of color through fostering creativity, critical thinking & activism.

Tajh Sutton
Tajh Sutton
Tajh Sutton
Tajh Sutton
2 Campaigns |
brooklyn, United States
$1,110 USD 35 backers
27% of $4,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects

Our Story

Hello and thank you for taking the time to view this campaign!

Before I introduce you to the company, I'd like to introduce you to myself so you have confidence that I have crafted the methodology and beliefs of Young People of Color Inc. with an expertise only lived experiences can provide. My name is Tajh Sutton and I am the Founder and President of Young People of Color Incorporated. I am a young woman of color myself, being of Afro-Caribbean descent. I have worked in the public school system for 6 years as a tutor, peer mentor and an activity specialist in step and dance instruction for various elementary, middle and high schools. 

In doing so I have learned the value of the performing arts as a creative outlet for our youth and how they can be used as a tool to instill discipline, work ethic and dedication, which can and must be applied in the classroom. I currently work as a step instructor for the Step-in-Schools Foundation. I am an Education Major at Brooklyn College with a concentration in English and a member of the Brooklyn College Student Union. Thanks to fantastic Professors and political activity I have come to truly realize the worth and dare I say, NECESSITY of a critically thinking and questioning mind as well as the confidence to turn those thoughts into ACTION. From these experiences and my belief in being the change you'd like to see in the world- Young People of Color Inc. was born!

Young People of Color Incorporated is a grassroots company based out of Brooklyn, New York that is Dedicated to the acknowledgement, advancement, and achievement of young people of color;  a celebration of urban accomplishment in education, activism, writing, fashion and the performing arts- meant to improve the quality of life of all young people of color, to inform, encourage and to set a positive example while acknowledging the individuality, opinions and preferences of the large and diverse group that makes up our youth with a magnifying glass as opposed to a disapproving glance. We are not here to teach you the answers; we would like to show you how to question- using the written word, the performance arts, deep discussion and the power of the World Wide Web to encourage, inform and uplift in the hopes that young people of color will be able to make decisions that reflect well on themselves, their families, their communities and Black culture across the Diaspora.  

The Impact

We hope to "give young people of color the tools they need to build the future they deserve" in the form of critical thinking skills, political empowerment and a platform on which they can discover, hone and showcase their various talents.

What You Get

What this means for young people of color?

Self Confidence.
Improved public speaking and writing skills.
A sense of control of their own lives.
The feeling that they are GOOD at something.
The notion that a collective CARES about their well-being.
A safe place to be.

What this means for parents, community members and educators?

A chance to become INVOLVED with not just your own child's academic and creative growth, but ALL OUR CHILDREN. 
A chance to have unique dialogue with youth in a safe space.
A chance to let your kids surprise you.
An opportunity to see your young man or woman rise to any challenge.

What this means for the staus quo?


What We Need 

Because we are a grassroots movement we have started our lectures and performing arts workshops in local schools and are working in conjunction with other amazing organizations such as the Step-in-Schools Foundation and Girls Inc., but ultimately we would like to be able to stand on our own two feet as an incorporation and we can only do that with your help! 

The Short List:

We need promotional materials, incorporation filing fees, capital to rent venues for seminars and events, and equipment for video and audio recording in order to keep YPCTV (Young People of Color TV current as well as to document our own awesomeness =)

The Long List:

Incorporating in the state of New York: $278 

Trademarking the business name 'Young People of Color Incorporated': $149

Press Kit: $250

Literature (Flyers, Business cards & Information Pamphlets): $150

Merchandise (T-shirts & Wrist Bands): $1,380.16

2 Piece Mic Set: $50

Cam Corder: $500

Laptop: $1,000

Software for video editing: $1,000

Tripod: $150

This adds up to $4,907.16

That is a large number for most of us, but there is power in OUR numbers and we can raise that money by the time this campaign is up! 

Note *** If for some reason, Young People of Color Incorporated should incur less financial strain than it anticipates, the remainder of our funds raised by this campaign will be safe guarded in what I like to call 'The People's Pocket', meaning it will stay in the Young People of Color account once these basic needs are met and be used for purposes related ONLY to the business transactions of Young People of Color Incorporated. ***

Other Ways You Can Help

Even if you cannot donate to the YPoC campaign at this time there are lots of other ways you can help the movement grow and become as powerful as we know it has the potential to be!

The easiest and quickest way to promote in the name of Young People of Color is to help us build our social network- since the internet is one of the main stays of the program and one of the key ways we intend to draw in  youth. Here's a short list of ways you can help out without spending a dime.

1. Like us on Facebook:

Use the Link below to like the Young People of Color Incorporated fb fan page and tag it in a status so your friends can see what an awesome thing you just did. Encourage them to do the same! And don't forget to show love in the form of a Wall post as well! We love hearing from supporters. 

2. Follow us on Tumblr:

Use the Link below to Follow and be sure to re-blog the YPoC mission statement. The more you like and reblog YPoC posts, the more people find out about what an awesome project we're working on, which will compel more people to get involved, and most importantly to help us fund-raise! 

3. Follow us on Twitter:

Use the Link below to Follow and be sure to add us to a tweet with the hash-tag  #YPoC and the twitter @YoungPplofColor!/youngpplofcolor 

4. Blog or Make a YouTube Video about Young People of Color Inc.

Whether you get 100,000 hits a week, or 10 hits a month, any and all support is appreciated by YPoC.

5. Create your own fundraiser for Young People of Color Inc.

How easy would it be to ask your favorite Professor if you could put a link on the board at the end of class and direct your schoolmates to Young People of Color on Facebook, Tumblr or twitter? How about holding a fundraiser for a club or team you already belong to and donating some of the proceeds to YPoC? Thinking like this, the possibilities are endless, and we need all open hearts and minds to promote promote promote!

6. Create your own promotional material for Young People of Color Inc.

Do you draw? Are you a graphics designer or writer? Do you love to create? If so, creating a piece of artwork, a logo, a pamphlet, business card or flyer for Young People of Color should be a cinch! Not only will it expand your craft but it will do a huge service to a great cause. If you go this route be sure to email us so we can see. Who knows. You may become the mind behind the Young People of Color logo!

7. Submit and be featured on a Young People of Color Inc. page!

As lovers of all things youth and PoC related, we love to hear from like-minded individuals and see what's going on with you. Yes YOU. YPoC has a genuine interest in it's fellow man and a huge stake in the future of young people of color. We want to see your coolest outfit. Your talent show performance. Your report card. Your debate team match. Your step show. Your footage from the protest. Your cover of that new Beyonce joint. We want it all! Share your features everywhere online and be sure to mention Young People of Color!

You can submit by emailing

Young People of Color Incorporated thanks you for your time and consideration and looks forward to your support in making it's aim to "give young people of color the tools they need to build the future they deserve" a reality.


Tajh Sutton

Founder of Young People of Color Incorporated

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Choose your Perk

Bronze Buddies

$10 USD
Contributors for this amount will receive one free Young People of Color Incorporated wrist-band!
2 claimed

Silver Stars

$20 USD
Contributors for this amount will receive one free Young People of Color wrist-band and one free Young People of Color T-shirt!
11 out of 50 of claimed

Gold Go Getters

$50 USD
Contributors for this amount will receive one free Young People of Color wrist-band, one free Young People of Color T-shirt and an honorable mention on the Young People of Color website!
5 out of 25 of claimed

Platinum Pals

$100 USD
Contributors for this amount will receive one free Young People of Color wrist-band, one free Young People of Color T-shirt, an honorable mention on the Young People of Color website and free admission to the first Young People of Color event!
2 out of 25 of claimed

Diamond Do-Gooders

$500 USD
Contributors for this amount will receive one free Young People of Color wrist-band, one free Young People of Color T-shirt, an honorable mention on the Young People of Color website, free admission to the first Young People of Color event and a special certificate of appreciation from Young People of Color Incorporated.
0 out of 25 of claimed
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