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Dog Will Hunt A Full Length TCM Fan Film

Meat The Sawyers One Last Time.

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Dog Will Hunt A Full Length TCM Fan Film

Dog Will Hunt A Full Length TCM Fan Film

Dog Will Hunt A Full Length TCM Fan Film

Dog Will Hunt A Full Length TCM Fan Film

Dog Will Hunt A Full Length TCM Fan Film

Meat The Sawyers One Last Time.

Meat The Sawyers One Last Time.

Meat The Sawyers One Last Time.

Meat The Sawyers One Last Time.

Gus Trapani
Gus Trapani
Gus Trapani
Gus Trapani
3 Campaigns |
Vermont, United States
$191 USD 8 backers
0% of $20,000 Fixed Goal Fixed Goal
Mountain Filled 3 Projects Mountain Filled 3 Projects
Howdy folks, my name is Gus Trapani and I am an independent filmmaker from New York with two original feature films and dozens of shorts under my belt. Along with that I am a die hard fan of Tobe Hooper's original 1974 classic, "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" This campaign exists because as a fan, I want to make the sequel to Hooper's original film that I personally would want to see and the film that I feel others fans want to see as well. By donating you will help make the film a reality.

Short Summary

To Watch the short Texas Chainsaw fan film we already did called "Sally's Escape From Hell"  Please click here: 

If you don't live in the USA, click here:

We want to make a film that is true horror as oppose to something that is fueled by Black Comedy. That's not to say that our film will not feature black humor. It will but done subtly.  As oppose to the original though, we will be making a more graphic film as oppose to just being psychological. This film will be an absolute blood bath! 

Plot Of "Dog Will Hunt"

Five years after Sally escaped the Sawyer clan, her wild card cousin Jared attempts to hunt down the  murderous misfits. While Jared hunts the Sawyers, the sawyers hunt their latest prey of victims. When all parties cross, mayhem ensues.  

The film will feature Chop Top, Nubbins, Grandpa, Drayton's remains as well as the infamous Leather face. It will be filled with references to the original film as well as many twists and turns that will have every TCM and horror fan on the edge of their seat.

What We Need & What You Get

We need at least twenty thousand dollars to make the film a reality. Of course, more is always better but as a director, I have learned to do a hell of a lot with very little. The funds will be going to travel expenses, SFX, Food, props, and wardrobe.

The Impact

We want to make The Texas Chainsaw Massacre film that fans can have pride in watching, enjoying and sharing.  To put it bluntly we want to make the greatest Texas Chainsaw Massacre film since the original. 

Risks & Challenges

Anyone who has made a film knows how difficult it can be.   Fortunately, with ten years of indie filmmaking experience under my belt, I have come across almost every problem one can run into on a film set and have learned how to deal and/or eliminate them rather quickly. 

Other Ways You Can Help

If you can't donate, simply sharing this page we be very helpful! Also, follow us on Facebook by liking our page here:

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Choose your Perk

Shout Out On Social Media

$5 USD
For five dollars you will receive a Shout Out "Thank You" on our Social Media page for the film.
Estimated Shipping
October 2016
0 claimed

DVD Sally's Escape From Hell

$10 USD
For Ten Dollars you will recieve a DVD copy of our short film Sally's Escape From Hell" along with a never before seen "making of". As well as a shout out on social media.
Estimated Shipping
January 2017
2 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Exclusive Blue-Ray and Shirt

$20 USD
For Twenty Dollars you will receive a custom t-shirt from "Dog Will Hunt" as well as a Blu-Ray containing not only the finished feature film but our short film, "Sally's Escape From Hell" as well as the making of both the feature and the short film. As well as a shout out on social media.
Estimated Shipping
January 2017
4 claimed
Ships worldwide.

A signed Photo & End Credits

$50 USD
For fifty dollars you will receive a signed photo from a character of your choosing as well as all previous prizes as well as special thanks in the end credits of the film.
Estimated Shipping
January 2017
1 claimed
Ships worldwide.

On Screen Prop/ Wardrobe

$100 USD
If you give 100 dollars not only will you receive all other prizes but you will receive a screen used prop or wardrobe piece from "Dog Will Hunt". (This reward is limited to only 20 people so if you want it, donate quickly!)
Estimated Shipping
January 2017
0 out of 20 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

The screen used Poulan Pro

$1,000 USD
That's right folks, the same model chainsaw used in the original film, we have and will be using in Dog Will Hunt. THE FIRST person to donate 1,000 dollars will take home that saw and all other rewards. To see a picture of the saw, please scroll through the picture on the campaign's page. (As of now, the saw does not run but we will be working to have it fixed by a professional for the shooting of DOG WILL HUNT. )
Estimated Shipping
January 2017
0 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
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