So i'm currently in the process of realizing my first full length album, filled with nine inspirational original songs, and one awesome cover song. But i'm not saying which one it is.
OK fine, it's Shape of You.
To help create the beauty that i'm hearing in my head, i've employed the genius of the amazingly talented CasD. We're already working hard, recording and producing the music, so that it may reach your ears as soon as possible. And it is already sounding GREAT. We are even live streaming the process on the mobile app BIGO LIVE, where you can get a peek at what the music is sounding like, chat with us and give feedback! You just need to download the app on your phone, and search for my BIGO id#: 113519446
I also got the brilliant James McBrean and Marcos Vidal to create the visuals to interpret my dream, with pictures and videos.
But these wonderful people need to get paid!
So that's where you come in. With 3000€ I can complete the album, including printing of CDs and covers, get a music video made, as well as some promotion and marketing.
I have prepared really special gifts for you, including the finished Album of course, as well as a 16 page booklet containing exclusive HQ photos of the Dreams--->Reality photoshoot in Berlin,
with handwritten lyrics inside. I will make a video of ANY cover song of your choice with an introduction dedicated to you. I'm also offering intimate live shows, and even selling my own guitar!
Every little contribution will help, and if you can't help financially, I would love for you to share. If you have any questions or comments for me personally, please send me an email at
Since the project is in production phase, obviously some details have not been finalized yet, and a few things are subject to slight change. The main obstacle I think is that of time. I set a goal of October 2017 for everything to be ready, which is very fast, but i'm so dedicated 100% to doing this, that it's definitely realistic. I will keep you updated on the status of the project and what I am up to, by email, if you join my e-mail list on my website
This is only a beginning of this journey. My real dream is to just be myself, inspire people to love and accept themselves as they are, and change this world by adding a bit more beauty and magic and joy into it.
In conclusion, help me do my dream, and you'll be glad you did, because i'm gonna give you something so beautiful, you might just die :)