In early 2017 I was contacted on Facebook by a man named Joel from Monrovia, Liberia. He said that he needed financial assistance and that he was struggling to provide for his family. I didn’t have much money, but I shipped him a low-level consumer camera and asked him to take pictures of the living conditions where he lived. This book is the result of that endeavor. My interactions with Joel were documented in a YouTube series called "Lie-beria" which you can view today.
The book is 8.5" by 5.5" with 16 pages of beautiful photography from all over Liberia. It will sit nicely on your coffee table in your home and will be a topic of conversation for your guests.
Proceeds from this book will go directly to support Joel, his family, and his new business. With your purchase, you will have provided employment and hope to a part of the world where both are hard to find.