Each year World Martial Arts Center has a summer camp for young martial artists. Our camp is unique because in addition to the physical training, we emphasize life training with daily programs like Basics of Money Management, Typing, and Healthy Eating. We also keep them creatively involved with Music Composition, and Short Filmmaking.
Every summer, we open our doors to families and give them the opportunity to have their children actively engaged in strengthening their minds, self esteem, awareness of their world, and to take quantum leaps in their martial arts skill and personal development. An important component in our summer camp program is our scholarships given to families who are struggling financially.
This year, we find we have more families than any other year who need help with the summer camp fees. When we added everything up, we found we couldn’t provide for these families, while at the same time purchase the supplies we want for the program.
This is where your help saves the day. If we can raise $10,000, we will be able to purchase Ipads/computers so that each student can have their own work station and be able to save and track their progress. This is a big dream for us that was born from past years when we’ve only had a few computers, each of them functioning at different capacities, for a bunch of students vying for their turn!
We want to do better! Please help us make our summer camp even better for our WMAC kids.