DRVN is a portable drive-in movie theater available in upstate South Carolina. As a lifelong fan of movies, it's been a dream to offer the public a new twist to traditional movies. Hi, my name is Rich Gregory and I am a ten year veteran of graphic arts and a cinephile (I love movies) since I was a small child.
Growing up I dreamt of creating a type of theater where talking is tolerated and where the audience plays a critical role in the fun.
What types of movies?
- First run movies under the stars.
- Cult classics where fans can dress up, sing along, or scream out your favorite movie quotes.
- Great food served during the show.
- Family movies that involve games and prizes.
- Craft beer served.
- Interactive text/tweeting during the movie, comments show up on the screen.
Why we need your help.
We are here on
indygogo because need the equipment to start DRVN.
Movie Projector.
We need a quality projector to start DRVN up the right way.
Inflatable Movie Screen.
We will get (roughly) a 30'x18' screen. This will help us move between three cities in our first year.
Audio System PA.
To make DRVN complete we need to purchase an audio system that will reach up to 500 people.
DRVN's Impact
Your contributions will go so far as in to helping upstate South Carolina get a new option for entertainment that the whole family can afford.
- We plan to start in one location (Anderson, Clemson, Greenville, or Easley) and in time will expand to showing movies to different cities per month.
Please help us get the word out!
Tell everyone you know about this campaign and help us provide good things for upstate South Carolina. Befriend us on Facebook and Twitter and thanks to indiegogo for this great platform to reach people.