Hello ALL CAPS COMICS backers! It's a new year, CYBERFROG 2: REKT PLANET is shipping, and will soon reach every backer's hands! Very exciting. The book has already received incredible, rave reviews, and I am proud that we made it together.
This is CROWDFUNDING at it's best. I ask you for the financing to create something amazing, and with your help and patience, it all becomes possible.
ALL CAPS COMICS is going to make 2023 a banner year. REKT PLANET and REIGNBOW THE BRUTE will be shipping, and those are our big releases. We're also launching CYBERFROG 3: RED EXTERMINATION on March 15th. That's obviously going to be a big project, and I hope we can count on you to make it big!
But before that, I've got a handful of comics that I'd like to make, and I'd like to ask for your support to make them possible. Let me tell you about them:
The follow up to CYBERFROG: BLOODHONEY, a book filled with LORE and more information about the circumstances surrounding the VYZPZZ INVASION, from Heather's perspective and with her research. A MUST HAVE! This was released as a mini comic it'll be fullsized!
This will be a 20 page Preview Book of CYBERFROG 3: RED EXTERMINATION. Not unlike the preview book we did for CYBERFROG 2: REKT PLANET.
The content will be ten pages of colored and lettered art. The first four pages will be EXCLUSIVE to this book. Then we'll repeat the art as line art, and we'll have a section in the back with Dale Keown's sketch work for the cover art.
If it sells well enough, we'll do it with a foil enhanced cover!
Here's the cover art:
We're sold out of all of the CYBERFROG: BLOODHONEY Chromium books, and I'm pretty sure there will be a demand for more, once people begin to receive their chromium REKT PLANET comics! My favorite of the 3 Bloodhoney covers NEVER GOT CHROME TREATMENT. I don't know why. But we should fix that.
I'd like to make a chrome edition of CYBERFROG #1 with this cover, please. The book itself will contain all of BLOODHONEY with a few corrective edits (thanks to some internet proofreaders out there!) and a better cover logo treatment than the first book had.
This is the best, most iconic CyberFrog piece to date, and I'd love to celebrate it ALL CAPS COMICS style. It'll be the best version of the book to date, if I can have your help!
We meant to make these as mailers for REKT PLANET, but it became impractical when fans demanded they arrive in mint condition. Can't promise that if they're mailers! But let's make them as collectibles! Get one to store your CYBERFROG comics!
Signed Editions
We'll offer a special ADD ON tier to let you get all of the books in your order autographed by me, the creator of the series! You can click on that at check out, and it'll apply to everything you're getting, whether it's one book or a hundred.
We're known for having the best stretch goals in crowdfunding, and this project will be no exception! This time I'd like to improve the books, rather than add extra items. (We'll do extra items for CYBERFROG 3: RED EXTERMINATION, of course!)
I'll announce them once we get started!
THANK YOU for your amazing support once again! I promise the best quality perks in comics crowdfunding!