Happiness. The small cheerful memories of the past that we hold onto.
Sadness. The hurt reflected in the mirror when we take those breaths to stay calm.
Fear. The nagging worries that threaten to pull us undone.
Surprise. The emotion that can turn from wonder to horror in a heartbeat.
Anger. The fiery bitterness of wounds that never seem to close.
Disgust. The disappointment and judgement of actions done.
In the 1970s, psychologist Paul Eckman pointed to these six emotions as those that lie at the root of all emotional action and reactions. Much like in real life, the characters in our favorite tales are, at their core, compelled by these feelings.
Today, join us as we venture into the storytelling of The Dragon Prince to paint an illustrative homage to our favorite characters; let's make this book a reality!
Echoes of Thunder is a 200+ page art anthology that features works from 75 contributors from around the globe. The book is a celebration of The Dragon Prince and its characters, who we follow on various adventures in the hit Netflix series.
While looking at both major and minor characters, each illustrator was assigned one of the six core emotions and asked to show us how the series depicted that emotion in a character of their choice. From there, we worked with each of them to cultivate a visual narrative showcasing the various aspects of the scene.
Whether you're new to The Dragon Prince fandom or have been following since the first glimpses of dragons made their way onto the internet, we welcome you to join us on this artistic journey and hope you'll support us. To see more previews and info, feel free to follow us on: Twitter, Tumblr (anthology specific), Instagram or Facebook.
All design and art is subject to change.
The project features over 100 full color illustrations, organized by emotion and supplemented with artist commentaries and introductory passages discussing each core feeling and its importance. At the current funding level, the book is 7"x9.3", full color on all pages. It is designed to be standard (8.5"x11.3") or oversized (9"x12") if we hit enough funding. You can see that and more stretch goal details farther down in the campaign.
You can get merchandise in one of two ways in the campaign: You can get a bundle that includes what you want now or you can buy the base book and add items on during the surveys. (Note for the U.S.: To add merchandise, you can't buy the Echoes of Thunder [Bait] tier version of the book; it has reduced shipping costs but can only ship the book.)
We partner with BackerKit, a company that helps with backer support, and will be doing surveys (including add-ons) in the weeks following the campaign. We'll send out all the info you need in updates. TL;DR: You don't have to add these now unless you want the 21/15% discount for everything with the free gift box (Startouched Tier).
The merchandise list below is for your reference. They're unlimited, but many are Indiegogo exclusives (as noted):
• Postcards (Standard): Campaign Exclusive: Callum & Ezran (designed by Golden Rose), Gren & Amaya (designed by Rusavia), Soren & Claudia (designed by Botanica), Rayla & Runaan (designed by Ghost), Viren & Aaravos (designed by Ale)
• Postcards (Specialty): Campaign Exclusive: CMYK-foiled set (stretch goal unlocks!)
• Individual Stickers (Vinyl): Campaign Exclusive: Soren & Claudia (designed by Allexche), Zym's Egg & Potion (designed by Caroline Chiou), Dark Tome & Zym (designed by Brighan) (all stretch goal unlocks)
• Sticker Sheets: Campaign Exclusive: Characters (designed by Ji) or Objects (designed by Caroline Chiou)
• Enamel Pins: Campaign Exclusive Pricing: Bait (and any color variations we unlock), Zym, Primal Stone (Glitter), Phoe-Phoe (Glow-in-the-dark) (designed by Mel & Sara)
• Charms (Double-sided clear, 2.5"): Claudia (design by Reneissance), Rayla (designed by Sara/Qesque), Aaravos (designed by Kairoseur)
• Poster Print: Campaign Exclusive Price: Aaravos (designed by Lizzart)
• Giclee Print: Campaign Exclusive: Aaravos (Lizzart), Sol Regem (designed by Mike Nash) – giclee museum print, made with archival inks (never fades with time)
• Gift Box: Campaign Exclusive: Custom-designed pencil-box-sized merchandise holder (designed by Kay Fine)
--> Please note that digital PDFs are not considered merch. They are sold separately in the survey for an extra charge.
Goals will be added as previous ones are met! When noted, store unlocks (such as the pin designs) are items added in the post-campaign store, while additions (such as CMYK foiled postcards and stickers) are added for all applicable tiers within the campaign.
The giveaway is now closed and the winners have been emailed. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Referral Rewards:
As a thanks for sharing our campaign, the top three people with the most referrals will be granted a $40, $20 and $10 credit to the store. Please see the blurb below for notes on referral tracking from Indiegogo:
For a backer to count as a referrer, they must promote your campaign with Indiegogo’s share tools while logged into their Indiegogo account. This is important because otherwise, their unique ID won’t be attached to any resulting contributions or visits.
At Alchemy Art, supporting the community we work with is one of our primary goals, along with continuing to push creatives to grow and offer them new opportunities. Our hope is that we always give back something in the projects we create, whether it be for charity (which we've donated just under $50,000 to-date) or working with other professionals in our community.
With approval from The Dragon Prince team, this project is for-profit, supporting the creators in the process. The Dragon Prince team has always been supportive of creative efforts, and that's something we hope to honor with this endeavor. We truly seek to make a memorable book that's both a collector's item and an exciting experience for the reader.
Note: The breakdown for 500 books is above. In the 500 book breakdown pictured, the owners & art directors of Alchemy Art aren't paid for their efforts (which amount to several thousand hours cumulatively). These are the primary items that are funded first to make sure the project is funded successfully.
To the best of our ability, we'll adhere to the timetable! Our hope is to have items in during the early portion of November and start getting the items moving out mid-November. (Barring any extreme situations, all books should be received by Christmas!)
As with any large project, there are always potential problems with working with many contributors and many different manufacturers. We're grateful to be working with all manufacturers that we have used before for this project, and we're confident of their quality and our mutual expectations.
In that, almost all of our artwork for the Echoes of Thunder book is complete; the items that remain are finalizing the book designs and doing a few test runs. We don't anticipate any delays in pushing the book to production or seeing any of the merchandise sent to the printers (once the project funds, we'll be okaying test pieces!).
We work with BackerKit for post-campaign fulfilment and PrintNinja for our main set of custom books.
All in all, we always strive to be fully transparent and forthcoming about any issues, and will always update when we have enough information to pass along.
If you have any issues at any time, please feel free to reach out to us at alchemyartgroup@gmail.com.