Edit: Minimum Goal Reached!
Incredibly, we have reached the minimum 10,000$ the moders said would be nice. We are going to add stretch goals to see if we can reach the 50,000$ which they said a normal team would be paid for a mod like this. This will include trying to get the mod localized for South American and Chinese communities!
A Simple Goal:
Valve, for a variety of reasons, would have a very hard time making a tutorial for the release of the new Netflix Dota 2 anime. Assuming that there will be an influx of new players brought in from the anime's release, we have banded together as a community to create a tutorial for these new players in the form of a custom game.
This indigogo exists soley to fund this project, and pay the team. We have only 1 month to create this game, and they will need to be working full time on it to make it a success!
What We Hope to Achieve
The custom game mode will exist as a resource for new players entering Dota via the Netflix Anime. Our main goal is to get them used to the game, learn its mechanics, and prepare them for their first bot match.
Furthermore, we can do what Valve cannot: directly link community resources like discords, content creators, and guide websites to the players so that they may start on a more advanced journey to learn Dota 2.
Understanding Our Limitations
We are not setting out to make "the official tutorial for the game". Our custom game will be affected by the same issues all custom games are, such as breaking as soon as there is a major update (Icefrog removes outposts, and our game has a outpost guide). WE WILL NOT BE UPDATING OR MAINTAINING this tutorial, unless we have some sort of insane fund raising here. Our goal is simple: make a tutorial for the current patch, with the current map, talking about current mechanics, at the time of the release of the netflix show to help first time players.
Furthermore, there is currently a 30 game limit on custom games (you must play 30 regular games of dota before accessing custom games). This being a first time players guide, we hope to sway Valve to change this. However, we have no power over Valve, so should they choose to not change this rule we are at their mercy.
How You Can Help
Many Dota community members have offered to help or be part of the project! Here is how:
- donating to the indigogo to fund the mod makers and team will be a huge help, as the team will need to spend their full time to make our insane deadline
- at certain levels, donating will allow you to see our scripts and gain access to the direct info. we would love feedback on those scripts and how we could improve!
- donators will also be able to suggest community members to be included in the mod, for review. we will add these resources in for new players.
- supporting the mod efforts by sharing the update blogs, playtesting the mod, and spreading the word!
- help us get the 30 day limit removed by voicing your support!