Academic Papers:
Book Summary:
The author applies wide-ranging optics to concepts that support LGBT fidelity and normality as well as bio-psychological and social parity with heterosexual duality. The latter is rigorously defended as basal, cardinal, essential, naturally hegemonic and non-ambiguous. The author posits: (1) an intelligently designed matrix comprises physiologic and neuropsychological gendered articulations that delimit human performativity with compulsions and constraints designed to preserve individual and social integrity; (2) heterosexual duality represents fully integrated identities that congruently, autonomously and beneficially reciprocate regulatory bio-formative functions and biomorphic fields; (3) a minority of human beings (~5%) suffer atypical development and consequent dysfunctions within the basal heterosexual matrix, which missteps forbid qualification as variant, alternative, equal or superior to normative heterosexuality; (4) adverse neurogenesis within the brain obtains anomalous and irrevesable sexual orientations for life during the first trimester; (5) anthropogenic teratogens and antisocial behavior are by and large responsible for these adverse outcomes; (6) The author vigorously contends with academic, political and occult legacies that manipulate this divide with a view to reconstruct society in the favor of socio-psychopaths, narcisists, compound ignorance and wicked cunning.
81 pages / 104 footnotes / 34 endnotes
The repose of validated gender identity can be likened to a fisher who gently teases his/her boat along shore and shoal knowing precisely when and where to strike for providential provision. This cognitive estate rests on the stability provided by basal gender complementarity, which signifies by actualizing natural synergy across male and female gender borders and thus also, validates respective roles in an ever-challenging environment according to circumstances. This is the opposite of modern and post-modern occidental state praxis, which creates enemies to sustain abstract cohesion within fabricated milieus divorced from natural relationships—Black Elk’s Sacred Hoop (see final chapter)
Nearly everyone who didn’t really know him, including him, was charmed and convinced of Oscar Wilde's sterling character until he simulated a morally superior rook on truth's hill, which collapsed during his war against the Crown and which, in turn, buckled his curious defense. Even the object of his desire, an arrogant twit, abandoned the unfortunate bugger shortly after his release from prison. His repute as ‘sterling’ was as fictional as his reliance on the Greek pederast mythos in court. This grand pathos signified extraordinary talents for disaster including infidelity, extraordinary debauchery, flagrant irresponsibility, creative pseudo-reality and casuistry—all for the cause of suggesting LGBT moral superiority. Taken altogether, the madness actually endorsed the cardinality of authentic heterosexual identity in human relations, which is sufficiently challenging on its own without complications. And moreover, relations based on affectation are actually none at all; a puff of smoke in a dragon’s den of lies that lingers ‘till the earth quakes and topples one’s hearth, as it did with Mr. Wilde.
Despite his role as mentor to a spoiled effeminate sprite, Mr. Wilde disguised masochistic fears of abandonment with bravado even as his lover abused him. He then nailed himself to the cross of idealism as hero of his own tall tale. Similar psychopathology (drama) anoints the stage and plagues sexually ambiguous humans in the absence of meaningful love relationships. For far too many, insufficient social integration of a wobbly identity offers little purpose beyond ephemeral pleasures of touch, inebriation, vain intellectualism and celebrity. They therefore languish like droppings on a hollow monument to futility in a neglected corner of a garden, bereft of vibrant quanta drawn from tender loving care and carpeted by the moss of mourning over a life never lived because it is unapproachable. All properly Victorian and no fit dwelling for any human let alone an ideal rook made of mythologized sand. The condition therefore requires the best remedies available, which are truth and compassion.
The stolid heterosexual "I", male or female, educated and not, is fixed rather than fluid and necessary for the stabilization of social relations and institutions. The veracious basal requirement for masculine repose, for example, demands approbation from males who mate females and support, protect and provide for them and their offspring. How this is done is immaterial to the basal male-identity kernal and has and everything to do with validation. For unmarried males, the same kernal demands that they support mated males and their offspring without further qualification. The reader can easily extrapolate basal requirements for the feminine kernel. More importantly, validated and validating signifiers (men & women) establish this patently unambiguous gender matrix in the absence of uncertainty, which is precisely why the nebulous term ‘significant other’ was deployed to undermine the hegemony of legitimate marriage and heterosexual identity.
Licit heterosexual consummation confronts us with constraints in the material constitution of human ‘being’. These appointments present a predetermined gendered schema (archetypes) with defined perimeters for highly regulated purposes. We cannot cross these borders except artificially, nor can we alter them without severe consequence, nor did we have any epistemological say or sway whatsoever in their several matters and manners or quintessence of manufacture. We can only cooperate, or not, with said circumstances in agreement with determinants that are clearly in “service of the consolidation of the heterosexual imperative” (ibid. p 13), which is another way of saying regulatory ideal. As the reader will learn, there are no explicit LGBT imperatives because sexual drives and orientations are basally masculine or feminine. Thus, the same constraints apply to the ambivalently gendered who, despite all objections, usually model one or the other depending on cerebral bent.
Marriage is superbly represented by traditional dance. Tango and Flamenco, for example, demonstrate measures of reiterative antipathy (divergence) and sympathy (convergence) between archetypically gendered sovereigns who play at the edge of human ‘being’. Extraordinary rhythms and physical grace reveal an irreducible mystery celebrated again and again by the triumphant shout, “Ole!” LGBT substitutions and mimes can never match such masterful displays of authentic masculine and feminine congruity. Here is where elegance mirrors the place where ‘beauty and beast’ in each partner balance the push and pull of personhood, will and quanta as they turn the gyros of spontaneous creativity. Here we find Rumi's 'mystic dynamo', not unlike twin suns or Saturn's dancing moons; faithfully waxing and waning between tides of coherence and incoherence in obedience to unambiguous gender imprints of confirmed and confirming identities. Well-matched partners not only perform what is innately choreographed but also learn to improvise and thereby generously transcend mundane plodding to realize individual and collective allotments of celestial promise.
— Indeed: Ole!
Dear Reader
The current publishing world is predominantly 'gay-friendly' and would never consider this truthful tome. So I really do need your help.
I began my career as a paperboy at age eight, became a medical doctor by 38, an academician at age 56, wrote several books and papers and am now retired at age 67. Along the way I noted that marriage, family and gender identity have been mercilessly attacked by unsocial elements, causing much confusion, social chaos and even bloodshed. My purpose is to clarify the terms and benefits of normative gender identify as well as those consequent to inverse harms from the unfortunate occurrence of mis-gendering. Most of the LGBT population derive from developmental missteps during the first trimester of pregnancy that do not equate with normative heterosexuality in the least.
I apply flattering and unflattering terms based on established facts that reflect divine intent and inverse consequences in light of neo-metapyhsics. There is also an element of misrule involved in the great sexology muddle, both of ignorance and wicked intent for which the narrative qualifies both political and esoteric positions.
After a hard press of nearly ten months I need help to get it published in a professional manner and have chosen bookbaby ( a company with which I am comfortable. They require about USD $4,000 for 'Full Monty' production services with worldwide availability in both print-on-demand and IT formats. I am therefore seeking USD $4,500 to cover this and sundry expenses, as I have no expendable funds and am living on a fixed income of USD $1,300 monthly. If I do not reach the goal, bookbaby also has scaled down production services, so whatever funds are raised will be applied appropriately to purchase the furthest reach.
The value here is the dissemination of a gestalt overview of knowledge vs. ignorance covering a timely topic. The book will earn the wrath of the Gay Lobby but that is the least of my concerns. Everyone who reads this little book will benefit from its content, as there is no other approach to the subject matter that synthesizes knowledge from several disciplines.
If you cannot contribute, that's fine. Leave your email and I'll send you a pdf file. But please share what you can of this post using the indiegogo tools to spread this campaign. For those who can contribute, I'll send you a pdf file and when production is complete will see to it that bookbaby sends you a printed copy.
And that's all there is to it folks. Thanks.
PS: anyone wanting to review the book before contributing, please let me know at