If we don't change our limiting beliefs on aging - the answer for many will be yes!
So how do we maintain a youthful approach to life, while maintaining the added depth and knowledge we've acquired along the way? And what does it take to be able to live our life to the fullest, with energy and passion and to:
Decide to start a new career!
Decide to begin a new relationship!
Decide to get fit like never before!
Decide to play an instrument!
Decide to become a painter or an actor!
Decide to climb a mountain!
Decide to sail around the world!
Perhaps, it's time to step back, take refuge from the ambient noise, and get INSPIRED again. Inspired to believe that we can live the most exciting part of our lives in our second fifty, inspired to grasp the possibilities that'll make a difference in our lives and others and do what we've dreamed, but never believed possible.
This is what the film "Your Second Fifty" is about, a source of inspiration and tools to breakdown limiting beliefs that are stopping you (subconsciously) from being all you can be. In the film we give you the keys, just follow us along the way.
As we filmed the documentary in the last few months, we've been inspired by the amazing people we've met. Our lives have been changed along the way, thanks to the wonderful people we've met: doctors, artists, philosophers, motivational speakers, coaches, athletes and financial advisers. People from all walks of life who had an important message they wanted to share with us. What motivates us, is to share their message with you so that you, in turn, can become a source of inspiration for so many other people on this planet. In the end, is it not what matters the most? To make a difference in other peoples lives and live our life to the fullest. With your help, today, we can all be part of this process. Let's explore the possibilities, let's be inspired together and have fun in the process!
Game Changer Mitch Richmond "The Rock" NBA Hall of Fame Inductee!
What is the one thing we as Baby Boomers really want? TIME, but not just time - we want QUALITY TIME! We have an amazing outlook on life - we love to travel, we love to spend time with our grand kids, we love to spiritually connect with our higher power and we love to learn! And then we look at our age and wonder how will we ever get it done?
In many cases as Laurent mentioned above it's simply limiting beliefs that are holding people back -- beliefs that were passed down unintentionally by family, friends, teachers, religious leaders, politicians, health practitioners and even celebrities. However, with the guidance you'll receive in this film, these beliefs can be changed -- and the door to one's true potential opened at ANY AGE!
To date many amazing interviews have been conducted, that individually have the potential to alter the way a person sees their potential for their remaining years. Here are just a few of the amazing people (affectionately known as the Game Changers) that have contributed their time and effort, so that others can see and be everything they were meant to be:
With your help we can bring awareness to an entire generation that they have so much more to live for and so much more to give. We can help people live the life they thought was only possible for a lucky few and rekindle their personal value and self-esteem. We can help people find their true purpose in their second fifty.
The Impact
Baby Boomers and the 50+ generation can either become one of our greatest resources or one of our greatest financial liabilities. If we can open the door and create a shift in the perception that the second fifty is not a time to wind down but a time full of potential and promise, our world is in for the most prosperous and productive age known to man - mentally, emotionally, physically, financially and spiritually.
What We Need & What You Get
WE NEED - Assistance in paying back our loans.
We have the financing in place to complete the film, so for sure the film will be completed. Our premier will be held November 15th in Los Angeles and the world wide release on November 16th. At this point in time we have personally invested close to $150,000 into the development of this documentary. We are asking you to assist us in covering the loan we've secured to complete filming, editing and mastering. By contributing you become a piece of the change and for $5 you will be one of the first people on the planet to view the film!
- $10,000 - Remaining interviews in Europe, UK, US and Canada
- $20,000 - Editing the primary documentary and educational series
- $10,000 - Film mastering
- $7,500 - Perks and rewards
- $7,500 - Music sound track
- $5,000 - Misc - over runs
Total $60,000
WHAT YOU GET - The Perks
We have some very exciting perks that we hope you will take advantage of, such as being the first to see the documentary, personally signed Your Second Fifty book, collectors edition T-shirts (Keep Calm and Age On!), tickets to the movie premier, dinner and platinum seating at the premier with Laurent Goldstein (Director - Producer), Frank Moffatt (Writer - Producer), Executive Producer's, Mike Sotski, Nigel Peters and Michael Hosking and with the YSF sound track producers, Bob, Clint and Scott Moffatt. But most importantly you get to take action and be a part of a film that will change the way we all perceive aging, ultimately assisting yourself and others to live extended years positively, productively, healthy and happy!
If we don't reach the goal - we will be doing this again, because even if those in their second fifty are not known as crowd funders, everyone that comes to this page realizes that this film has a value far beyond entertainment !
Game Changer Nick Lees andDocumentary Director Laurent Goldstein
Other Ways You Can Help
Get the word out. Whether you’re 50 or not, we all have people close to us that, given the opportunity, can enhance their current lives and contribute in a positive way to make the world an even better place. So email everyone and anyone and ask them to donate what they can - even a dollar let's you know you played your part in changing the way society views aging!
Social Media
Make a video with someone over 50 and ask them to share their inspiration and wisdom with the world. Post it on Second Fifty Shout Outs.
Join us on our Twitter accounts so our posts impact your world: https://twitter.com/YSFCF, https://twitter.com/YourSecondFifty
Join us on our Facebook pages so our posts impact your world: https://www.facebook.com/YourSecondFiftyDocumentary and https://www.facebook.com/YourSecondFifty
Our Website URL is: www.yoursecondfiftydocumentary.com