Short Summary
Afro Samurai Champloo is an action adventure samurai short film about a selfish rogue warrior named Mugen, and his attempt to get rid of his broke lifestyle by killing Afro Samurai, the most wanted bounty in Japan. In the end, he learns to value the samurai code of honor rather than amassing a fortune.
As fellow nerds and Hip-Hop heads, Team Red Pro and Quirktastic wanted to create this short film to portray the marriage of martial arts, anime and Hip-Hop in a way that has never been done before and do justice to the fandoms.
What We Need & What You Get
Afro Samurai Champloo is being shot in two locations (Los Angeles and Virginia). We have a crew and cast of about 35 people that have put their time and dedication into this. Flights, hotel, and meals all add up. Your contribution will go to ensuring that the cast and crew don't starve and that their hard work and time are made up for.
Such hard work includes:
-Original script (we've revised over 8 times, all to bring you the very best blend of Samurai Champloo and Afro Samurai)
-Professional music artists brought on to create original scores and raps for the film
-Acting and Editing (this process can be long and tedious and with the amount of fake blood purchased, we sure could use the reimbursement..heh)
We have amazing perks for your contributions! And you'll get cool stuff without having to donate a lot (though, if you want to donate more, we won't stop you). From nerdy merchandise like t-shirts and hoodies, QuirkCon tickets and Loot Crate boxes to film-specific perks like 1-on-1 time with the director, a mukbang with the cast, and even the chance to be in the film!
- If we reach our entire goal, we'll be able to reimburse those that have spent their time and personal funds on this film and be able to give actual pay to the cast and crew. This is both Team Red and Quirktastic's first time doing any type of crowdfunding for film work. Our bodies of work (that you can check out on our YouTube channels) prove that after years of carrying out our passions for free, we truly feel that we're ready to begin receiving monetary funds.
Team Red Pro YouTube
Quirktastic YouTube
The Impact
This project means a lot to have in 2019. Not only for us as creators but as creators of color. In the past year we've seen an influx of Black and Asian creators and creations get big (You know, Black Panther, Crazy Rich Asians...). Representation is something we hold dear to us and we want to make our viewers feel infinite through our creations. To be able to inspire others and have a positive impact means the world to us. In saying this, we want you to know that we're just like you: A bunch of nerds and Hip-Hop heads doing their damndest to make it while staying true to themselves and making sure we don't starve.
- We also aren't just asking for funds without being able to prove that we have the capacity. From Team Red's viral videos featured on Kotaku to Quirktastic's features in Forbes and Essence magazine, we're experienced and have the credibility.
- ...This project is also just well worth your time because you're going to get one of the most epic short film mashups ever that you're going to want to watch over and over.
Risks & Challenges
- Some of the obstacles we take with providing such an epic masterpiece are the stunts. Our cast does all their own stunts. With various flips, tricks and props, there is always a risk for injury.
- We counter hurdles like this by spending multitudes of time training and perfecting choreography to 1. Ensure that we do our best to not hurt ourselves and 2. To minimize time on set having to do multiple takes.
Other Ways You Can Help
- You can still help us out by spreading the word across your social media platforms, telling your friends and family and just shouting it from the roof tops! You can follow us on all social media at Team Red Pro and Quirktastic_co.
Be sure to share using our IndieGogo links as well! We really appreciate it!