Max Keiser leads the charge on a trip with a bird's eye view of European regions hit hardest by the spreading takeover of sovereign governments by investment bankers like Mario Draghi (President, ECB), Mario Monti (Prime Minister, Italy) and Lucas Papademos (Prime Minister, Greece)--All alumni of Goldman Sachs.
The European sovereign debt crisis is an obvious control fraud perpetrated on the EU public, by their respective governments, as agents of their banks [U.S. banks as well].
We examine how complex-sounding schemes like currency swaps disquise frauds that fuel the debt crisis, rewarding bankers with more money and more power, and everyone else is told they must pay for this system with draconian measures.
The trip shows the cradle of democracy, Greece, now burned to a husk by financial technocrats. as well as Madrid (massive unemployment), Dublin (unprecedented housing bust), and Cyprus (naked theft from customer accounts). These Eurozone areas foreshadow what lies ahead for the U.S. and the rest of the globe unless the ship is righted in the manner of Iceland, i.e., by enforcing the Rule of Law equally by jailing -rather than kowtowing to- fraudulent bankers (and seeing unempoloyemnt cut in half as result).
This is an ambitious production! We will travel to Cyprus, Greece, Rome, Madrid, Lisbon, Frankfurt, Dublin, London, & NYC. Money raised on IndieGoGo will fund our EU and NYC leg of production and get us into post-production. We are asking for very little considering the scope of the project but will deliver a stellar sequel to our budding franchise!
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