Ever felt super overwhelmed with all your tasks? Too much work to get done, with too little motivation to even get started?
Meet Bounty Tasker.
Bounty Tasker is a gamified to-do list that combines powerful productivity features with motivating game elements to help you become productive and stay motivated all-day long.
Bounty Tasker has a clean interface and a simple flow that makes your experience a breeze — everything revolves around completing your real life tasks.
Be warned — if you start slacking, your health might decrease as surviving monsters attack you overnight!
However, don't worry one bit. Keep working on your tasks and in no time, you’ll start killing all the monsters, recover your health, and loot awesome new equipment to increase your power.
Before you even know it, you will become more productive than EVER.
At it's core, Bounty Tasker is a to-do list designed to truly maximize your productivity. Through a highly-praised clean and simple interface, you can access powerful productivity features that will easily help you stay organized.
Personal Taskboard
On your Taskboard, you can list down one-time to-do's, as well as any repeating daily tasks. You can also create checklists for each task to easily keep up with every detail.
All of these will be compiled in your done list once completed, so you'll always get to keep track of your achievements.
P.S. We're working on Weekly and Monthly tasks as well!
Set a time, save, and you'll receive an alert whenever you need to be reminded of something. It's that easy! You'll never miss a thing from now on.
Tags and filters
Create your own personalized, colored tags to organize your Taskboard, and filter through different types of tasks easily. You won't have to worry about cluttered, overwhelming lists anymore.
What people love about Bounty Tasker is the game elements that have truly made a difference in their day-to-day productivity. Almost every game aspect in Bounty Tasker revolves around completing real-life tasks, so there is no distracting, monotonous gameplay activity such as farming and grinding.
Level up in-game, and in real life
In role-playing games, many people find themselves with a natural urge to keep growing stronger and reach for higher levels. Simulating a similar environment and applying this phenomena to our daily productivity essentially means that we can have a genuine desire to be productive and keep moving forward with our tasks!
In Bounty Tasker, all you have to do is complete your tasks to see yourself level up, and in the blink of an eye, you'll actually enjoy being super productive.
Health system that encourages hard work
Your health may be threatened by unfinished dailies and surviving monsters, but fret not — all you have to do is complete tasks to recover your HP and subsequently defeat the monsters!
Dangerous (but cute) monsters
Don't be fooled by their appearances! These monsters will ambush you and attempt to bring down your health overnight. If left surviving for a few days, their accumulated damage can be deadly — but staying productive proves an easy way to defeat them.
Get new loot and grow stronger
To kill monsters efficiently, you need to increase your power rating. That means getting new, awesome, strong items.
Being on your phone, Bounty Tasker is a to-do list you can bring with anywhere, whether it be for your work...
Or when you're doing a grocery run.
Our prototype is currently available on iOS, so you can already try it out. We're targeting to launch on Android by June 2018 with your help, so every dime is appreciated!
In Bounty Tasker, you can find a vibrant collection of pixel art amidst the modern, minimalist user interface. Ranging from the cool characters to the cutesy monsters, the nostalgic art style significantly adds on to the entire experience.
Our roadmap prioritizes user requests and needs, received through prelaunch surveys, App Store reviews, and email feedback. This Indiegogo campaign primarily helps us get to our next major milestone —which is the Android release— and will also help us complete the next few major features in accordance to the planned timeline.
Alongside this Indiegogo campaign, you can head over to crowd.bountytasker.com to participate in our ongoing event.
Simply invite your friends along to unlock the exclusive Wanderer character, get free Elite subscriptions, and behold the grand prize: a free tier upgrade to your Indiegogo perk!
The more contributions we receive, the more features we can build with better speed, but that's not all — it also means more rewards for every single backer like you!
Every stretch goal will unlock a mystery reward or upgrade, so remember to share this with all your friends and get the funding multiplied!
1. Can I try Bounty Tasker already?
Bounty Tasker is already soft-launched on iOS, so feel free to head to the Apple App Store and download it on your iPhone or iPad.
2. What if I'm using Android?
The Android version will be released in 2018, hopefully in June if this Indiegogo goes well! We're super eager to bring Bounty Tasker to Android, and we thank you for waiting patiently with us.
3. How can I claim my perks?
For iOS and Android users alike, you will be granted with a redeem code when the relevant perk is ready. This redeem code will be unique to you, and instructions will be included in an email sent to you when the perk is ready to be claimed.
4. When can I claim my perks?
Each perk's arrival date might be different based on our development schedule, as you can see under each perks' estimated delivery date. We'll definitely work on it as fast as we can to bring it to you. When it is ready, we will send you an email along with your redeem code.
5. Can you add X feature to Bounty Tasker?
We are happy to work on any highly requested features by all users, including you! During development planning, we prioritize features that have a high need or demand. There's still a long way ahead of us with plenty of room and potential to improve the app, so we hope you're as excited as we are.
6. What if the funding goal isn't achieved?
The development speed of Bounty Tasker may end up being at slower pace, but rest assured that the development will still continue regardless. This little passion project is something we want to create to meaningfully enhance and bring fun to your life, so you have our word that we'll keep on working on it.
7. Can't I just cheat my way through Bounty Tasker and get to a high level?
You're accountable for your own productivity, and Bounty Tasker is here to help boost it and keep you on the right track. There's no race here — cheaters who spam task completions simply cheat their own productivity. Being honest to ourselves give us the most benefit.
8. I would like to find out more about Bounty Tasker. Where can I do that?
Visit our website, or our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to check out what we're usually brewing. You can also email us at bountytasker@gmail.com anytime — we'd love to chat!