Short Summary
A dream that I have had for years is coming to fruition with your help. Won't you please help?
“I liked the movie despite the fact I'm not the demographic for whom it's intended. I enjoyed some of the quirky touches -- washing out blood being a pain in the wazoo, for example……”
Bruce Edward Walker
We spent many months and used our own funds to make this movie, but your help is needed to bring it that last few steps to market it. Please contribute and be part of our success.
its title suggests, our independently produced film, A BIT TWISTED, is
an intentionally quirky film that sends up both the girl-meets-boy and
serial-killer genres. Despite its subject matter, this film avoids
graphically violent depictions unlike most slasher flicks. One might
call it a sociopathic romantic comedy targeted at women. The lead
female, Nestra, is no romantic creampuff – she’s a strong character who
thinks on her feet, handles males twice her size, and commits heinous
crimes while eluding law enforcement. She demurely impersonates a door-to-door evangelist to gain entry into homes. She
is not waiting to be rescued. Yet as her body count increases, she
hears of other murders she didn’t commit. Does her small-town have more
meets a male counterpart, Ares, at the scene of a murder. The newly
established couple combines their talents into a comically chilling
mating ritual that includes a hilarious send-up of the male presenting
his beloved with a series of deranged gifts.
killers don’t operate in a vacuum, and soon a trio of federal agents
descends upon the small town, inadvertently interacting with the killers
at the local coffee house. In a movie freely blending macabre humor
with slasher-flick conventions, the audience is kept guessing whether
the agents will get their killers or if the killers will get them
A BIT TWISTED was shot digitally in San Diego with several accomplished local actors.
Please share this announcement with friends and independent film enthusiasts and ask them to spread the word to their contacts. All contributions are greatly appreciated! We have attached a brief video featuring the lead characters, as well as the trailer, to give you and your network of friends a taste of what this film has to offer.
You can see photos and videos at
What We Need & What You Get
OUR FUNDRAISING CAMPAIGN: Through hard work, sacrifice and
self-financing, we are now in post-production, moving toward marketing,
travel, festivals, interviews and other final production costs. Our
modest goal to bring this work to fruition is $3,500.00. Your gift can
help us go a long way, and any excess will just help us more.
theater and online release, we can provide the gifts listed below to
those making qualifying donations. Those making the smaller donation
will have a chance to buy a copy of the DVD at a reduced price for
personal use.
Levels of support
Pledge $1 because you want to give some support
Pledge $5 and we will send you a thank you email
Pledge $35: A thank you letter signed by the Producer/ Director and a signed DVD of the movie (US postage included).
Pledge $100: A thank you letter, 3 small 8.5x14 movie posters of your choice, a DVD of the movie (US postage included), and acknowledgment as a $100 supporter on our website.
Pledge $250: Recognition as a $250 supporter on our website and at the end of the movie so it will be visible where ever the movie goes as long as it is out there.
Pledge $500: Recognition as a $500 supporter on our website and at the end of the movie so it will be visible where ever the movie goes as long as it is out there.
Pledge $1,500: Recognition as a $1500 supporter on our website and at the end of the movie so it will be visible where ever the movie goes as long as it is out there.
Pledge $2,500: Recognition as a $2500 supporter on our website and at the end of the movie so it will be visible where ever the movie goes as long as it is out there.
This is a genre film for those who don't like the standard commercial formula. It is fun, pokes fun at TV culture, is somewhat real in the relationship, and more about the relationship than the mayhem. If you like talk about how you would have done it different maybe this isn't for you. If you like to see the female quiver in fear waiting for the man to rescue her, this is certainly not for you, but It is perfect for cuddles with your sweety and just enjoying the story. It is just a movie that is fun. We have four sequels written already so there may be a box set of 5 DVD's in the future, and you who help us will be remembered and thanked and offered a discount on the box of 5.
And again, if we pass the goal that just means we can push this one better and start on the next one. This is for both your and our enjoyment so get involved and connect your friends with this great new character.
Other Ways You Can Help
If you can't contribute than please use the the tools here to share the campaign and also invite your friends to look at this and ask them to support us. It is so fun the story.