Corona Blossom
the team that brought you the award-winning Grisaia series, and most recently,
ISLAND, comes a brand-new visual novel!
& Publisher: Frontwing (
First, we’d like to make big reveal: all versions of the game will contain both English and Japanese text, with Japanese voices! Everybody will be able to enjoy the same gaming experience, whether you live in Japan or not!
The all-ages version of Corona Blossom Vol. 1 is scheduled to hit Steam
July 29th for a mere $10!
ages?!" you say?
fans, fear not - an 18+ patch, removing censorship and adding adult scenes,
will be available at launch for an extra $10.
These prices are subject to change.
The physical copy version of the game includes 18+ content by default, and is currently slated for release in August at a price point of ¥2000 (plus tax) in DVD-ROM format. This will be sold at select stores in Japan, and for anyone living outside of Japan, the physical copy is available as a reward on Indiegogo.
Steam版18禁パッチ(動作にはCorona Blossom本体が必要となります)は2016/7/29配信予定。価格は10ドル(予価)。
主題歌を歌って下さっている桃井はるこさんから「Corona Blossom」の応援コメントを頂きました。
Meet Keiji Osaki: a young man who hates dealing with machines, despite being very skilled at working with them. That's just the kind of guy he is.
After failing his college entrance exams, he begins helping out at his grandfather's workshop, which specializes in repairing VORKS, heavy-duty industrial robots. For a while, he enjoyed a quiet life in the countryside, doted on by the workshop's regular patrons.
One day, however, his life suddenly takes a turn for the strange, when he encounters a metallic lifeform attached to a meteorite that fell from the sky.
To make things even more complicated, the organism he rescues takes the form of a forgotten girl from his past.
This is how his life with the metallic organism known as R-ne begins. But after a while, R-ne learns how to speak, and tells Keiji that she wants to go back to her home planet.
Moved by her words, he sets his mind on sending her back into space, no matter what.
This may prove difficult, though, when a female space pirate - also known as a rare metal hunter - appears out of nowhere, and gets in his way.
Caught up in this whirlwind, will Keiji and his friends be able to send R-ne safely back to her homeland?
Voice: Hana Akino
A metallic life form that attached itself to a meteorite.
In her original state, she resembles a large droplet of liquid metal.
After coming into physical contact with Keiji, however, she adopts the form of a human girl by default.
She can return to her 'slime' form if it's just for a few minutes, and she can even shapeshift to imitate the things around her.
Like a baby duck, R-ne imprints on Keiji the moment they meet, and is thereafter always by his side.
She sits on his lap and sleeps next to him whenever she gets the chance.
Able to develop communication skills in just a few days, she demonstrates a frightening capacity to learn.
While she doesn't feel "emotions" yet, they seem to show signs of awakening...
CV:秋野 花
■Shino Akune
Yukina Fujimori
Has been
like an older sister to Keiji since they were children. She's the daughter of
the owner of Tatsumi Baths.
She's been
helping her family out since she graduated from college, and has an honest and
doting personality.
and eager to help, she gets along with everyone straight away; Keiji calls her
a "Communication Demon."
She seems to
have a brother complex, but denies it outright.
She's a
spirited, yet maternal, type of girl. Her reliability is often on show,
especially when she gives her friends romantic advice.
this, she's bad at dealing with matters of the heart, and she goes bright red
when her love life's in the spotlight.
Having known Keiji since
childhood, she's one of the few who know about his secret past.
■阿久根 志乃
Voice: Mao
girl at Inui Baths. She's the same age as Keiji.
She has a
cheerful disposition and boundless positivity.
Her one
flaw: her personality does a 180 when she's piloting a robot.
She's a
mecha athlete, who's even appeared in national tournaments.
She'd been
thought of as the hope of the Mecha sporting world, but had to go on hiatus
after sustaining an injury during a match. She's currently helping out at her
cousins' place, Inui Baths, and recovering through physiotherapy.
Kumiko has
known Keiji for a few years, and decided to work as his assistant at the
workshop to get more hands-on experience with work mechs.
thinking of making her big comeback in the world of combat mechs someday.
She's also searching for
a "place she can return to."
■霧島 茱萸子
景次と同い年。銭湯『いぬい湯』の居候 兼 看板娘。
Lucalusa Shamony
Voice: Mia
A lively
space pirate.
She brought
her crew to Earth in a whale-shaped stealth ship.
Upon her
arrival, however, an important part of the ship gets destroyed.
worrying about what to do, she decides that earning money as a maid would be
the best option, since she wouldn't have to hide her cat ears.
She dons a
maid outfit as her space pirate uniform, and she is equally adept in both
She loves her big
sister, but acts like she doesn't in front of others.
Mariette Panini
Voice: Ryoko
Space pirate
Lily's cool, sharp-tongued subordinate.
She hates
trouble, but loves seeing Lily in a frenzy.
It's Yunie
who suggests to Lily that they should run a maid caf?.
As Lily's
aide, she is entrusted with everything related to their piratical enterprise.
She loves
Japanese otaku culture.
However, she
also loves tinkering with machines; she even gave the spaceship's engine a
name, "Mignon."
If someone dares to put
her beloved Mignon or her underling robots in danger, she'll fly into a burning
■Kanade Hioki
Voice: Minori
A friendly
lady who dotes on Keiji.
As a
counselor, she takes care of him whenever something happens.
Kanade also
has a more playful side: she makes passes at Keiji because she thinks it's fun
to make Shino jealous.
She is
cheerful, sensitive, and a good listener.
Although she
has a gentle demeanor when in company, she also displays her cold side when
she's alone.
She loves
alcohol, and tries to drink at every possible occasion.
She also enjoys big
get-togethers with everyone, since she gets a little lonely.
■日置 奏
An accomplished art director
who has worked on a number of popular anime, including the critically-acclaimed
Puella Magi Madoka Magica and TRIGGER's smash hit KILL la KILL.
【Mechanical Design】
◆Hiroyuki Taiga
Throughout his long career,
Hiroyuki Taiga's mechanical designs have featured heavily in
shows ranging from the recent Symphogear G series to the classic Transformers
anime Beast Wars II.
アニメのメカデザイナー。 『戦姫絶唱シンフォギアG』、『ビーストウォーズII 超生命体トランスフォーマー』等を代表作に持つ。
■nanaca mai (Character Design/Art)
"Nice to meet you, I'm nanaca
I love girls with both pigtails and high side ponytails, so I try to put one of each in every game I design
characters for!
Since we're keeping a
worldwide audience in mind for this title, I decided to go big on braless
characters★ (You like the commando
style, right? Right?! I know I do!)
"So keep an eye out for
who's wearing underwear and who isn't! That's one of the game's main
selling points for me! We hope you enjoy
Corona Blossom, from the bottom of our dirty hearts~!!"
■Yuhi Nanao (Story)
"I'll be handling the writing
for this title. I'm a fan of blue-eyed, busty blondes. I come up with moe lines while fighting
snakes deep in the mountains. If I order
a pizza, you can bet I'm going large.
Gaining weight is a big
no-no, but in order to create text worthy of delivering unto the world, I need
a lot of energy. In other words,
calories. So I always make sure to enjoy
a hearty meal before I channel my power into the keyboard. And when that meal is pizza, it really is
large or nothing.
Aren't aliens scary? They invade us, kidnap people, then don
reptile-skin disguises and act friendly, but continue their treacherous deeds
behind the scenes. That being said, the
aliens in this project are a little different.
I hope you'll enjoy getting to know our cute (though a little ditzy)
outer-space friends."
■Hantenboshi (Director)
"Allow me to introduce myself,
I'm the director of this project, Hantenboshi.
When I got a look at the
plans for this title, my interest was immediately piqued, and I knew I wanted
to work on it. A band of fiendish space
pirates, all in cute maid outfits and sporting cat ears? Sign me up! The way R-ne gets returned home to outer space in particular had my eyes
popping (but it's still a secret!). I
love this project so much I'd even dare to call myself its number-one
fan. The staff and I are giving our
all to make sure you can meet our E-mote powered ladies as soon as possible,
and we appreciate all of your support!"
■Haruko Momoi (Vocalist)
"Hi everyone, I'm Haruko
Momoi, or just Momo-i for short.
I'll be providing the theme
song for Corona Blossom, called "Happy!Corona Blossom"!
I made sure to include a lot
of the essential "game opening" elements in the theme song.
Hopefully it'll make you
think, "Now this is an opening theme!"
That being said, I also tried
out a few new things.
This is the first time I've
used a Japanese-style melody for the hook.
Personally, I really enjoy
the song, and find it really invigorating, so I'm itching to perform it live!
I hope
you'll enjoy it!"
今回は日本国内にとどまらず、海外ユーザーさんも視野に入れての作品ということなので、ノーブラキャラを多めにしてみました★(ノーブラノーパン好きですよね! 好きですよね! わたしは好きです!)
というわけでわたし的ゲームの見所は、ノーパンノーブラキャラと下着付けてるキャラを見分けてね! みたいなそんなあれです! 制作者のフェチ心が存分に詰まったコロナブロッサム、どうぞよろしくおねがいします~!!
この作品の企画を見たとき、「これは面白い!」「是非作りたい!」と思いました。凶悪な宇宙海賊が全員可愛いメイド服を着てネコ耳を生やしているなんて、スゴイ設定でしょう? アルネを宇宙に帰すアイデアも目が飛び出るほど驚きました(まだ秘密ですが!)。私が本作の一番のファンだと言いたいくらい、この作品が大好きです。E-moteで動く彼女たちと1日でも早く会えるよう、実力のあるスタッフ達と共に制作頑張りますので、応援宜しくお願いします!
この度Corona Blossomの主題歌を制作・歌唱させて頂くことになりました。
タイトルは「Happy!Corona Blossom」です!
Producer: Ryuichiro Yamakawa
Art/Character Design: nanaca mai
Super-Deformed Character Art: nanaca mai
Story: Yuhi Nanao
Art Director: Yuji Kaneko
Mechanical Design: Hiroyuki Taiga
Opening Theme: "Happy! Corona Blossom" by Haruko Momoi
Ending Theme: "Be Myself" by Ayumi. (Astilbe×arendsii)
BGM Production: Fuminori Matsumoto
・OPテーマ:『Happy! Corona Blossom』 桃井はるこ
・EDテーマ:『Be Myself』 Ayumi. (Astilbe×arendsii)
【System Requirements】
Operating System: Windows Vista 7/8.1/10
Platform: Steam; DVD-ROM
Genre: Visual Novel
Rating/Steam: All Ages (18+ patch sold separately); DVD-ROM: 18+
Release: Summer 2016
Price: Steam: 10$/DVD-ROM:2000yen (plus tax)
Developer: Frontwing
Copyright: Frontwing
Product No. [Vol.1: FWS-00071][Vol.2: FWS-00072][Vol.3: FWS-00073]
Languages: English/Japanese
Features the e-mote system
対応OS/ Windows Vista・7・8.1・10
メディア/ Steam、DVD-ROM(予定)
ジャンル/ ビジュアルノベルアドベンチャー
対象/ Steam版:全年齢・パッケージ版:18禁
発売日/ 2016年夏発売予定
価格/ steam版:$10、パッケージ版:2000円
ブランド/ フロントウイング
コピーライト / Frontwing
型番/vol.1・FWS-00071/vol.2 ・FWS-00072/vol.3 ・FWS-00073
$7 or more: [Basic]
・Receive a Steam key for the digital copy of the game!
・ゲームのダウンロードキー(Steam key)
$15 or more: [Standard]
・Receive a Steam key for the digital copy of the game!
・Receive a code to download the 18+ patch.
・ゲームのダウンロードキー(Steam key)
$25 or more: [Previous Perk+Digital OST]
・Receive a Steam key for the digital copy of the game!
・Receive a code to download the 18+ patch.
・Get the official soundtrack in digital format.
・ゲームのダウンロードキー(Steam key)
$35 or more: [Standard + Artbook]
・Receive a Steam key for the digital copy of the game!
・Receive a code to download the 18+ patch.
・Receive an artbook.
・ゲームのダウンロードキー(Steam key)
$40 or more: [Previous Perk+Game]
・Receive a Steam key for the digital copy of the game!
・Receive a code to download the 18+ patch.
・Get the official soundtrack in digital format.
・Receive a physical copy of the game (Windows) in a plastic game case.
・ゲームのダウンロードキー(Steam key)
・トールケース版パッケージ(English & Japanese)
$45 or more: [Standard + Artbook + Digital OST]
・Receive a Steam key for the digital copy of the game!
・Receive a code to download the 18+ patch.
・Get the official soundtrack in digital format.
・Receive an artbook.
・ゲームのダウンロードキー(Steam key)
$50 or more: [Game Set+Shikishi]
・Receive a Steam key for the digital copy of the game!
・Receive a code to download the 18+ patch.
・Get the official soundtrack in digital format.
・Receive a physical copy of the game (Windows) in a plastic game case.
・Receive a black and white printed shikishi (Indiegogo and JP Shop exclusive).
・ゲームのダウンロードキー(Steam key)
$60 or more: [Artbook+Game Set]
・Receive a Steam key for the digital copy of the game!
・Receive a code to download the 18+ patch.
・Get the official soundtrack in digital format.
・Receive a physical copy of the game (Windows) in a plastic game case.
・Receive an artbook.
・Your name will be listed in the credits!
・ゲームのダウンロードキー(Steam key)
$80 or more: [Tapestry A+Game Set]
・Receive a Steam key for the digital copy of the game!
・Receive a code to download the 18+ patch.
・Get the official soundtrack in digital format.
・Receive a physical copy of the game (Windows) in a plastic game case.
・Your name will be listed in the credits!
・Receive a B2-sized tapestry A (50cmx70.7cm) to display on your wall!
・ゲームのダウンロードキー(Steam key)
・タペストリー typeA(パッケージ版のショップ特典)
$80 or more: [Tapestry B+Game Set]
・Receive a Steam key for the digital copy of the game!
・Receive a code to download the 18+ patch.
・Get the official soundtrack in digital format.
・Receive a physical copy of the game (Windows) in a plastic game case.
・Your name will be listed in the credits!
・Receive a B2-sized tapestry B (50cm x 70.7cm) to display on your wall!
・ゲームのダウンロードキー(Steam key)
・タペストリー typeB(パッケージ版のショップ特典)
$95 or more: [Tapestry A & B + [Standard]
・Receive a Steam key for the digital copy of the game!
・Receive a code to download the 18+ patch.
・Receive both B2-sized tapestries A and B (50cm x 70.7cm) to display on your wall!
・Your name will be listed in the credits!
・ゲームのダウンロードキー(Steam key)
・タペストリー typeA(パッケージ版のショップ特典)
・タペストリー typeB(パッケージ版のショップ特典)
$100 or more: [Tapestry A + Artbook + Game Set]
・Receive a Steam key for the digital copy of the game!
・Receive a code to download the 18+ patch.
・Get the official soundtrack in digital format.
・Receive a physical copy of the game (Windows) in a plastic game case.
・Receive a B2-sized tapestry A (50cmx70.7cm) to display on your wall!
・Receive an artbook.
・Your name will be listed in the credits!
・ゲームのダウンロードキー(Steam key)
・タペストリー typeA(パッケージ版のショップ特典)
$100 or more: [Tapestry B + Artbook + Game Set]
・Receive a Steam key for the digital copy of the game!
・Receive a code to download the 18+ patch.
・Get the official soundtrack in digital format.
・Receive a physical copy of the game (Windows) in a plastic game case.
・Receive a B2-sized tapestry B (50cm x 70.7cm) to display on your wall!
・Receive an artbook.
・Your name will be listed in the credits!
・ゲームのダウンロードキー(Steam key)
・タペストリー typeB(パッケージ版のショップ特典)
$105 or more: [Tapestry Mania!]
・Receive a Steam key for the digital copy of the game!
・Receive a code to download the 18+ patch.
・Get the official soundtrack in digital format.
・Receive both B2-sized tapestries A and B (50cm x 70.7cm) to display on your wall!
・Your name will be listed in the credits!
・ゲームのダウンロードキー(Steam key)
・タペストリー typeA(パッケージ版のショップ特典)
・タペストリー typeB(パッケージ版のショップ特典)
$140 or more: [Happi!Corona Blossom]
・Receive a Steam key for the digital copy of the game.
・Receive a code to download the 18+ patch.
・Get the official soundtrack in digital format.
・Receive a physical copy of the game (Windows) in a plastic game case.
・Your name will be listed in the credits!
・Receive a traditional happi coat.
・ゲームのダウンロードキー(Steam key)
$140 or more: [Hooded Sweatshirt+Game Set]
・Receive a Steam key for the digital copy of the game.
・Receive a code to download the 18+ patch.
・Get the official soundtrack in digital format.
・Receive a physical copy of the game (Windows) in a plastic game case.
・Your name will be listed in the credits!
・Receive a Hoodie (Single-color print. Different sizes available.)
・ゲームのダウンロードキー(Steam key)
・パーカー(日本基準のサイズ指定可 シルク1c印刷)(限定商品)
$150 or more: [Standard Collector's Edition]
・Receive a Steam key for the digital copy of the game!
・Receive a code to download the 18+ patch.
・Get the official soundtrack in digital format.
・Receive a physical copy of the game (Windows) in a plastic game case.
・Your name will be listed in the credits!
・Receive a black and white printed shikishi (Indiegogo and JP Shop exclusive).
・Receive an artbook.
・Receive both B2-sized tapestries A and B (50cm x 70.7cm) to display on your wall!
・ゲームのダウンロードキー(Steam key)
・タペストリー typeA(パッケージ版のショップ特典)
・タペストリー typeB(パッケージ版のショップ特典)
$240 or more: [3D Boob Mouse Pad+Game Set]
・Receive a Steam key for the digital copy of the game!
・Receive a code to download the 18+ patch.
・Get the official soundtrack in digital format.
・Receive a physical copy of the game (Windows) in a plastic game case.
・Your name will be listed in the credits!
・Receive a giant 3D mouse pad (380mm x 450mm/2kg)
・ゲームのダウンロードキー(Steam key)
・等身大おっぱいマウスパッド(380mm x 450mm/2kg)(限定商品)
$550 or more: [Starstruck]
・Receive a Steam key for the digital copy of the game.
・Receive a code to download the 18+ patch.
・Get the official soundtrack in digital format.
・Receive a physical copy of the game (Windows) in a plastic game case.
・Your name will be listed in the credits!
・Receive a black and white printed shikishi (Indiegogo and JP Shop exclusive).
・Receive an artbook.
・Receive both B2-sized tapestries A and B (50cm x 70.7cm) to display on your wall!
・Receive a traditional happi coat.
・Receive a giant 3D mouse pad (380mm x 450mm/2kg)
・Receive a Hoodie (Single-color print. Different sizes available.)
・ゲームのダウンロードキー(Steam key)
・タペストリー typeA(パッケージ版のショップ特典)
・タペストリー typeB(パッケージ版のショップ特典)
・等身大おっぱいマウスパッド(380mm x 450mm/2kg)(限定商品)
・パーカー(日本基準のサイズ指定可 シルク1c印刷)(限定商品)
$4000 or more: [Interstellar]
・Receive a Steam key for the digital copy of the game!
・Receive a code to download the 18+ patch.
・Get the official soundtrack in digital format.
・Receive a physical copy of the game (Windows) in a plastic game case.
・Your name will be listed in the credits!
・Receive a black and white printed shikishi (Indiegogo and JP Shop exclusive).
・Receive both B2-sized tapestries A and B (50cm x 70.7cm) to display on your wall!
・Receive a traditional happi coat.
・Receive a giant 3D mouse pad (380mm x 450mm/2kg)
・Receive a Hoodie (Single-color print. Different sizes available.)
・Congratulations! You will receive a one-of-a-kind shikishi drawing in full color by nanaca mai! You may choose any character you wish!
・ゲームのダウンロードキー(Steam key)
・タペストリー typeA(パッケージ版のショップ特典)
・タペストリー typeB(パッケージ版のショップ特典)
・等身大おっぱいマウスパッド(380mm x 450mm/2kg)(限定商品)
・パーカー(日本基準のサイズ指定可 シルク1c印刷)(限定商品)