Wait, what is it again?
'100 years' will be a riotous, heartfelt journey through the century since we were first trusted with a tiny pencil and the privacy of the polling booth.
The show will be on at the Southwark Playhouse, London, on Monday 3rd December 2018.
Why are you asking me for help then?
Because we can’t make this crazy night of theatre that celebrates women’s history without your help. So far, we’ve maxed out our own funds developing this project and hiring a theatre space. But we still need a little bit of help.
Your money will help us hire rehearsal space, create props, hire costumes and pay a technician for the show. Every little helps, and if we don’t make our target, your donations will still be a massive help towards these costs. And if by some feat of fate we make over our target, all that money will be put into the project to pay our wonderful team.
Everyone’s making theatre these days, why is this show different?
Without bumming you out too much, it still sucks for women to try and break into the creative industries. We created this show as a way to celebrate our collective history and to give as many women as possible the chance to further their career in the Arts. I know some of you won’t believe that being a woman is still a problem, but as aspiring screen and theatre writers, you only need to take one look at the Writers’ Guild stats to realise having a womb really does seem to freak the industry out.
But I’m too skint to donate, can I still help?
Hell yeah! You can still help us out by sharing this project with your networks and encouraging them to back our project. And if you want to help out in other ways, just follow us on Twitter and DM us - we can use all the help we can get!
Wait - who the hell are you anyway?!
Megan and Stevie are the founders of ROAR. We love untold stories, unexpected topics, chaos, laughs, absurdity, the political and the personal. We write about anything and everything.
As a female-led company, we are proudly feminist in our approach. Our stories often feature women in the leading role, but our work is for everyone to enjoy. We believe in equality and work with other writers, producers and directors to bring our projects together, whatever your gender.
Megan and Stevie met back in 2014 on the MA Screenwriting course at London College of Communication, and it’s been all go since then – including filling out the long-winded forms for Companies House…
Megan Toogood has been shortlisted in various competitions including BBC Writer’s Room drama window, T.S Eliot Prize at the Old Vic, the Crime Writer’s Association Debut Dagger award and the Launchpad novel manuscript competition. Her full length play Frost Fever Flood is in development with the support of Theatre 503.
Stevie Cooke is a comedy writer, who most recently has written for Have I Got News For You and the Radio 4 show Sketchtopia. Stevie was shortlisted for the Funny Women 2017 Writing Award and was a finalist in the Funny Women 2017 Shorts Award. She was recently long-listed for the BBC Comedy Writersroom 2018.
Contact us
Email: info@roarcreativeproductions.com
Twitter: @megtoogood - @steviecooke1985
Website: https://roarcreativeproductions.com/