A crusade into another realm...
...leads to the deadliest of evils.
The Covers
A beautiful oil painting by Jesse White:
A purrfect variant by Miss Sashi:
The Story:
Sir Domingo, Spanish Knight and Holy Crusader, is blessed with a vision on his return from his triumphant conquest in the Holy Land. The Holy Grail appears in the sky, leading him on an adventure to another realm where demons and monstrosities lay waste to all of creation.
He discovers a strange race of people called the Kityin, who seem more kin to Earth's cats than they do humanity. He alone can lead them to salvation and away from the tyrannical rule of The Demon King.
Should he fail, not only the Kityin but all the people of all the realms will be destroyed!
DEUS VULT is a 66-page crusader fantasy graphic novel which will bring back memories of great comics like CONAN THE BARBARIAN and THE MIGHTY THOR.
The story is written by #1 Bestselling and award-winning Sci-Fi author, Jon Del Arroz, artist Jesse White, and colorist Matt Crotts with a special variant cover by our good friend Miss Sashi!
Preview Pages:
The Books:
Deus Vult can be obtained in four forms:
1. A Digital PDF
2. A standard-cover trade paperback
3. A variant cover trade paperback
4. The standard cover hardcover
Each of these will be exquisitely printed by Jon Del Arroz's printer he uses for his novels. This means a higher quality paper than standard comic books because novels are meant to last!
We also have options available for posters and t-shirts and original art!
Jon Del Arroz's full complete comic library is also available, including his hit series, FLYING SPARKS!
$7,000 - All backers will receive free PDF first issues of Jon Del Arroz's Flying Sparks and The Cosmic Warrior for an additional 44 pages of comics!
$8,000 - We will include 3 "chapter covers" in the book as pin-ups of beautiful new art which will extend the book to 72 pages!
$10,000 - We will add back cover art to the graphic novel
$12,000 - Jon Del Arroz will write a short prose story of the Kityin's struggle against the demon horde to digitally deliver to all backers.
$15,000 - We will commission a pin-up of Domingo to add to the book by a popular artist TBD!
$20,000 - Give our colorist Matt Crotts a BONUS! He did good work and we want to pay him more!
$21,000 - We will create a PDF character bio profile of Sir Domingo
$22,000 - We will create a PDF character bio profile of The Demon King
$23,000 - We will create a PDF character bio profile of Mina, The Kityin
$25,000 - We will add a fantasy map of the Demon King's realm to the book
$30,000 - We will illustrate Jon Del Arroz's short prose story of the Kityin and add it to the physical version of the books. We will also add the bio profiles to the physical book
Thank you so much for all of your tremendous support and reading the real alternative to mainstream comics!