$650 - UNLOCKED - Free PDF of The Shrine of St. Aleena by Pete Spahn, Published by Small Niche Games
$750 - UNLOCKED - Free PDF of The Chronicles of Amherth by Pete Spahn, Published by Small Niche Games
$850 - UNLOCKED - Free PDF of Ghoul Keep & The Ghoul Lands by Pete Spahn, Published by Small Niche Games
$950 - UNLOCKED - Spell Appendix - The Class Compendium will feature an extra Appendix which will include all of the Advanced Edition Companion spells used by classes featured in the Compendium, for ease of reference.
$1000 - UNLOCKED - Extra Classes - At $1000, we'll add an additional class to the Class Compendium, and for each additional $250 dollars over that, we'll add another!
$1250 - ISBN - At $1250 we'll purchase an ISBN, so the Class Compendium can be available in hardcover in major retails across the country! Even if they don't have it in stock, with an ISBN, you'll be able to order it from major retailers and hobby shops everywhere!
$1500 - NPC Generator - At $1500 we'll include an extra appendix which will include a collection of charts to quickly and easily generate NPCs using the classes featured in the Class Compendium. A few rolls of the dice and you've got an instant NPC that goes beyond the core classes of Labyrinth Lord.
UPDATE: $750 Stretch Reward Revealed: Chronicles of Amherth PDF!
All backers of the Torch Bearer ($5) or more will now have a PDF copy of The Chronicles of Amherth added to their rewards. This original setting for Labyrinth Lord is the perfect companion to The Shrine of St. Aleena and the Class Compendium. You've got all classes, a campaign world and an adventure ready to go! Thanks again to Pete Spahn and Small Niche Games for their wonderful support.
UPDATE: $650 Stretch Reward Revealed: The Shrine of St. Aleena PDF!
All backers of the Torch Bearer ($5) or more will now have a PDF copy of
The Shrine of St. Aleena added to their rewards. This Labyrinth Lord adventure for characters of 1st to 3rd level is the perfect opportunity to start a new campaign with all the new class options you'll have from your
Class Compendium! Special thanks to Pete Spahn and
Small Niche Games for their wonderful support.
UPDATE: Stretch Rewards!
Well just because we've made our goal, doesn't mean the fun has to end! Thanks to Small Niche Games, we're going to be offering extra rewards to any of our backers who have supported at the Torch Bearer level or higher, with more rewards to be unlocked as the funding goes higher! Rewards ill be announced at $650, $750, and $1000!
And we're funded!!!!!!! So with that, let's reveal the final Class Compendium exclusive class: The Thopian Gnome. He's a devilishly charming little guy, inspired by and released with permission from Lesser Gnome, the Thopian Gnome is based on their iconic mascot! Part magic-user, part charming schemer, all gnome!
are diminutive creatures, typically standing around three feet tall
with sharp features and long noses. They regularly sport long white
beards and merry smiles. The Thopian gnome is a rare subrace of these
creatures which is said to come from a distant realm in a hidden
vale. It is believed that they are all descended from a single
progenitor – a nefarious, yet highly virile gnome whose is said to
be have a skilled silver tongue and a gift for all manner of vile
WE'RE FUNDED!!!!!!!!!!
Wow! We shot right past $500 and are just $25 dollars from our goal! That means the reveal of another original class for Labyrinth Lord and other old-school fantasy role-playing games for The Class Compendium: The Lucky Fool!
It is said that halflings are born lucky and none exemplify this more than the Lucky Fool. Choosing to go off on an adventure on a whim, they have no real gifts or talents beyond their uncanny luck. Things always seem to turn out for the best for the Lucky Fool, no matter how bleak they seem. This uncanny trait makes them valuable, if often reckless additions to any adventuring party who some how accomplish the impossible through sheer chance!
This full 8-level class is for Labyrinth Lord and other old-school fantasy role-playing games. Art by Jeff Freels.
We've soared past the $450 mark and are well on our way to $500! As promised here's a tease from the Class Compendium! A new, never before seen class exclusive to this product: The Raging Slayer!
all dwarves have a natural knack for combat, there are some of the
bearded folk who are born with a special lust for battle. Whether
they are blessed (or cursed) by the dwarvish gods of war, none can
say. They sing and slay in equal measure, wandering the land in
search of terrifying beasts that might fall beneath their axe,
pausing only long enough to drink themselves into a stupor at a
roadside tavern. They are called raging slayers and their craving for
war cannot be slaked.
This is a full 12-level class is for Labyrinth Lord and other old-school fantasy role-playing games. Art by Maciej Zagorski of The Forge Studios.
One of the fathers of OSR gaming will be contributing to the Class Compendium by penning the introduction! Daniel Proctor, founder of Goblinoid Games and author of Labyrinth Lord, will offer a few words in the opening pages of the Class Compendium!
In addition to writing Labyrinth Lord and the Advanced Edition Companion, Mr. Proctor has also written Cryptworld, Starships & Spacemen (2nd Edition), Rotworld, Realms of Crawling Chaos, GORE, as well as co-authoring Mutant Future!
More information on all the products available from Goblinoid Games can be found at!
We've reached $400.00 in just three days! To celebrate, I'm revealing the full-color wrap around cover for Class Compendium, with art by intrudstry veteran Eric Lofgren! Mr. Lofgren has contributed artwork to countless major publishers in the role-playing game industry including Alderac Entertainment Group, Fantasy Flight Games, Goodman Games, Green Ronin Publishing, Necromancer Games, Paizo Publishing, Steve Jackson Games, West End Games and White Wolf Publishing just to name a few!
So without further delay...
Front Cover:
Back Cover:
Short Summary
My name is James M. Spahn and I am the one-man show that is Barrel Rider Games. In addition to publishing over seventy PDF products for Labyrinth Lord, OSRIC and Swords & Wizardry I have also done freelance writing for Cubicle 7 Entertainment and regular contributions to Small Niche Games' Brave the Labyrinth magazine.
I've been playing table-top RPGs for over 25 years and Barrel Rider Games has been in business three years. In that time BRG has produced over 75 products, several of which have reached the top five on RPGNow's Hottest Sellers list. These include Sleepy Hollow, Buccaneers & Bilge Rats, Frozen Fortress of the Winter Warlord and Player's Companion.
This campaign is being launched to raise money to purchase the necessary equipment to publish the first major print product from Barrel Rider Games - the Class Compendium. The Class Compendium will be a compilation of fifty classes for use with Labyrinth Lord and other OSR games that were previously only available as PDFs. It will have a full color hardcover and feature black and white art through out its interior.
The Class Compendium was already well into production when the computer used to develop products for Barrel Rider Games began a rapid decline. It's only a matter of time before the poor, over-worked machine finally gives up the ghost and brings the future of Barrel Rider Games to a halt. To that end, I'm turning to the OSR community and internet at large to not only help me bring the Class Compendium to life, but also ensure the future of BRG for years to come through this Indiegogo campaign.
Where Your Money Goes
Because Class Compendium will be printed through One Bookshelf's Print-on-Demand service, the cost of production is kept to a minimum. Listed below is a break down of where the funds go.
- Hardware and Software to Produce the Book: $300
- Art, Editing & Layout: $200
- Incidentals & Buffer Money: $50
Risks & Challenges
Because of the nature of how the Class Compendium will be produced and the nature of Print-on-Demand products, there is very little risk involved. I'm giving myself an ample amount of time to prepare and develop the Class Compendium. Still, no project is fool proof. Delays can happen.
In the unlikely event that delays occur, supporters will be kept up to date on a weekly basis. Communication is key. All supporters who receive PDF perks and at-cost rewards will be contacted via e-mail when the campaign has ended. PDFs will be made available within two weeks of the campaign ending and at cost print-on-demand products will be available as soon as the product proofs are approved.
Other Ways You Can Help
Share the love! Tell everyone how awesome Barrel Rider Games and OSR gaming really is! Social media is the driving force of crowd funded projects so don't be afraid to spread the word!