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BrewMapp a smart beer guide!

Find a bar with beers you like by the best price, taste and share your experience. Or find a career!

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BrewMapp a smart beer guide!

BrewMapp a smart beer guide!

BrewMapp a smart beer guide!

BrewMapp a smart beer guide!

BrewMapp a smart beer guide!

Find a bar with beers you like by the best price, taste and share your experience. Or find a career!

Find a bar with beers you like by the best price, taste and share your experience. Or find a career!

Find a bar with beers you like by the best price, taste and share your experience. Or find a career!

Find a bar with beers you like by the best price, taste and share your experience. Or find a career!

Patris Traore
Patris Traore
Patris Traore
Patris Traore
1 Campaign |
Moscow, Russian Federation
$0 USD 0 backers
0% of $63,400 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Hello! We're here with BrewMapp, it’s an application for beer lovers! In a couple of taps you can find a nearest bar, pub or brasserie with your favorite beers by the best price. Need to organize a night out? Add friends and communicate via internal chat. After a good pubcrawl, post your experience, rate and comment bars you visited. If bar is not there, simply add one, same with beers and breweries. Besides, BrewMapp has careers service, beer games and beer news aggregator. Jump right in!

Hello people, this is our first experience in crowdfunding so do not judge us too strictly.

Who we are?

Let me introduce our team. My name is Patrice, my partner's name is Alexey and we are FunLogics. I used to be working as marketing manager in a number of companies and ended-up as a head of marketing department in a beer distribution company, Alexey runs an IT business since 2004, his team helps us with development.

Both of us spent a lot of time working on tasks of different customers, though most of them were completed successfully, we had feeling that we can start our own project, this is how BrewMapp was born!

What we do?

When I started working with beers, I fall in love with the drink… I wanted to know more about it and finally stumbled across name of Michael Jackson (he is also a king but in beer statistics). He was the first author to classify beer styles from different countries. In 70's his works were perfect source of knowledge for budding home-brewers on the verge of craft revolution as well as ordinary beer lovers from all over the world.

Michael’s work inspired me I wanted to spread the knowledge beyond beer professionals and brewers, down to the ground where bars and fun is. That is how BrewMapp was born, it helps people to navigate in a world of beers, bars and breweries and educate one selves as well as share their experience with others.

What‘s new?

We’re doing our best to think big! BrewMapp is quite a complex project, but we believe we have enough guts to succeed, here are few features we already have:

  • BrewMapp Navigator© - helps to find a nearest pub with your favorite beer by the best price.
  • BrewMapp Interactive© - allows you to comment and rate bars, beers and breweries as well as add new ones.
  • BrewMapp Social© - chat with bros from both sides of the bar desk, post your experience, find out latest news.
  • BrewMapp BeerOpedia© - database of beers and breweries where you can learn more about your fav brews.
  • BrewMap Aggregator© - source of latest news and special offers from bars breweries and distributors.
  • BrewMapp Recruting© - looking for a job in a bar, post a resume in your profile and apply, need an employee, post a vacancy. Discuss details online or arrange an off-line meeting.

Nothing special? May be, but It’s all in your pocket in one single app! Simply download it in AppStore and no, Android version is not available yet, actually this is one of the reasons we are here.

Few more things are coming soon with updates:

  • BrewMapp Check-in© - share your experience faster, post, rate, comment, receive awards!
  • BrewMapp Rates© - most active users (these who would be hitting tops in check-ins, comments, adding beers and breweries, posting news with high amount of likes) shall be receiving special awards.
  • BrewMapp Games© - fun beer games with real prizes, sponsored by bars breweries and other professional users.
  • BrewMapp Global© - we’re working on addition of every bar in 46 most beer loving countries.

Why we are here?

We’re developing and perfect BrewMapp for more than two years and our resources start running low, so we decided to ask for your support people.

Our goal is 63 400 USD, it’s an equivalent of 4M rubles. That is two thirds of what we already invested in the project. We plan to spend this money three major purposes.

•             Development of android version, it’s almost there, but we need additional chips to polish it and set it sail.

•             Promotion, we do our best to make beer lovers hear our voice through various methods from personal recommendations at beer fests and meetings with bar owners to SMM and BTL campaigns but profound digital campaigns are quite pricey.

•             Updating and management of our database of beers and bars. BrewMapp concept is quite simple, we provide a platform and users upload data, but management and moderation of a global database takes resources.


We would conduct a couple of private online tastings of interesting beers together with @PUBSMOSCOW one of the most thorough pub, beer and liquor expert blogs. Get your link for donation over 10$

Together with our friends from Tweed & Stout® we prepared stylish t-shirts for these who would contribute over 50$, as well as link to online tasting broadcast.

These who would contribute over 100$ shall receive a personal gratitude post in BrewMapp as well as in all our social accounts and of course all listed above perks!

Nevertheless, any donation would be a great help for us, thank you very much in advance.

It’s all about the money?

Though BrewMapp was born in Russia, but doubtlessly it’s a global project! If you are in Memphis, Malaga, Perth, Nimes, Bruges, Moscow or Reykjavik simply add a bar you love or brews brewed by your neighboring brewery as well as some info about the brewery itself, make a couple of check ins and share a BrewMapp link in your social accounts, this would be a great contribution also!

We are looking for partners globally, so if you know how to support the project, please feel free to contact us.

Let’s share the diversity of beers together!

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk

Online tasting

$10 USD
We will conduct a couple of private online tastings together with @PUBSMOSCOW one of the most thorough pub, beer and liquor expert blogs. We'll share a link with you and arrange time and assortment in advance. So you could prepare and participate, sitting in your favorite armchair sipping interesting beers under guidance of Pubs Moscow author Igor.
Included Items
  • Online tasting
Estimated Shipping
August 2018
0 claimed

Tweed&Stout 4 BrewMapp T-Shirt

$50 USD
A premium quality T-Shirt with exclusive print provided by Tweed&Stout for BrewMapp.
Included Items
  • Tweed&Stout BrewMapp T-Shirt
  • Online tasting
Estimated Shipping
October 2018
0 out of 100 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

A personal gratitude post

$100 USD
We shall post a personal gratitude post to individual or company in BrewMapp as well as in all our social accounts. Additionally all listed above perks such as participation in all online tastings and T&S for Brew Mapp T-Shirt are also included!
Included Items
  • Tweed&Stout BrewMapp T-Shirt
  • Online tasting (2)
  • Personal gratitude
Estimated Shipping
August 2018
0 claimed

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