A South African dance film, a rags to riches story about an ambitious youth from the Cape flats who gets a lucky break and rises as a professional dancer...
A South African dance film, a rags to riches story about an ambitious youth from the Cape flats who gets a lucky break and rises as a professional dancer...
A South African dance film, a rags to riches story about an ambitious youth from the Cape flats who gets a lucky break and rises as a professional dancer...
A South African dance film, a rags to riches story about an ambitious youth from the Cape flats who gets a lucky break and rises as a professional dancer...
A South African dance film, a rags to riches story about an ambitious youth from the Cape flats who gets a lucky break and rises as a professional dancer...
DYINGCRACY - a feature documentary on democracy's brutal triumph over other ideologies and its impact on South Africa, South America, Middle East and Africa.