We are WORC
Founded in 1977, the Woodbury Old City Restoration Committee is a volunteer based 501c.3 non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of the rich, historic architecture in the small city of Woodbury, NJ just outside of Philadelphia. Preservation is a great deal more than just fixing up old buildings. It is an honoring of our shared past, of our stories, of this place that we call home and the pursuit of a richer and more fulfilling community life atop a foundation that was built for us many years ago. Preservation is also a great deal more than sentimentality. It is an economic revitalization tool which meets the demands of a changing business landscape in which more and more companies and clients favor a rehabbed old factory in a walkable downtown over a brand new office suite off the highway. WORC is determined to continue their efforts with a newly refocused target of downtown Woodbury.
Why We Need Your Help
Woodbury is the quintessential historic downtown that suffered greatly due to urban sprawl and the retreat from local economies and Mom & Pop stores. Woodbury was the center of the region this side of the Delaware and prospered throughout the Victorian era but mid-century mentalities hit us hard. The recent return to small, urban centers has lit a spark here. With the influx of an artist community and an ambitious volunteer base, Woodbury can recover and with your help, Woodbury can thrive. The Downtown WORCS Project has been designed to make a tangible change in the downtown of the City to help our merchants, to help our property owners and to help the residents believe once again in the future of Woodbury.
Where does the money go?
As with every new campaign WORC will launch (the goal is up to 2 per year - how exciting is that?), funds raised will go into the EXTERIOR of each building. In this case, the funds from this campaign will go directly into the exterior of the historic Polsky's Corner building. One of our favorite and most pro-active merchants, Tiki Tiki Board Games / Island Officials, will be moving into the space this fall and they have been very busy raising their own funds to fix the interior. WORC will be fixing the outside.
What do I get if I pledge?
Let's have some fun, shall we?
*PLEASE NOTE: Perks will be available for pick up or drop off within 25 mile radius of Woodbury, NJ. Shipping for addresses outside of a 25 mile Woodbury radius.
Every dollar helps, every volunteer hour makes a difference so please consider contributing however possible. Please like and share and tweet and talk about the great work being done here in this little City we call home.