What I'm doing.
In these tumultuous times of change I'm here on Indiegogo, trying to raise funds for my feature documentary 'A VOID'.
The project started off as a movie to raise awareness for alienated fathers and their children. I saw men being completely destroyed, stripped of their rights and from their children, their possessions, their sanity and, in too many cases, their lives. I wondered why this is happening to hundreds of thousands of men, all around the world. So I wanted to give them a voice, especially when I noticed men don't dare to speak, are not believed and the system is, by default, against them: Men's oblivion, an invisible black hole, most people don't even know exists - until you get near it.
This became the start of a long and dark journey into the hidden realms behind feminism - if this is even the correct term, as what the female whistle-blowers described sounded a thousand times more savage than the fight for equality.
Once word got out I was considering making this documentary, female whistle-blowers started to join in, and this is where 'A VOID' took a sharp turn and got sucked past the event horizon of this black hole.
It made me realize I had to record all the whistle-blowers' interviews prior to announcing the making of this movie. And now, with over 30 hours of the most important footage, 'A VOID' is becoming a movie in which women expose the truth behind the gender warfare. And we'll be needing you to help us explode this evidence across the world.
Why I'm doing it.
Because too many families are currently being destroyed: the fathers and the mothers and children. While men are destroyed, families are alienated, traumatized and torn apart by this invisible modus operandi, what seems to be benefiting from the breakdown of families through the creation of gender war - or any kind of social warfare, which we should never allow.
Free Speech, Not Feminist Governance
As feminism evolved from a movement to a global industry, women now occupy pivotal positions of power and decision making throughout the world. Their ideology has become the new norm that is determining our way of life and attacking our freedom of speech - even dictating our thoughts through social and mainstream media.
Traditionally the overt political correctness and moral policing was based in a predominantly female empathy for an abstract fellow-humanity. However, the empowerment of women also empowered their moral values, modifying our standards in Western society. Even our language and the way we communicate has changed for the worse. We now go by their standards, norms and values, and anything which doesn't fit the narrative will be silenced or destroyed.
Alienated fathers and falsely accused men are among the first who noticed this new norm. The Orwellian Big Sister was watching them, invisibly banning and barring their speeches and pleas on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, while the general public subconsciously knew they were not to comment or communicate but to use the appropriate 'sad' emoticon. This is the essence of removing freedom of speech. Especially because these fathers had nothing but their sad experiences that they wished to share.
Just recently more people are becoming aware of the senseless and now shameless banning; the silencing, censoring and jailing of those who speak against this new norm, regardless if it's a group of scientists or a group of fathers just telling us their story: They will be silenced and all across the world it is becoming clear that freedom of speech is evaporating very quickly now.
The new norm seems to have a set of commands that people are being forced to live by. Slogans such as 'Believe All Women' are former pleas morphed into commands, decrees and legal policies which leave no possibility for debate and are even punishable when questioned.
Under the governance of feminism there can be no freedom of speech as men cannot and will not oppose, comment or criticize the governing powers as they know their tactics will be branded as either a misogynist, fascist or racist, which means losing their jobs, careers, their future and even their loved ones. This has opened up the possibility for the makings of a totalitarian regime in which an entire new generation has been indoctrinated into a mixture of Marxist principles and modern feminism: an ideology which doesn't allow any criticism, which it enforces by monopolizing and shutting down all online forums for human interaction like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and determining the narrative for mainstream media: This is a complete loss of freedom of speech and the monopolization is getting worse every day.
This governance is shadow-banning potentially millions of people, myself included. It's a method of killing free speech most people don't even know of.
We will see how far this feminist governance reaches, although it is crystal clear they will do anything to silence anyone who takes the risk to speak up. Unless times are changing and the governing powers will give free speech a fair chance in 'A VOID'.
It may be that they are not willing to support an industry which, what 'A VOID' will show you, is doing nothing more than destroying our families, their families and our children.
So many sensible women and men have come to realize this in 2020.
Let's hope the tide is - or will be turning.
Not for us, but for our children. And theirs.
What is the film about / what’s the story / what’s the angle?
In 'A VOID', Ava Brighton takes you on a terrifying journey beyond the event horizon of the black hole behind the feminist movement.
It's the women who do the exposing: ominous testimonials of former feminists, mothers and academics are the centre point of the film, while at the heart are the voices of victimized men, alienated fathers telling their tragic stories. Ava Brighton doesn't speak, the stories of these women and men are speaking for themselves, collectively providing the answers to the many questions surrounding the gender war and the hidden, worldwide war against men.
What is the money going towards?
I need to raise € 120,000 in order to complete pre-production, the production itself and post-production of a professionally made feature documentary. I feel very privileged to have access to a first-class sound recording and film editing studio, as well as getting the entire movie score written especially for 'A VOID', otherwise I couldn't ever have done a film of this magnitude.
In order to make this film's impact as big as possible, I will be traveling to the USA, Australia, Canada, the UK and possibly other European countries in order to interview the key whistle-blowers face-to-face, as well as the key figures of the men's rights movement, along with the men as well as alienated fathers, for in-depth story-telling.
This means production insurance, expenses of a small film crew traveling with me as well as the costs of the post-production and promotional activities of the 'A VOID' feature documentary.
If, for any reason, I won't be able to reach the funding-goal, I will still be able to make a €80,000 emergency version of the film, doing all interviews via Skype and Zoom. It's never the same as being face-to-face but it's a back-up and will guarantee the message will be heard. I am aware of the significance of this story and it will be shot on high-definition digital film cameras, to capture the story with the cinematic high quality standard it deserves.
More names will be added as the project progresses
About the Filmmaker:
Ava Brighton has been working as a professional graphic designer since 2008. When witnessing an alienated father's unwinnable war against family law, Brighton made the video 'Are All Women Mentally Insane?' which made her instantly known as a non-feminist.
‘Why are men all across the world being literally obliterated by feminists' narratives?’ 'A VOID' is a quest for the truth. As the answers already have been given, Ava Brighton and the female whistle-blowers have made it their mission to explode the truth which lies beyond this black hole's event horizon onto the world.
Risks and challenges
The biggest risk would be the expansion of limiting the freedom of speech, which is a clear and present danger to feature documentaries like 'A VOID'. Exposing an agenda which some people don’t want to be exposed, always poses a risk. This is why I filmed all the whistle-blowers long before announcing this project. It's safely backed up on hard disks all across the world: if I don't do it, somebody else will take over. I hope the funding helps me to get this film out as quickly as possible. If this funding is halted, then you automatically know that we are right.
Covid-19 will not stop this documentary from being made, but it is possible it will slow down the progress.