Since embarking on this project, it has developed from a feature to a 6-part anthology docu-series. The project has expanded beyond our wildest dreams! Think Ken Burns meets “Interview with the Vampire” and everything in between.
We probe our deep-seated need for vampires and how they help us look at different aspects of ourselves: sex, loss, death, violence, addiction, obsession, the dark side of our natures, being outsiders, to name a few. Each episode culminates in a 5-15 minute film, which explores one of these metaphors.
We have so many additional stellar interviewees that want to participate, and the narrative films have blossomed in scope and vision. We now need an additional 280 thousand to complete season 1. Keep your eye out for new perks coming your way in this awesome "In Demand" program on Indiegogo!!!!!
Q: How will I receive updates?
A: You will receive regular email updates and can follow them on the web.
Q: When do I get my Perk?
A: Each Perk has an Estimated Delivery month listed in the box. You will be notified of any delays. As with all crowd funding campaigns, there’s always a chance that schedules will change, or that things will fall behind. But if this campaign is a hit, and we raise enough, we’ll resume production in January, shoot for about 6 months, do all the post-production including editing, special effects, color-correction, sound edit/mix, score and release A PLACE AMONG THE UNDEAD in a year’s time! And if that happens, here’s when you can most likely expect to receive your perks:
*Hang W/ -Fang W/ and the Expanded version: STARTING THE MINUTE WE RESUME PRODUCTION.
*Digital gif/video: DURING THE CAMPAIGN.
*Steaming link to 9-minutes of excerpts (THE RISEN): DURING THE CAMPIGN.
*Streaming version of the film before it is available for public purchase. After released to the public, you will receive downloadable version.
*DVD/BLU RAY: We’ll send you your DVD and Blu-Ray copies of the movie as soon as it’s available for public purchase. If we can get it to you before everyone else, we will.
Q: Will the discs be region locked?
A: No! We're going to make them region free so you can play them no matter where you are.
*T-shirts, posters: We’ll send this stuff out about 4-6 weeks before the movie comes out, so that you have the T in time for opening night! Most likely November 2016.
*Advanced cast and crew screening: Approximately 4-6 weeks before the movie comes out.
*Premiere and after party: Approximately 1-2 weeks before the movie comes out. Most likely Fall 2016.We'll do our best to give you at least 2 months notice to make travel plans.
* Set visits and featured extras: This will happen during production, which should begin in January 2016 and go on for about 6 months. (But it’s always possible that the dates could change.)
Q: Are the rewards available in all countries?
A: Yes, except for the EMPEROR OF THE UNDEAD perk. Where it states throughout, travel and stay are not included.
Q: What happens if I give you money for these perks, and the movie never gets made, or disaster strikes and it never comes out?
A: If some act of god keeps us from making the movie, we’d still send you any perks that we’re able to produce. (And then they'll be genuine collectibles!)
Q: What if I want more than one perk package (or stand alone perk)?
A: Knock yourself out! You can make multiple pledges on Indiegogo using a single account. Just make sure you use the same email address and login, so we’ll know that all of your perks are meant to go to the same person.
Q: How will you know where to send my perks? What happens if I move before you send out the perks? How do I change my address?
A: Once the campaign ends, we’ll give you more details about how to get your perks, change your address, tell us your preferred perk details, and so on.
Q: How will I get my Streaming version of the film perk?
A: We’re still working out the specifics, but we’ll do our best to make it available on a major platform -- iTunes, Amazon, Google, Vimeo, whatever. Outside of the United States, the options might be different. We’ll keep you posted.
Q: How will you know what size T-SHIRT to send me?
A: When the campaign is over, we'll be contacting all contributors with more detailed PERK SURVEYS, where you'll be able to tell us your sizing, shipping address, your perk preferences, and any other details we need.
Q: If I get the ROYAL HOUSE OF THE BLOODY or THE PRINCE/PRINCESS OF THE DARKNESS perk, what will I get to say/do in the movie?
A: The script isn’t finalized but don’t worry, we’ll select something that is very cool!