Confederate Monster Issues 1-3 EXCLUSIVE FIRST PRINTING
The world of Frankenstein meets the Civil War inside the pages of Confederate Monster! I'm Dave Swartz, creator of ATLAS:Origins, Feast or Famine, and NOW Confederate Monster, another chapter in the classic Frankenstein tale.
My goal with this campaign is to print the first 3 issues, along with some other EXCLUSIVE perks. Including prints, commissions, tees, hats, stickers, coasters, and tons more!
What is this story about?
If Frankenstein meets the Civil War wasn't enough to grab your attention, here's a brief breakdown of the story...
In the final months of the American Civil war, a secret Confederate Plot is unfolding. Desperate to turn the tide toward their favor, the Confederates have pursued a ghastly ghost story as a last resort. A horrific tale about a mad scientist who is believed to have brought a hideous dead monster back to life! Strangely enough, this foreign fairy tale has proved to be much more fact than fiction.
As the rebels put their final plans into action, a reconstructive surgeon named Dr. Daniel Schmidt rebuilds their broken soldiers. All the while living with bone chilling secrets of his own. For all his charm and brilliance, Daniel hides a monstrous past. Many years ago in a different life, He was none other than the lab assistant to the very same mad scientist the Confederates now seek, Dr. Victor Frankenstein!
This story has everything that made you fall in love with the original Frankenstein story. PLUS, some new twists, and shocking revelations about these beloved literary characters.
The campaign has hit it's initial goal, so you know what that means... STRETCH PERKS!!! These perks are going to work a little differently than other campaigns. I wanted to combine the idea of Stretch Perks, with Add-On Perks. So with that in mind, backers who have pledged certain amounts will receive these Stretch Perks for FREE!!! While they will still be available to add-on for those who don't want to pledge at a higher tier.
And I'm happy to say ALL Stretch Perks have been UNLOCKED!!!
Here is a full break down of the Stretch Goal Perks...
For this campaign I'm bring all the classic perks, Sticker, T-Shirt, Hat, Prints, etc. BUT I didn't want to just stop there! I'm also including some HAND MADE perks as well! Along with the books, you can also get...
- Black & White Prints, on Aged Paper
- A western-style WANTED Poster for the Monster
- A retro-style Comic Cover Print
PLUS a few Stretch Goal ideas I don't want to reveal just yet!
See below for a FULL PERK GALLERY!
Cast of Classic Characters
ALL your favorite Frankenstein characters make an appearance in the story. Some may look a little different than you remember, but it's all in service to my vision. Check out a quick look at who you can expect to see...
Dr. Daniel Schmidt (IGOR)
Our main character goes by the name Dr. Daniel Schmidt, but it is merely a disguise. He is in fact Igor, the assistant to the infamous Dr. Frankenstein. After he helped the mad doctor raise a body from the dead, he used a secret identity, and some hidden resources of Victor's, to travel to America. He creates a new life for himself as a Reconstructive Surgeon living in Virginia. My version of Igor is much smarter, charming and more cunning than the original. A true protege to Victor Frankenstein.
Victor Frankenstein
After his un-dead monster got loose and ravaged the towns people, Victor was thrown into an Asylum, where he has spent the past 8 years. It has left his mind broken, and his body ravaged by insanity. He is a shell of his former self when we first meet him. However, he has been planning for this moment the entire time.
The Monster
Probably the most recognizable as the classic version of the character. Yet, at the same time his story is very different than anything that has come before. PLUS my version is more of a cowboy, outlaw than a mindless beast. However, his new found intelligence does not inhibit his ability to kick some major butt!
The Bride
My version of the Bride is reminiscent of the original, but I take elements of the Monster's Bride, and Victor's Bride, and mixed them together. Creating a NEW character, but one who also kicks some major butt too!
The story also includes historical figures such as General Nathan Bedford Forrest, General Stonewall Jackson, General Robert E Lee, and of course Abraham Lincoln himself for good measure!
A Closer Look....
Let's take a closer look at some of the pages from the story...
That's it for now. Don't want to give too much away. If you CAN'T WAIT and need to see more, AND gain access to a SECRET PERK for the campaign - CLICK HERE to subscribe to my Patreon, and unlock ALL the finished artwork, including lettering!
Risks & Challenges
The artwork for these three books is nearly complete, and I expect to be done before the campaign ends. The only real challenge will be make sure we hit the goal to be able to afford everything. However, if we exceed our goal, I will be able to add more perks, and a possible short Epilogue comic!