For as long as I can remember “breaking the mold” has been my ambition. I’ve always known that I’m meant to do something different- to somehow stand out and be a leader. Growing up, I developed a deep passion for singing and art and I knew it was something I wanted to share with the world. But I also developed a debilitating fear after experiencing a lot of neglect and abuse in my childhood. When I was 21, I was ready to end my life because I didn’t see any point in living. Somehow God convinced me to stay, but I knew I needed help. I entered into a program called Mercy Ministries for 7 months where I learned how to forgive myself and others who had hurt me. When I graduated the program I felt ready to take on the world! I felt like nothing could stand in my way. I started singing for a band, I got a job, a car, started making art again, and even began my own online store! All the pieces seemed to be coming together.
I started getting letters in the mail and phone calls on a daily basis saying that I owe $12,000 in student loans and the interest was increasing rapidly. When I was 18 I enrolled in two years of college because I thought it was the only option I had. I had no one to help me with school. I didn’t know a thing about higher education. There was no one in my life to tell me that there are other options. No one told me that I could take my time deciding what I want to do with my life. No one told me to chase my dreams. The people in my life made me believe that my dreams were unattainable and college was the only route. And just two years of it put me in a pit.
Now, with direction and my eyes opened, I’ve run head on into this brick wall of financial slum. I remain hopeful and spend every second of my day working. Some days I work until 3AM. On the weekends I work with my band in hopes of getting signed by a label. Every day I receive phone calls from debt collectors demanding my wages. Feeling threatened by the idea of bankruptcy in my twenties (and at any age) is a terrifying thing. It’s very hard to see beyond this time in my life, but the good thing is that I believe there is a “beyond.” I know very well that circumstances are temporary and that there are people out there who are willing to help me get out of this hole. It’s difficult and humbling to open up to the world about my past and ask for help. I want to use this obstacle as a way to promote my music, my art, my business and my belief that anything is possible.
By contributing to this campaign, you will be be helping me pay off college debt. I will be able to keep my laptop and continue working my online store where I sell clothing, shoes, household items, and my art. I’ll also be able to keep my car which allows me to commute on the weekends when my band records or plays shows.
I’m offering several unique and fun perks for contributers! There will be different levels of perks and rewards that include my original paintings and prints of my drawings!
Though there is a chance that I won’t reach my goal of $13,000, all funds will go towards my repayment. I may end up having to sell my car and my laptop. I may have to change my plans again. But no matter what happens, I will find a way to continue making music and art and sharing a message of hope with the world.
There are other ways to help out besides donating. Indiegogo has provided some awesome sharing tools and using them can be a drastic help! So share! Repost! Make some noise! The more people that see this, the better! And in advance, I want to extend my profound gratitude to the people who contribute and help get the word out. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
* How to choose your perk:
1. Decide on which amount you are donating and complete the process.
2. Click on the link below and choose a piece from within your donation price category (i.e. If you donated $10, pick a drawing listed under the $10 category). $5 perks are titled A1 - A5. $10 Perks are titled B1- B15. $15 perks are titled C1-C6. $20 perks are titled D1 - D3. $25 perks are titled E1 - E18. All paintings are the original pieces and have their own titles and own perk listings.
3. Once you have made your donation and decided on your perk, email me telling me which piece you want ( ). Shipping is paid by me! Easy as pie! :D
* Hear my full story:
* Check out my band: