Paige Wollensak

New York, New York, United States

Campaigns I'm On

Campaigns I've Funded

  • 3 college seniors venture into the real world... in a roundabout, procrastinating, drunk kind of way
  • A surreal narrative about grief, denial, and learning to let go of what you can't live without.
  • Short film in the 1970s. Leo is a 12 year old boy tortured by his bully, Rosa. When she breaks his favorite record, Leo scares her off: by faking his suicide.
  • A father teaches his son how they get light for their house: hunting the luminescent humanoid creatures in the woods and filling light bulbs with their blood.
  • Texas Keller is a ready-for-hire have a monster problem? CALL TEXAS KELLER.
  • NYU FILM: When Angela discovers love letters addressed to her deceased boyfriend, she heads to rural Virginia to hunt down the sender.

Campaigns I'm Following

  • When a computer programmer's pet project malfunctions and he opens a door into a digital world, he must figure out how to fix the machine...and himself.
  • A young man faces his greatest fear--being seen naked--when he has to fight a monster in the nude.
  • Louis, a chronic over-apologizer, is admitted to a Sorry's Anonymous program and must learn to stand up for himself to keep his life together. NYU short.
  • A dark, thematic fantasy musical about two girls trapped and tempted by the Goblin King's deceptive gifts.
  • T.I.M. is a 50s-era story about a boy who comes home to find a runaway robotic man seeking refuge in his bedroom. An NYU student film by Alex Hunter.
  • F*** You, Happy Birthday