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Bitcoin Treasure Hunt: GeoBitQuest

Online Reality Cryptocoin Treasure Hunts. We call them GeoBitQuests. They're fun and exciting.

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Bitcoin Treasure Hunt: GeoBitQuest

Bitcoin Treasure Hunt: GeoBitQuest

Bitcoin Treasure Hunt: GeoBitQuest

Bitcoin Treasure Hunt: GeoBitQuest

Bitcoin Treasure Hunt: GeoBitQuest

Online Reality Cryptocoin Treasure Hunts. We call them GeoBitQuests. They're fun and exciting.

Online Reality Cryptocoin Treasure Hunts. We call them GeoBitQuests. They're fun and exciting.

Online Reality Cryptocoin Treasure Hunts. We call them GeoBitQuests. They're fun and exciting.

Online Reality Cryptocoin Treasure Hunts. We call them GeoBitQuests. They're fun and exciting.

Geo Bitgames
Geo Bitgames
Geo Bitgames
Geo Bitgames
1 Campaign |
Pikeville, United States
$150 USD 2 backers
0% of $200,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
GeoBitGames hosts: Cryptocoin Treasure Hunts. We want to give away the biggest prizes ever to everyone! Come Play with Us! Our CryptoCoin Treasure Hunts are played Offline using online tools.

GeoBitGames Summary

"In the Treasure Hunt . . . intellectual men were paired off with great beauties, glamour with talent. In the course of the night's escapades anything could happen."     ~ Elsa Maxwell

“This game is the Ultimate entertainment. I’ve never done anything like it and can’t wait to do it again!” 

“This game is So Awesome! Its Parker Brothers for the This generation!”

“Forget Video Games. GeoBitQuests Blow Up Your mind, social interaction and CryptoWallet! Its blazing!”



What Is GeoBitGames?

GeoBitGames Hosts Cryptocoin Treasure Hunts With Big Prizes. Our Treasure Hunts are Called: GeoBitQuests. Each One Is Themed and we start a new one as soon as the old one is finished. Most only Take a couple of days from start to finish. They are a lot of fun and offer prizes to the participants. Who Doesn't Want To Find Cryptocoins Hidden All Over The World?

We Like to have fun and help others have fun too, so Hides Cryptocoins All Over The World:  On Websites, In Emails, In Social Media Profiles, Pictures, Comments, Hotels, Maybe even with your neighbor; You Name It! Then We Produce Reality Games that are Played in the Real World,  Using Online Tools.  Players Solve Clues, Perform Challenges that take them to where the coins are hidden and Get there before everyone else!

GeoBitGames Are Played From Anywhere in the World: With Everyone in the World. (Psst! Our Playground is Unlimited!)

Our First Games To Offer are GeoBitQuests which are CryptoCoin Treasure Hunts. We Can Hide CryptoCoins in Caches or Singularly, that are Hidden All Over The Place: Both Online and Offline! Maybe You Will Find Some.


GeoBitQuests are Skill Based Games That Allow Anyone to Play.
Each Game Is Played By:

  1. Completing Challenge Levels Before Competitors in the Game.
  2. Each Challenge Is Discovered By Solving Clues.
  3. Clues are Given at Intervals that Lead People All Over The Place To Solve Them and To Receive BitCoins and Other Prizes When They Do.


GeoBitQuests are Themed for Fun and the Grand Prize Always Goes to The Final Contestant. All Contestants are Eliminated by not Completing Challenges (Challenges are Like Social Media Challenges) in Time to Advance to the Next Level.  

These Games Create Social Interactions and Allow Participants to Remain Anonymous If They Choose.

The Social Impact of Our Games Will Be Enormously Positive With The Media and Social Media Attention Attached To Each Challenge. They Are Beneficially Themed for Players and Sponsors :-).

Our Games are Built On Blockchain Technology To Ensure Fairness, Transparency and Anonymity To Players Who Want It.


Why Are We Here on Indigogo Presenting to You?

We are Running This Campaign To Get Some Help To Launch Our Games Starting With GeoBitQuests. We Have Many Other Games We Want To Introduce and Host as We Grow.

You Will Be Helping Many People Have Fun, Excitement, Meet New People and Create A Lot of Good Throughout The Whole World


Here is a video showing how to play a GeoBitQuest game:



Type- Real World Game of Strategy to solve clues and overcome challenges that lead to  real money!

Structure-  The game is staged by levels of difficulty based on clues and challenges to find         cryptocurrencies, money and other items of value, both online and in the real world.

Advancement- Players advance by completing challenges before other players. Clues and challenges start simple then increase with difficulty at each level of game play. The quantity of players that advance decreases at each level, until one player emerges to win the big prize(s) offered at beginning of the game.

Prizes- Players keep all prizes earned at the successful completion each level. 

The Goal- Stay Alive - Win the Big Prize(s)!

How to Play-  Purchase a GeoBitQuest Game Token at; Move through challenge levels, and; Stay alive to get rewards at each level.

Skills-  The Game is played by individuals for entertainment and diversionary purposes with attractive prizes as rewards for achievement by emergence through superior skills in problem solving, social skills, speed to meet challenge requirements, physical movement, knowledge or access to knowledge, critical thinking and more. These combinations vary according to game and challenge. Skill variance with reward opportunity and game frequency provide equal emergence opportunity to each and every player. 

Qualifications- There are no Age restrictions. However, each player must be able to purchase game play tokens via cryptocurrencies or debit / credit card in order to gain access to each game on a game-by-game basis.

Tokens-  Each purchase of each game token permits one player to play until elimination of successful completion of each game whereby all Tokens will be redeemed. Tokens are automatically redeemed by game master at termination.

Termination- Each player will be eliminated by not meeting each level’s challenge before the quantity of prizes for each level attained by other players. There will be a finite number of prizes per level and each prize must be won before that level of game play is closed out. Players who have not attained one of each level’s prizes at the time of closeout, will be automatically eliminated and the token automatically redeemed.

Game End-  Players may advance as quickly as possible and automatically advance to the next level upon completion of one level. Players behind in levels may continue advancing until the game is successfully won by one player. At that moment, all game play will cease, and a new game start time will be announced

Reporting-  Game Players will be announced in game advancement and a leaderboard will show current level of game play by each player. Each Player will be announced according to User Name at sign up of game account entrance on 

Rules- Players may utilize any resource available on the internet or real world, including collaborating with other people to solve clues and meet challenges, however prizes that require a signing of title such as properties, automobiles, boats, etc., will only be signed over to the player on the account of record.   

Fairness- Our games sit on the blockchain so that all participation is equal and all actions are time stamped to determine fairness with full transparency. 

There may be Master Game Tokens sold by GeoBitGames, in lieu of membership, to better meet corporate policy.


General Game Theory

Games are indoor/outdoor interactively solving clues to find treasures and performing challenges similar to social media based cause driven challenges, designed to stretch players into new areas of social awareness. The Game field of play starts at a computer and physically reaches out globally to find the treasures related to each challenge level.

Each game is played by combining rules from existing games most people in the world are familiar with such as GeoCaching, Trivial pursuit, treasure hunting, solving mysteries, social media challenges and utilizing social media with cameras and video.

Players will relate to each game by knowledge of Geocaching, Letterboxing and Problem-Solving with Clues, Cross-Word and Puzzles and Social Media Challenges.

Game Player Elimination will use the half-life model as elimination model. The actual number of seats to advance by each level of play will be determined by each game theme, sponsors and players.

Half-Life Game Theory Descending: 

# of Players

1 Winner

Who We Are

Vault Valley, LLC is a Kentucky company with offices at 353 Hambley Blvd Pikeville, KY 41501. Vault Valley was established in 2017.

Purpose-  Vault Valley, LLC exists to create, purchase, manage and sell modern media properties. Vault Valley is the exclusive owner of website and subsequent game names and associated websites.

All Game concepts, media, related media and developed media are the completely held and reserved assets of Vault Valley, LLC.


What We Need & What You Get

We Are Seeking Funding To Buy Prizes To Give Away To Contestants at Each Challenge Level. We Would Like To Give Away a Ferrari For Our First GeoBitQuest Game! We Charge $1 to Play. Who Wouldn't Want To Win a Ferrari for a Dollar? 


The Impact

Our Games Offer Many Opportunities to Organizations to Gain Massive Attention to Themselves or their Agendas Through Sponsorship of Clues, Challenges and Overall Themed Games. 

Our Games Offer a Fun Way to Introduce People To Multiple Cultures and Interact With Those Cultures in a Safe Way that Leaves Positive and Lasting Impressions.

Just Like Cryptocurrencies have Transcended Social, Cultural and Language Barriers, We Believe Our Games Extends Transcendence Into Fun Interaction That Unites The World Through Positive Contest and Effort.

Our Challenges are Often Social Activities That Creates Awareness to Social Delinquencies. Our Challenges Are Fun Yet Often Responsible Actions That People Can Do To Make this a Better World by Simply Calling Attention to Contributions Everyone Can Make to Their Communities.

People Get To Find Prizes Such As BitCoins That Expose Them To New Opportunities. Who Gets To Say They Got a Ferrari for a Dollar?!

Organizations Can Participate in the Cryptocurrency Emergence that Is Sweeping the World Through a Beneficial and Comfortable Mechanism Through Sponsorship.


Advertising/ Marketing Platform

Token Sales-       Each game is a single entry, elimination game. Each game will end and commence on a project basis, similar to Hollywood movie studios. Single Token sale prices will vary from $.99 to $10,000 dollars, depending on game theme and prize allotment. Average Token sale prices will be $5.00 per game. Start Basic Games at $1.00 for Awareness and Ease Of Growth Through Lowest Barriers to Entry. 

Sponsorship-      Sponsors may come to “Sponsor a Challenge” whereby they give the prize for each specific challenge or the grand prize(s). They May Name The Clues, Challenges or Even the Game Theme. They May Also Participate in the Challenge Levels as Third Party Recipients of Treasure Hunters, Challenge Facilitators or Prize Distributors.

Sponsors will pay BitQuestGames a fee for the Prize Placement.  EX: Coca Cola may pay GeoBitGames a fee of $50,000 just to give away 1,000 cases of Cocacola for the 'Cocacola Challenge' on GeoBitQuest during each GeoBitQuest Game. Where A Contestant Demonstrates 3 Things You Can Do With Cocacola Besides Drink IT!' 

ICO Awareness- Issuers of Coins through ICO’s will want us to market their coins as attractive coins due to the online and terrestrial media exposure we will be gaining.  EX: A Pre-ICO may wish to announce their ICO on as the ultimate Objective (Challenge) of the winning Spy. Each game will be tailored for each Sponsor’s Products to be the objective/ focal point of BitSpyGame.

General Ad-        Sponsorship via streaming and social media provides revenue opportunity through advertising engines such as google adsense. The nature of the challenges and the game function will produce a significant audience on streaming social media and subsequent discussions, announcements, ultimate challenges where GeoBitQuestGames media will host a gameshow style event(s) for the grand prize giveaway. We anticipate the global exposure to drive a large portion of out players and audience for the exposure or “Star” appeal. People still want to be famous.

Content Syndication-  Syndication of media content into traditional media i.e., A&E, Entertainment, Discovery, channels, etc. Similar to the WPT syndication model. The nature of the challenges will produce thousands of hours of content per challenge which will continue to carry sponsor’s brands along with it. The two contract methods of syndication onto traditional television and radio are: 1) Raw Material, or unedited content whereby the purchasing syndicator pays less for the content and exercises more control over the presentation style and show focus, or; 2) Prepackaged show content whereby the Content Producer (BitQuestGames) gets a price premium and control of edited show style and focus.  


Market Share

BitQuest Games is an entertainment and recreation service provider, generating all of its revenues from the sale of entertainment experience to customers worldwide by consuming marketspace in the Diversionary Entertainment Industry.

The Entertainment Industry ranks as the 10th largest industry in the tertiary sector of the economy, or Service Industry. The Entertainment Industry represents 4% of overall GDP.   The Global Entertainment Industry is expected to top over 2 Trillion Dollars Annually in 2017. (See Study:

BiitQuest Games intends to pull its customer base from marketshare currently held by diversionary entertainment sectors such as Television, Movie Studios, Gambling Forums, Internet entertainment, Video Games, adult games, recreational services and physio-social interactive based services (dating services, etc..).


The primary Marketing strategy for BitQuest Games customer harvesting is through segregation of each game into its own brand through the Hollywood style project model. This allows BitQuest Games to manage its meta-brand by eliminating poor performers or unwell received games and extend market hope of the next game offering more appeal for each customer.

GeoBitGames has a strong focus on customer game experience. Rich experience achieved by each customer equates to more game play by each customer.

Reinforcement of each customer’s experience through public testification by posting to social media sites automates defense of company brands and extends entertainment value to word-of-mouth with visual representation of activity benefit by each customer. This encourages the use by exposed network of existing customers for a variety of psychological reasons: 1) Novel entertainment; 2) Social Acceptability; 3) Ease of learning (if she can do it so can I); 4) Common Social bonding, and; 5) Competition.

Earn-in- Customers may earn in to a game play token by producing a video positively exposing the game and its attraction features via rich social media outlets such as youtube, facebook, twitter and others. Due to the nature of each token issuance and reclamation, the need for coin mining is obsolete, however the earn-in benefits customers in a similar way. The earn-in option benefits GeoBit Games because the exchanged value for the earned-in token produces reality based, individualized advertising videos which transcends marketing barriers to endorse branded entertainment opportunity (games) to networked media (friends and family).

Winnings- The nature of each game offers prizes which are attractive to individuals as components of GeoBitGames’s mass audience. Each Challenge offers benefit at a greater value to the purchase price and each challenge reward value increases as elimination occurs at each level of each game. Prizes from $1,000’s to $Millions of dollars, cryptocurrencies, sense of accomplishment and fame potential are prime motivators for each player to achieve efficient success in discovering each challenge and completing the mission of the challenge before competitors do.


Each Game is branded as its own game with fully independent advertising and marketing budget. This permits a simplification of accounting and budgeting according to sponsorship and game revenue expectations based on each game theme. Each theme is based on maintaining existing customers and attracting new ones through themed diversion. EX: would be the primary driver for the new game themed in popular culture for the 1980’s decade. 8 dollars would be the buy in. Mysteries and clues would be a trivial pursuit style of questioning based on 80’s events, geography, global politics, etc, and challenges discovered would be themed to record a fake orgasm in a diner or restaurant (When Harry Met Sally), play a 1980’s song with a speaker device on your shoulders, etc.

Pres Releases-

Press Releases announcing the games, sponsors, etc. will go out pre-game as well as post game challenges so that restaurant owners and customers globally would know that the orgasms hear the day before were challenges for the ‘80’s themed game called BitQuest80, played by millions of people worldwide for a chance to win a 80,000 dollars, a Dalorean, a Condo where the Berlin Wall once stood, an 8 minute one on one conversation with tom cruise, and other fun things. This method keeps people wondering what the next game will be and exposes the non participants to the fun and prizes they are missing out on. Each Press Release will discuss or tease our next themed game and where to sign up for it.   


Additional Growth

Vault Valley Studios Provides these games for major fun and entertainment and will assert itself as a professional news media and entertainment company with primary focus on the super fast exploding cryptocurrency, blockchain, DAT and IOT industry. (Nobody is fully covering these markets yet with a professional news focus by legitimate journalists)

We will deliver our News Media in a syndicated format with subscription services targeting the growing number of people trading a growing number of customers.

Our Brand Name for our 24/7 CryptoCurrency channel is or Money News First.

MN1 reached over 12 million monthly viewers and filed over 8 patents for streaming media delivery on other devices and most of its technology is in common use today. MN1 was the first to deliver live news programming to cell phones worldwide. After a long overhaul, MN1 has been restructured on advanced media and delivery platform technology that allows instant global interaction transcending language, social and  time barriers.

VV is the next generation of Entertainment Studios producing entertainment hits that provide multiple dimensions of entertainment:

We Provide exciting socially interactive adventure entertainment.

Our games are Single-Token (Blockchain based) elimination games driven by skill, knowledge and chance-management, with high-end prizes such as Ferraris and other cars, Gold, properties, (we even want to give away a real country) and many lesser prizes provided by sponsors.

Our Games are for General Audience and some are targeted to adults 18+ that want real adventure, social stimulation, high impact and long value entertainment such as:






Risks & Challenges

Full Disclosure: 

A contribution or any investment of any kind into this concept and company is subject to all the risks of any operating business including the specific risks of a start-up blockchain based company and known and unknown regulation by nation states and other government agencies, uninsured losses, insufficient revenue to cover operation expenses, lack of availability of qualified professional employees, reliance on management, and similar risks.

There are Significant Risks that We Will Never Get These Games Into Play. Whle we have taken significant time to meet the requirements to offer skill-based games in a contest of skill there may be regulatory issues which prohibit such play or even the offering of such games described herein. 

There is no guarantee that people will like or desire to play these games or any games offered now or in the future by has not hosted nor delivered a GeoBitGame such as GeoBitQuest nor any other game to date. may not receive sufficient capital to offer, host and maintain any games offered or intended to be offered by 

The inexperience of GeoBitGames in structuring games, hosting games and maintaining games offered or intended to be offered by may be detrimental to the fulfillment of's business objectives. intends to sell advertising in the form of sponsorship of clues, clue locations, challenges, product and service give-a-ways, challenge names, game themes and establish relationships for the online and offline placement of prizes such as cryptocoins and other prizes however may incapable of establishing and maintaining such relationships to carry out the intended business of has ability to accept both online payment for game entry through debit and credit card transactions as well as cryptocoins such as bitcoins however can not guarantee that it will be able to process such payments nor properly aggregate such payments to fulfill all obligations necessary to meet each game obligation nor to meet obligations necessary to continue the business operations of 

In short: This is a HighRisk Startup Operation. All Risks inherent to Startups, Ideas and Business Development from the Earliest Stages and of course, all Risks that are inherent in growing, maintaining, managing and operating a business, if any success is achieved in the short-term, such as poor efficacy, law suits, or anything else known, unknown, imaginable or unimaginable. Anything is possible, both positive and negative. 


Other Ways You Can Help

If you have Contributed or want to contribute to get this baby off the ground, then please, pass this along to everyone you know. Share the videos, the website and by all means go to our website and sign up for alerts to the next game!

Use the Indiegogo tools!

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Choose your Perk


GeoBitGames T-Shirt

$100 USD
Receive a GeoBitGames T-Shirt (Let Us Know Your Color Preference and Size).
Included Items
  • 1 Earn-In Game Token
  • GeoBitGames T-Shirt
Estimated Shipping
March 2018
0 out of 100 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Prize Donor

$50 USD
Honorary Game Prize Donor Recognition. You Will be Placed On the Website Game as Honorary Game Prize Donor
Included Items
  • Prize Donor Recognition
  • 1 Earn-In Game Token
Estimated Shipping
March 2018
0 out of 2000 of claimed

Unlimited Game Token 1Year

$500 USD
Honorary Prize Donor Recognition + Receive a GeoBitGames T-Shirt + Receive BitQuestGame Earn-In Game Token for Whole Year.
Included Items
  • Prize Donor Recognition
  • GeoBitGames T-Shirt
  • Unlimited Game Token 1-Year
Estimated Shipping
March 2018
0 out of 200 of claimed

Clue Sponsorship (Branding)

$1,000 USD
Receive One Clue Sponsorship. This is Where We Bring Attention To Your Website or Social Media Account to Utilize as a Clue Location.
Included Items
  • GeoBitGames T-Shirt
  • Unlimited Game Token 1-Year
  • Clue Sponsorship
Estimated Shipping
March 2018
0 out of 100 of claimed

Challenge Sponsorship

$2,500 USD
You'll Get Challenge Sponsorship. This is Where We Include Your Company or Product Name (Branding Opportunity) In a Challenge for Any Organization You Choose.
Included Items
  • GeoBitGames T-Shirt
  • Unlimited Game Token 1-Year
  • Challenge Sponsorship
Estimated Shipping
March 2018
0 out of 20 of claimed

Challenge Product Bonus

$5,000 USD
Challenge Product Bonus AKA: Give-a-Way! This is Where We Name and Give Away Your Products or Services in a Challenge and Name the Challenge After Your Organization.
Included Items
  • Challenge Product Bonus
Estimated Shipping
March 2018
0 out of 10 of claimed

Three For Three OrgBranding

$10,000 USD
You Get To Choose Any Sponsorship Opportunities Where We Include Your Organization Name and Products in Three (3) Different GeoBitQuest Games. You May Choose to call a Challenge anything You Want (Clean) and Place Products or Services as the Reward or Part of the Challenge Concept.
Included Items
  • GeoBitGames T-Shirt
  • Unlimited Game Token 1-Year
  • Three for Three OrgBranding
Estimated Shipping
March 2018
0 out of 5 of claimed

Theme Namer

$20,000 USD
Receive an Honorary GeoBitQuest Game Named and Themed after Your Organization or Anything Else You Decide. Clues, Challenges and Prizes will be Yours to Name as well. You MAy Want To Call It the _____ GeoBitQuest! We Will Help You as Well.
Included Items
  • Unlimited Game Token 1-Year
  • Theme Namer
Estimated Shipping
March 2018
0 out of 5 of claimed
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