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Bonehill Road - Old school werewolf film

Bonehill Road is a werewolf film, using all PRACTICAL EFFECTS in a truly exciting story!!!!

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Bonehill Road - Old school werewolf film

Bonehill Road - Old school werewolf film

Bonehill Road - Old school werewolf film

Bonehill Road - Old school werewolf film

Bonehill Road - Old school werewolf film

Bonehill Road is a werewolf film, using all PRACTICAL EFFECTS in a truly exciting story!!!!

Bonehill Road is a werewolf film, using all PRACTICAL EFFECTS in a truly exciting story!!!!

Bonehill Road is a werewolf film, using all PRACTICAL EFFECTS in a truly exciting story!!!!

Bonehill Road is a werewolf film, using all PRACTICAL EFFECTS in a truly exciting story!!!!

Todd Sheets
Todd Sheets
Todd Sheets
Todd Sheets
2 Campaigns |
Kansas City, MO, United States
$22,663 USD by 420 backers
$13,833 USD by 228 backers on May 10, 2017
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects
This is my DREAM PROJECT! My favorite movie monsters have always been WEREWOLVES!!! And I have been so disappointed that there seem to be no true, old school, American made werewolf movies coming out these days that capture the spirit of movies like The Howling, An American Werewolf In London or Dog Soldiers. I want to make fans of those movies proud!!! My goal is to make a classic monster movie for our time!!! And since we met our goal, every PERK gets a SIGNED 8x10 from Linnea Quigley!!!

Bonehill Road

My name is Todd Sheets and I have had a long history making indie Horror films.  Beginning back in the days of VHS, 1989, I began making Horror movies for the huge video market worldwide.  Those were fondly known as the SOV days... and I was one of the pioneers of that era.  I made over 22 movies for video and cable all over the world until 2007.   I had a heart attack and almost died in 2012.  I had quadruple bypass surgery and spent 31 days in the hospital, and vowed to get back to what I loved if I survived...  making movies!   Since then, I have made two feature films... House of Forbidden Secrets and Dreaming Purple Neon, in addition to contributing shorts for several anthology films.

House of Forbidden Secrets was an OFFICIAL SELECTION at over 88 Film Festivals, played theaters in America and also played at Horror Conventions.  It has been well received by critics and Horror Fans alike and is an homage to the Italian horror movies I loved as a kid.  Dreaming Purple Neon was released at Halloween 2016 and has been playing theaters, Film Festivals and conventions all over the world as well.  The film is still touring before it's BluRay and DVD debuts in America near Halloween 2017.

Bonehill Road is my newest film.  It is an homage to classic monster films like The Howling and An American Werewolf In London.  In some ways, it is a throwback to the films we grew up with... the real horror movies that we all love so much, and in another way it is a modern horror flick that uses old school techniques, including Practical Monster Effects.  NO CGI at all here.  Our goal is to make an exciting, scary monster movie with some really cool werewolves.  Every dime will be put into the monsters.  This whole campaign is ALL about the werewolves.  We have our base Budget and distribution is already in place, we just need extra funds for our creature effects.  If we are lucky enough to go OVER the budget listed here, we will use every dime for more effects and production costs.  No salaries are ever taken by me, the director.  EVERY dime will be put on screen, so the more money we have, the better.  This budget listed was our BARE MINIMUM for extra creature stuff.  But if we go OVER what was listed, that is simply amazing and it will  mean MORE Monsters, MORE special effects, MORE stunts... a bigger and better movie!!!!!


What's in it for you?

Simple.  We need more funds so we can bring a fun, scary old school style monster flick to the screen.  We want to make horror fans proud.  We want to give monster fans a reason to rejoice and we will not stop until this film is seen all over the world by as many people as possible.  With my track record, there is no doubt that people will indeed SEE this film.  It will be promoted in a major way and people will know about this movie.  Your help will not be taken for granted.  So many people feel burned by these crowd funding campaigns.  They contribute to films that never even get finished.  That is NOT the case with me.  I ALWAYS finish any project that I start.   I have NEVER done a crowd funding thing before, but this film is my DREAM PROJECT.  And I want it to be the BEST it can be!!!  And YOU are the KEY to that happening.  Not only will you get some cool perks, but EVERY PERSON who contributes will have full name credit in the end credits of the film.  That's right... EVERY person who contributes will be listed.  Your money is going to help a film made with PASSION, with LOVE and with HEART.  It is made by people who truly LOVE the genre, who are doing this for the RIGHT REASON.  NO ulterior motives.  We just really want to make a great Monster Movie!!!  


In this day and age of paint-by-numbers PG-13 horror, contrived big budget ghost movies done by committee and lame torture horror that has been done over and over… why not give the money you would spend on that nonsense to a true HORROR MOVIE…. instead of wasting it on that lame BluRay, give that 20 bucks to people who really CARE, who REALLY NEED IT and will APPRECIATE your help.


Other Ways You Can Help

Some people just can't contribute, I understand financial harships, but that doesn't mean you can't help:

  • Make some noise about this film and this funding campaign.
  • Please feel free to use all the awesome Indiegogo share tools!
  • If you cannot give money but you do Special Makeup Effects, contribute your skills!!!
  • Are you an artist who has Werewolf parts laying around?  Donate them!!!!  We need several different types of Werewolves!!!  Have a werewolf head that you made?  We'd love to use it for the film!!!  Especially articulated heads with moving jaws and such!

Lets make some Monsters come to LIFE!!!!!

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Choose your Perk


Worldwide Horror Fanatic

$55 USD
Worldwide Horror Fans will get the SPECIAL LIMITED INTERNATIONAL EDITION DVD, BluRay and a full color POSTER! All signed!!!
Included Items
  • DVD Copy of the finished film
  • BluRay of the Film
  • Full Color Signed Poster
Estimated Shipping
October 2017
18 claimed
Ships worldwide.


$20 USD
DVD of the finished film. Signed and numbered. VERY limited. Includes a Full Color signed POSTER as well. Shipped WORLDWIDE.
Included Items
  • DVD Copy of the finished film
  • Full Color Signed Poster
Estimated Shipping
October 2017
127 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Bonehill Road T-Shirt

$25 USD
Full Color T-Shirt for Bonehill Road!!!
Included Items
  • Full Color T-Shirt
Estimated Shipping
October 2017
13 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Old School Horror Fanatic

$28 USD
This is a limited edition VHS release, signed and numbered!!!
Included Items
Estimated Shipping
October 2017
Only 1 left
Ships worldwide.


$33 USD
Signed copy of the Bonehill Road DVD with a signed I WANT YOU Werewolf Poster.
Included Items
  • DVD Copy of the finished film
  • I WANT YOU Werewolf Poster
Estimated Shipping
October 2017
6 out of 10 of claimed
Ships worldwide.


$35 USD
This is the INTERNATIONAL COVER for the film, LIMITED and signed with a signed POSTER.
Included Items
  • BluRay of the Film
  • Full Color Signed Poster
Estimated Shipping
October 2017
52 claimed
Ships worldwide.

True Horror Fan

$45 USD
You will get a signed copy of the DVD and the BluRay!!!
Included Items
  • DVD Copy of the finished film
  • BluRay of the Film
Estimated Shipping
October 2017
4 claimed
Ships to United States of America

Horror BEAST

$75 USD
You will get the SPECIAL LIMITED EDITION versions of the DVD and BluRay, the full color POSTER all signed and an actual USED SCRIPT PAGE signed by members of the CAST and CREW!!!!
Included Items
  • DVD Copy of the finished film
  • BluRay of the Film
  • Full Color Signed Poster
  • Signed SCRIPT PAGE
Estimated Shipping
October 2017
3 out of 30 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Extreme Bundle

$85 USD
A great bundle of Classics and new films from Extreme Entertainment! 4 DVDs total - Violent New Breed, Moonchild, House of Forbidden Secrets and Bonehill Road!!! Also comes with the special Werewolf I WANT YOU poster and microwave popcorn!!!!
Included Items
  • DVD Copy of the finished film
  • Extreme DVD Bundle
  • Microwave Popcorn
  • I WANT YOU Werewolf Poster
Estimated Shipping
October 2017
3 out of 10 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Feed The MONSTER!!!

$100 USD
For true Werewolf fans! You'll get the LIMITED EDITIONS of the DVD, the BluRay, the VHS, the full color POSTER and an actual FILM USED SHOOTING SCRIPT!!! All will be signed by members of the CAST and CREW!!!
Included Items
  • DVD Copy of the finished film
  • BluRay of the Film
  • Full Color Signed Poster
Estimated Shipping
October 2017
11 out of 30 of claimed
Ships worldwide.


$150 USD
The LINNEA QUIGLEY fan package includes a SIGNED DVD and POSTER for the film and a special 8x10 picture - signed by LINNEA QUIGLEY!!! ALL the proceeds from the sale of this item go to help the expenses for LINNEA... including AIRFARE, HOTEL and FOOD for LINNEA.
Included Items
  • DVD Copy of the finished film
  • Full Color Signed Poster
  • Special signed 8x10 of Linnea
Estimated Shipping
October 2017
2 out of 10 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Serious Horror Maniac!

$200 USD
In addition to the LIMITED SPECIAL EDITION versions of the DVD, BluRay and VHS... you will get the full color POSTER, a USED SHOOTING SCRIPT and an actual PROP used in the FILM!!!!
Included Items
  • DVD Copy of the finished film
  • BluRay of the Film
  • Full Color Signed Poster
  • USED PROP from the FILM!!!
Estimated Shipping
October 2017
2 out of 10 of claimed
Ships worldwide.


$250 USD
The VIP treatment! A special VIP seat for the Theatrical World Premiere in October 2017, just in time for Halloween. Also the LIMITED EDITION signed DVD, the signed POSTER, the VERY Limited signed Soundtrack CD and an Associate Producer Credit in the film!!! This includes one night HOTEL stay. This does not include travel expenses.
Included Items
  • DVD Copy of the finished film
  • Full Color Signed Poster
  • Soundtrack CD from the film
  • VIP Theater Premiere Package
Estimated Shipping
October 2017
4 out of 5 of claimed


$335 USD
Help us bring LINNEA QUIGLEY to Bonehill Road! Your contribution will go toward AIRFARE, HOTEL and FOOD for LINNEA. You will get a SPECIAL THANKS and a DVD and Poster SIGNED by LINNEA QUIGLEY!!!!
Included Items
  • DVD Copy of the finished film
  • Full Color Signed Poster
  • Special Thanks Credit in Film
Estimated Shipping
October 2017
0 out of 8 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Monster Lover

$400 USD
For the true Monster fan, you will get the signed DVD, BluRay, Poster, Shooting Script and VHS - AND a signed SCREEN USED part of one of the WEREWOLVES.... this could be a used werewolf hand, head or foot!!!!
Included Items
  • DVD Copy of the finished film
  • BluRay of the Film
  • Full Color Signed Poster
  • Actual Film Used Werewolf Part
Estimated Shipping
October 2017
1 out of 5 of claimed
Ships worldwide.


$500 USD
For the true Lycanthrope! LIMITED EDITION signed versions of the DVD and BluRay. An ASSOCIATE PRODUCER onscreen credit and a SCREEN USED Prop from the film - it will be also be signed!!!
Included Items
  • DVD Copy of the finished film
  • BluRay of the Film
  • USED PROP from the FILM!!!
0 out of 2 of claimed

Serious Collector

$550 USD
For the True Collector, The LIMITED EDITION BluRay and the DVD, both will be signed and numbered. A signed Cast and Crew special poster, an actual SCREEN USED Bloody Prop from the film and an onscreen Associate Producer credit in the film .
Included Items
  • DVD Copy of the finished film
  • BluRay of the Film
  • Bloody Film used Effects Prop
Estimated Shipping
October 2017
0 out of 3 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

The Big Bad WOLF!

$1,000 USD
The ultimate package! You get the RARE LIMITED EDITION Version of the film on VHS, DVD and BluRay signed by the Cast and Crew, the signed Shooting Script, A special Signed CAST and CREW POSTER, a SIGNED MOVIE POSTER, A SCREEN USED WEREWOLF PART, a visit to THE ACTUAL FILM SET during production on the movie and an ASSOCIATE PRODUCER CREDIT!!!!
Included Items
  • DVD Copy of the finished film
  • BluRay of the Film
  • Full Color Signed Poster
  • Actual Film Used Werewolf Part
Estimated Shipping
October 2017
0 out of 2 of claimed
Ships to United States of America
sold out


$29 USD
Estimated Shipping
October 2017
8 out of 8 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
sold out

T-Shirt / DVD Combo

$40 USD
Estimated Shipping
October 2017
10 out of 10 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
sold out

2nd Associate Producer

$275 USD
Estimated Shipping
October 2017
3 out of 3 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
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