While digging for buried treasure on Perdida Cove Beach, 12-year-old Max discovers a mysterious creature he names "Chomper", whose friendship will lead him into a world of danger, adventure, and heroism.
When Chomper's siblings wreak havoc in Max's seaside town, only Max and his new friend can save his sister Emma (and the town!) by combining forces to fight the sinister CREEPSTERS that wash up on the beach after an alien object splashes down into the ocean offshore.
CREEPSTERS is a loving tribute to 1980s high concept low budget comedy horror. A fast paced story filled with romance, gore, fantasy, and a touch of science fiction, this is a blood-soaked adventure which ultimately proves that family and friendship can overcome any obstacle.
CREEPSTERS #1 is an 86 page black and white book. CREEPSTERS has three amazing covers: the main cover by John Dillard, a horror variant by Criss Madd, and a special variant by a mystery artist!
Also available on this campaign is the ashcan, TALES OF THE CREEPSTERS #1, 16 pages and black and white.
And introducing CHOMPER!
John Dillard's main cover:
This John Dillard cover is the cover that comes with each tier unless otherwise stated as being one of the variant covers. HOWEVER, each cover (and the ashcan and the toy) are available as "add-ons" that you can select at checkout
Criss Madd's horror variant cover:
Ace horror artist Criss Madd really embraced the blood for this beautifully gruesome shower scene that would turn even Alfred Hitchcock's stomach. Janet Leigh got off easy compared to this poor victim of FANGS, the evil CREEPSTER!
MYSTERY COVER!!! Just revealed: a beautiful painted cover by Pat Carbajal!!!
Here is a selection of interior pages that are completely penciled and inked!
TALES OF THE CREEPSTERS is an ashcan with cover and interior pages drawn by the inimitable John Dillard.
Meet CHOMPER. He wants to be your new best friend!
SUPER ASIA FUN TOY has produced a limited edition CHOMPER PLUSH toy!!! This product is the highest-quality collectible, and once they're gone this design will be retired! Get yours today in this beautiful wooden crate mailer!
The Billy Bacsko trading card comes with every order:
The Yucky Gum trading card is unlocked (one per backer) when we hit our first stretch goal:
These glow in the dark wristbands are automatically included with every order of the "one of everything" and "one of everything earlybird" tiers. They are also available as an add on at checkout for $3.
These awesome Chomper pins are automatically included with every order of the "one of everything" and "one of everything earlybird" tiers. These can also be purchased as an add on at checkout for $2.
- $5,000: Yucky Gum trading card unlocked for backers!
- $25,000: One piece of pirate treasure with every order!
- $40,000: A poster of one of the covers for every backer! Cover to be determined by a fan poll on Twitter. More details to be announced once goal is hit.
- $50,000: Colored ashcan cover.
- More stretch goals to be determined during the campaign!
CREEPSTERS SHIRTS: https://nasser-rabadi.creator-spring.com/listin...
The Christmas Morning Massacre: https://www.amazon.com/Nasser-Rabadi/e/B082S3BYWF
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/NasserRabadi
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nasserrabadi13
Newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/3b31e29016d9/nasser
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/NasserRabadi13
From the terrifying mind of today’s most controversial young horror author Nasser Rabadi comes the newest retro horror franchise CREEPSTERS! This meticulously crafted tribute to the roots of modern horror will be making its way soon to a bookstore, toy aisle, theater, and streaming service near you! Catch it now before it’s too late!
They're creepy!
They're cuddly!
They're DEADLY!