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Cartoonists Rights Network International - CRNI

CRNI defends the creative and human rights of cartoonists under threat throughout the world.

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Cartoonists Rights Network International - CRNI

Cartoonists Rights Network International - CRNI

Cartoonists Rights Network International - CRNI

Cartoonists Rights Network International - CRNI

Cartoonists Rights Network International - CRNI

CRNI defends the creative and human rights of cartoonists under threat throughout the world.

CRNI defends the creative and human rights of cartoonists under threat throughout the world.

CRNI defends the creative and human rights of cartoonists under threat throughout the world.

CRNI defends the creative and human rights of cartoonists under threat throughout the world.

Joanne Conger
Joanne Conger
Joanne Conger
Joanne Conger
2 Campaigns |
Fairfax, United States
$2,120 USD 22 backers
5% of $40,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects

CRNI is on the front lines of free speech.  Ali Farzat's hands were broken by agents of the Syrian government -- for drawing cartoons critical of President Bashar al-Assad.  Majda Shaheen's life and safety were threatened -- for drawing cartoons critical of Palestinian politics.  In many parts of the world, editorial cartoons are the most widely read and remembered opinion pieces in the popular press. As a result, editorial cartoonists like Farzat are frequently the first journalists targeted by extremists, thugs, and tyrants.

For 25 years CRNI has been working with a global network of over 600 cartoonists. CRNI diligently monitors threats and abuses against editorial cartoonists ranging from censorship, fines and penalties, and physical intimidation (including of family members), to assault, imprisonment, disappearance, and execution.

We stand by those at risk, bringing international pressure on their persecutors by mounting campaigns for their just treatment, among the public at large and within the diplomatic community; as well as reaching out to heads of state and ministries, and coordinating joint actions with other organizations that promote free expression.

Nous sommes tous Charlie,  Nous sommes tous Kanika,  Nous sommes tous Rayma,  Nous Sommes tous Mohammad .  To date, our efforts have directly impacted the freedom and well-being of editorial cartoonists in close to 50 countries -- like Kanika Mishra who took on the issue of India’s cultural challenges with rape and violence against women, and herself became a target of threats,  Rayma Suprani in Venezuela who was censored out of a job, Musa Kart in Turkey who faced a decade in prison for a cartoon about his country's president, Mohammad Saba'aneh in Palestine who was imprisoned by Israel and who now faces a government inquiry in his own country because of his cartoons.

CRNI is seeking to raise $40,000 to enhance operations. Since its inception CRNI has operated with a single paid staff and dedicated volunteers. As the needs have grown to assist cartoonists at risk, CRNI must grow with those needs. The funds will be used to expand our work and better utilize social networks and more quickly and effectively respond to cartoonists who are threatened. With that, we can move to increase our support systems and our financial position and establish dedicated efforts to helping those cartoonists most vulnerable and at-risk. 

Please take a look at some of what is offered as our appreciated for your generous contributions.

  • A unique set of cartoon postcards,
  • A new CRNI t-shirt
  • Signed prints  offered by many of the best cartoonists working today.
  • One of a kind original cartoons. Each week we will reveal new originals that can be yours for a contribution of $400 or more. Each original will be signed and personalized by the artist.

Contributing Cartoonists:

Aislin (Montreal Gazette), Nick Anderson (Houston Chronicle), Pat Bagley (SLC Tribune), Barry Blitt (The New Yorker), Matt Bors (The Nib), Steve Brodner (The Nation), Michael de Adder (Artizans),Jeff Danziger (New York Times Syndicate), Matt Davies (New York Newsday), Susan Dewar (Toronto Sun), KAL (The Economist), Bruce Mackinnon (Halifax Chronicle Herald), Dan Murphy (Artizans),, Jack Ohman (Sacramento Bee), Joel Pett (Lexington Herald Leader), Michael Ramirez (Investor's Business Daily), Rob Rogers (Pittsburgh Post Gazette), Jen Sorensen, Ann Telnaes (Washington Post), Tom Tomorrow, Tom Toles (Washington Post),  Signe Wilkinson ( Philadelphia Daily News), Matt Wuerker (Politico), Adam Zyglis (Buffalo News)  


CRNI is a nonpartisan organization. We do not take a position on the political opinions of cartoonists.  We advocate for the free exchange of ideas, for the rights of each individual to have and to express opinions, and for the public’s right to access the work of these courageous, committed, and gifted journalists and artists.

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Choose your Perk

Gratitude and Good "Cartma"

$25 USD
Our deepest gratitude for supporting our essential work. Please note: If you commit to a monthly contribution for 1 year, your total will allow for the selection of a cost-equal perk. Please contact Joanne Conger at
4 claimed

Freedom of Speech Postcard Set

$50 USD
5 post cards featuring cartoons celebrating freedom of speech. Images are by: Jeff Danziger, Ann Telnaes, KAL, Matt Wuerker and Signe Wilkinson. SEE GALLERY FOR IMAGE
Estimated Shipping
April 2015
3 claimed


$75 USD
Designed by Matt Wuerker, Pulitzer Prize winning cartoonist from Politico. These t-shirts have our new logo and will be ordered for size. (Please note: we can only ship within the US unless otherwise arranged. Extra shipping fees may apply.)
Estimated Shipping
April 2015
6 out of 200 of claimed

Cartoon Print Signed by Artist

$200 USD
Select an image from one of the best political cartoonists working today Signed by the cartoonist. Tom Tomorrow, Aislin (Montreal Gazette), Susan Dewar (Toronto Sun), Steve Brodner, Pat Bagley (SLC Tribune), Nick Anderson (Houston Chronicle), Michael Ramirez (Investor's Business Daily), Dan Murphy (Artizans), Michael de Adder (Artizans), Matt Bors (The Nib), Barry Blitt (New Yorker), Rob Rogers (Pittsburgh Post Gazette ), Jen Sorensen, Signe Wilkinson (Philly News) SEE GALLERY FOR IMAGES
Estimated Shipping
April 2015
1 out of 25 of claimed

Original cartoon by Joel Pett

$400 USD
Hand drawn original cartoon by Joel Pett. Joel is an American Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial cartoonist for the Lexington Herald-Leader. SEE GALLERY FOR IMAGE OR PASTE THIS LINK IN YOUR BOWSER
Estimated Shipping
April 2015
0 out of 1 of claimed

Original KAL cartoon

$400 USD
One of a kind hand drawn original cartoon donated by KAL. Kevin Kallaugher is the winner of this year's Herblock Prize. (KAL) is the editorial cartoonist for The Economist magazine of London and The Baltimore Sun. SEE GALLERY FOR IMAGE OR PASTE THIS LINK INTO YOUR BROWSER
Estimated Shipping
April 2015
0 out of 1 of claimed

Tom Toles original cartoon

$400 USD
One of a kind hand drawn original cartoon donated by Tom Toles. Toles is the Pulitzer prize winning cartoonist for the Washington Post. SEE IMAGE IN GALLERY OR PASTE THIS LINK IN YOUR BROWSER
Estimated Shipping
April 2015
0 out of 1 of claimed

Orignal Matt Davies cartoon

$400 USD
One of a kind hand drawn original cartoon donated by Matt Davies. Matt Davies has won numerous cartoon awards including a Pulitzer and the Herblock Prize. He is currently the staff cartoonist for New York's Newsday. SEE GALLERY FOR IMAGE OR PASTE THIS LINK IN YOUR BROWSER
Estimated Shipping
April 2015
0 out of 1 of claimed

Original Jack Ohman cartoon

$400 USD
Jack Ohman is the staff cartoonist for the Sacramento Bee and syndicated in over 300 papers around the country by Tribune. SEE GALLERY FOR IMAGE OR PASTE THIS LINK INTO YOUR BROWSER
Estimated Shipping
April 2015
0 out of 1 of claimed

Ann Telnaes original cartoon

$400 USD
Ann Telnaes is the Pulitzer Prize winning cartoonist who works for the Washington Post. SEE GALLERY FOR IMAGE OR PASTE THIS LINK INTO YOUR BROWSER
Estimated Shipping
April 2015
0 out of 1 of claimed

Original Bruce MacKinnon

$400 USD
One of a kind hand drawn original cartoon donated by Canada's Bruce MacKinnon, the award winning cartoonist for the Halifax Chronicle Herald SEE GALLERY FOR IMAGE OR PASTE THIS LINK INTO BROWSER
Estimated Shipping
April 2015
0 out of 1 of claimed

Adam Zyglis original cartoon

$400 USD
Adam Zyglis is the award winning cartoonist for the Buffalo News SEE GALLERY FOR IMAGE OR PASTE THIS LINK IN YOUR BROWSER
Estimated Shipping
April 2015
0 out of 1 of claimed

Original cartoon by M. Wuerker

$400 USD
One of a kind hand drawn original cartoon donated by Matt Wuerker. Wuerker is the award winning cartoonist for Politico in Washington DC. SEE GALLERY FOR IMAGE OR PASTE THIS LINK INTO YOUR BROWSER
Estimated Shipping
April 2015
0 out of 1 of claimed
sold out

Original Jeff Danziger Cartoon

$400 USD
Estimated Shipping
April 2015
1 out of 1 of claimed
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