Desdamona is an award winning Poet & Emcee and the recipient of 3 MN State Arts Board Artist Initiative Grants, The Verve Grant and most recently a Knights Arts Challenge winner. She has toured the US and abroad and co-founded B-Girl Be, a celebration of women in Hip Hop that brought women from across the globe to Minneapolis and helped to develop a stronger local and global network of female practitioners of Hip Hop. She currently hosts the TruArtSpeaks' Re-Verb Open Mic and the Freedom of Xpression Open Mic and is passionate about creating space for artists to express themselves freely.
As a female in the
traditionally male dominated Hip Hop game, this project and campaign are
important to get the word out about females and their significant impact in Hip
Hop and popular culture. The campaign and project are important because they are
labors of love and brilliant showcases of a variety of female talent.
Your support of the No
Man’s Land and Siren Sound projects will mean that we will be able to fund the
creative show presentation, and extend the product line and reach of the album
through a variety of channels.
A large portion of the
funding will go to cover the additional expenses incurred to create the No
Man’s Land products (printed CDs, posters, t-shirts, et cetera). The money will
also assist in covering fees paid to all the female artists performing during
the Siren Sound show on April 16, 2016 at Bedlam Lowertown.
We have perks ranging from
autographed posters to albums to show tickets to private performances.
If we don’t reach our
entire goal, all funds will go to the products and artists.
The No Man’s Land project is valuable as it shows a strong
female, in control, and supports female artists from a number of different backgrounds. The recording project itself was supported by a Artist Initiative Grant from the MN State Arts Board.
Desdamona has
had nearly two decades in the Hip Hop game and has released a number of
successful underground albums both nationally and internationally. ACEntertainment MGMT, who is promoting the Siren
Sound show and the No Man’s Land project has over a decade of success in promoting
Hip Hop shows, including the annual festival, For the Love, A Community
There are always
new Hip Hop shows and projects coming out in the hotbed that is Twin Cities Hip Hop scene. The No Man’s Land and Siren Sound projects stand apart due to their
professionalism and years of experience of everyone involved, and the focus on women. With your
financial assistance, we will be able to properly market and get out the word
about the album and unique show.
We understand
that funds are tight for everyone, but we would love for you to get out the
word about the No Man’s Land album and Siren Sound show. Please feel free to share
this fund any way you can, and thank you so much for your love and support.