I am a singer-songwriter-guitarist-pianist, lover of music, nature and adventure, living in East Sussex, UK. I have been touring, writing and releasing music for over 13 years. This journey has massively shaped and fed me on so many levels and I am immensely grateful to have the gift of music in my life.
I have created this campaign as I feel a wonderful sense of urgency and excitement to record my new songs while they are brimming with life! They feel like living beings and they long to be shared. The time is now. It is a huge amazing process and feels like sailing across an ocean. Once I set sail, there's no going back till I reach the shore.
It feels exciting, vulnerable and courageous. I feel it calling on all of me to see it through and I feel really alive as I think of it.
I am raising £11,000 to make this album. This is the baseline of how much it will cost to record, produce and release this album (there is a more detailed breakdown which you can see further down the page). There is no record label, no middle man. It will be undiluted and uncensored.
My work as a self-employed musician nourishes me in so many ways, but for me to save this amount of money at this stage is difficult. This campaign is in lieu of taking money from a record company. It's such a beautiful and positive way to do it together with people that have been touched by my music, and by people that cherish art in the world. You can pre-order the album before it's made, and so help it be created!
Please choose from the gifts (perks) on the right hand side, or simply donate by clicking the 'back now' box by the video. I have really enjoyed creating these gifts and I am super excited to send them out to you with a brand new shiny album!
I would love to share the amazing recording process with you, so I will be posting photos, videos and sneak peeks to my supporters as it develops.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read and visit my page.
Feel free to support as much or as little as you feel.
I would love to share this musical journey with you!
With so much love in my heart,
Carrie x x
This project will be a colorful tapestry working with beautiful producers, friends and musicians that I have good connections with and am inspired by! I am brain storming with musicians from UK, Australia, New Zealand, USA, Holland and South Africa. I feel a strong pull to other cultures and flavors of music and my vision is to collaborate these influences together into a big melting pot of beauty. (so much can be done across the seas these days, sending music to each other online, or meeting when on tour).
The amount generated will go directly into the making of this album:
- Studio, producer and engineer fees, paying the musicians, musical arrangement, mixing, mastering, artwork, manufacturing the album.
- Credit Card and Indiegogo’s fees, and creating and posting your gifts
- If magically more is raised, it will go towards basic PR & marketing
Any more raised will go towards making a music video to release a single from the album.
£11000 breakdown:
My debut album The Kitchen Table was self-funded and released in 2009. A big percentage of my second album Home to the Invisible was funded on an Indiegogo campaign and released in 2014. With the help of amazing generous people it was a great success and enabled me to gather many of the elements into a studio setting. We poured so much love and energy into it creating a result that I feel really proud of! Due to the ongoing support of friends, fans and family on so many levels, I feel brave enough to reach out to you again.
Regardless of the amount the fundraising campaign will generate, I am committed to completing an album with all my heart and fulfilling any of the gifts ordered. How deeply I can dive into this recording process will depend on the amount made.
If you have any question regarding the music, the gifts or any other issue, please don’t hesitate to email me at: carrietree3@gmail.com
If you are unable to pre-order at this time, there any many other valuable ways you can contribute:
- direct people to my IndieGogo page.
- share the campaign video on your FB page.
- email your friends and family around the world (this system works the best).
- tell your friends directly (sweet word of mouth).
- tell music magazines/websites/blogs/other relevant pro's about my project.
Any energy you give to spreading the word about this vision is such a great help. Thank you! There are easily accessed tools on IndieGogo that will help you share this campaign.
Here goes...I’m setting sail!
I give thanks to my family for sharing the magic of music with me, and to the spirit of music...
May this be a successful joyful journey and bring more love into the world ☀️
Carrie Tree is a known name on the UK alternative acoustic scene and travels through many parts of the world with her music. She plays regularly in Europe, and has toured/collaborated with Damien Rice, Fink, Albert Mazibuko from Ladysmith Black Mambazo, Martha Tilston, Andy Barlow (Lamb).
Carrie has released 2 independent albums with a third on the horizon. She enjoys playing both solo and with a band.
Folk Radio - “It’s worth giving this your proper, undivided attention ... it’s not the devil you’ll find in the details, but a real slice of the divine.”
Carly Simon - 'a phenomenal singer-songwriter' .
“One of the most natural voices you may ever hear” XYZ Magazine