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BPNVG, Bootleg Panoramic Night Vision Goggles

This will fund a full public release of the BPNVG, as seen on TFB. 100% Open source on gen II.

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BPNVG, Bootleg Panoramic Night Vision Goggles

BPNVG, Bootleg Panoramic Night Vision Goggles

BPNVG, Bootleg Panoramic Night Vision Goggles

BPNVG, Bootleg Panoramic Night Vision Goggles

BPNVG, Bootleg Panoramic Night Vision Goggles

This will fund a full public release of the BPNVG, as seen on TFB. 100% Open source on gen II.

This will fund a full public release of the BPNVG, as seen on TFB. 100% Open source on gen II.

This will fund a full public release of the BPNVG, as seen on TFB. 100% Open source on gen II.

This will fund a full public release of the BPNVG, as seen on TFB. 100% Open source on gen II.

James Stubbins
James Stubbins
James Stubbins
James Stubbins
1 Campaign |
Ayden, United States
$651 USD 22 backers
43% of $1,500 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal


The BPNVG was originally a passion project and natural evolution of the concept of 3d printable night vision equipment. The original gen 1 took off quickly and exhausted small supplies of proprietary components. The gen 2 has had several smaller ieterations and trial runs in closed groups, and it is finally a proven and capable device after a non-trivial amount of modification. The 2nd generation is modular and consists of both a reinforced main housing, and a detachable sensor mount. This allows the unit to be built with a variety of sensors depending on availability or user preference.

The Goal:

The BPNVG still needs small tweaks to be adaptable to alternative and substitute components to remain absolutely future proof, as the global supply chain is an ever changing series of small disasters. Several ieterations of parts have been obsoleted or simply become unavailable and discontinued, and have been successfully replaced with commercially available alternatives. The BPNVG departs from budget oriented digital devices in that it uses a low latency NTSC analog screen and is not merely a repurposed camcorder. There are drawbacks and benefits compared to a traditional photointensifier night vision device, mainly the ability to utilize SWIR that is not visible to current military grade units. 

The Gauranteed:

The BPNVG II is already a functioning device, proven to operate as intended, and capable of being integrated into future releases. Several ieterations and variants have been tested by independent and decentralized hobbyists. The device is proven to be easily assembled by somebody with intermediate experience in electronics. A user who is capable of using a 3d printer is already more than capable of assembling this device. This device has a cost below $1000 USD, including the cost of a 3d printer and materials. The device can be built in several variations, from a single monacle, to binocular, or the namesake quad configuration, depending on the availability of parts, budget, or use. A standalone rifle mounted variant is being developed and is pending recoil testing on its component parts.


This fundraiser is for a product that is already finished, and its goal is to develop a future ieteration as well as recuperate expenses that have already occurred. This fundraiser is for the unit to become open source, and donors are not entitled to exclusive ownership. Rewards for this fundraiser include the CAD files to make this device, and not an assembled device. Assembly and use of this device is not lawful in all countries and jurisdictions. Be aware of local laws. Optionally, donors will be published on the page and provided with the link to all sites the unit is hosted on. Become an acknowledged part of this unconventional devices lineage.

While individual components needed to assemble this device are available commercially and can be sourced all over the world, the finished product is a night vision device, that may be ITAR regulated, and transport out of the country may be regulated. This product is not endorsed in any way by L3, and it is not compatible with the GPNVG-18.


This fundraiser does not have a failure condition. This campaign will use flexible funding, and even if the goal is not met, if it is deemed close enough at my discretion the full and open release of the files will still occurr. 

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Choose your Perk


$1 USD $2 USD (50% off)
The minimum amount. Every small part helps. If everybody who downloaded the device gave only $1, it would still pay for the entire development. but not everybody can or will.
Included Items
  • This is merely a thank you
Estimated Shipping
January 2022
1 claimed

Appreciable donor

$5 USD $10 USD (50% off)
Every two $10 donors afford me a new roll of material for future prints. Imagine how many prototypes could be had with that much.
Included Items
  • This is merely a thank you
Estimated Shipping
January 2022
0 claimed

Double Digit Donor

$10 USD $20 USD (50% off)
Given the overall cost of development, and the incredible value, if an end user truly intends to make a thousand dollar investment in night vision, they are saving money compared to similar devices, and I appreciate their willingness to return a small amount of savings I have afforded them.
Included Items
  • This is merely a thank you
Estimated Shipping
January 2022
9 claimed

The serious hobbyist

$20 USD $30 USD (33% off)
Somebody willing to invest can steer the direction of future projects, compatibility, and make special requests for features.
Included Items
  • prioritized requests
Estimated Shipping
June 2022
3 claimed


$50 USD $100 USD (50% off)
Investors willing to become obsessed with this project have express priority and derivatives requested will be attempted if at all possible, or even theoretically reasonable.
Included Items
  • No1 Priority
Estimated Shipping
June 2022
8 claimed

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