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Escape from Orodor: the Role-playing Game

The role-playing game based on TNG system


Escape from Orodor: the Role-playing Game

Escape from Orodor: the Role-playing Game

Escape from Orodor: the Role-playing Game

Escape from Orodor: the Role-playing Game

Escape from Orodor: the Role-playing Game

The role-playing game based on TNG system

The role-playing game based on TNG system

The role-playing game based on TNG system

The role-playing game based on TNG system

Egor Seryapov
Egor Seryapov
Egor Seryapov
Egor Seryapov
1 Campaign |
Moscow, Russian Federation
$0 USD 0 backers
0% of $5,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
The tabletop game «Escape from Orodor» is the first of a series of games based on the “Throw and go” system. Together with the brothers Goodwood you will have to face a long journey full of adventure and dangers. With the option to play solo or with a friend. Each game will be perfectly accompanied with each other and allow you to combine sets, creating unique combinations of heroes, artifacts, creatures and fantasy worlds.

-What are we going do tonight? 
- Create a tabletop game, buddy. 

My cousin is 5 years older than me. All his life he was a fan of medieval history and fantasy worlds. I had no chance to escape this passion. Books, films and of course games about brave heroes became some special part of me. Years passed, I found I had less time for playing games and the fantasy books I loved have more often been replaced by professional literature. But my passion for fictional magical worlds was always deep inside me. The dull routine of general life makes me feel mad and to escape from this feeling became the priority task. 

That’s how occasionally I found myself wishing to create a brand new game. Not just a game, but a story that can be told by the game. I told my idea to my colleague Valentine who supported me (special thanks to him for this) and suggested his own vision for the scenario of the story. 
When we found this common vision of the new project we started drawing. 


I bought an album and some pencils (yes, just simple album with colour pencils) and started drawing. Frankly speaking I’m not the best artist. We started with the design of the Map of Orodor. The task that seemed so simple became more difficult than I could think. When the outlines of the Orodor island didn’t appear and there was some troubles with determining the scale. But some elements worked well and the story that had to be written got some really good features from areas of the map. 

Characters design happens to be an even more difficult task. If you ever tried to draw a human being, you definitely know what I’m speaking about. The fact that the last time I had been drawing was more than ten years ago did not help at all. We thought a lot about hiring some designer or just use free pieces of art from the Internet, but our final decision was to make everything by ourselves. 

The thing that really helped me was that I bought an IPad. I bought it nearly spontaneously. The tablet helped me making all the drawings in digital and learning to draw every day. I’ve been training a lot. A lot of mistakes where made and a lot of tips where learned. As a result: I started liking my own drawings (hopefully you will also like them). 

The story

The main features in the story of the Goodwood brothers was the world description with its own history and events that happened long before the trip of the main characters. We started to describe it. The task wasn’t easy at all. Some places in the story have been rewritten twice or even three times. For the finalization of our work we asked Matt to help us. As a native English speaker Matt made a real impact to our story from the literature point of view (thanks Matt! ) 


From the very beginning I was trying to make the game nice looking and easy to play. It’s not very convenient to store the game in a big box, so we placed everything into an A5 format box. I was surprised by the fact that professional typography is an absolutely unknown world for me. Luckily my wife’s brother Roman helped me with the preparation of all the materials for print (thanks Roman, without you there were no chances that this project would get on paper).
Facing all the problems I realized that it’s impossible to put all the ideas I have in just one game. I wish I could make a second part of the game and continue the story, adding more interesting characters and unexpected plot pivots. 
My task is to make the game alive and to let it be loved by players all over the world. 


The game Long trip adventure “Escape from Orodor” is the first of a series games based on Throw and go system. Together with your characters you have to go a long way full of adventures and dangers. It is not an easy goal to reach the end. To survive, you will need to look for supplies and fight with creatures that inhabit this dangerous world. LTA games are perfectly compatible with each other and allow you to combine sets, creating unique combinations of heroes, artifacts, creatures and fantasy worlds. The game has no age restrictions.

Game Details



LTA game is a role-playing game. The player will have to play the role of some hero or a group of heroes. Each character is depicted on a character card. It has the character’s name, the amount of his/her Strength, Agility (his/her Protection), Accuracy and Health bar. On the same card there are fields of hunger and, cell of fatigue and the cell of poisoning. 

Movement on the global map and time measurement

Any journey begins with the first step. First, drop a d6 dice and mark on the map how far your heroes have advanced. The campaign has begun.

Note that the global map is divided into segments (from one digit to another). It will be described later. The way is unpredictable. Maybe the weather is good and sunny or maybe the heroes have got into a storm. One and the same road can take different amount of time.

In order to find out how much time the move took for your heroes, roll d6 and mark on the timeline how many hours it took to pass this segment of the path. It’s up to the player to decide when the journey should be started (where will be the mark on a timeline).

The Book of the Day and the Book of the Night

When you marked on the timeline table how much time you havespent to pass your way on the map, you will find out what time it is now. Daytime lasts from 4 to 20 (let’s just call it “day”). From 20 to 4 it is the nighttime (let’s just call it “night”). During daytime you can easily hunt and find berries without fear of meeting dangerous creatures. But a beautiful light and safe forest looks quite different at night. Night is a dangerous time to walk through theswamp, because you can’t see the path. At night, you should not wander around the cemeteries and disturb the dead. The Book ofthe Day and the Book of the Night will tell you where your heroesare and what is happening to them. Look at the segment of thepath your heroes are. Open the Book of the Day (if it is the day at the moment) or the Book of the Night (if it is night) on the paragraph that relates to the segment of the path on which your heroes are located. Here you can find a description of the area and specialrules applicable to this area.

Decks of cards

In the game, there are 2 basic decks of cards (Day and Night) withcards of creatures that heroes can meet and events that can occur with the characters on their path. There is also a deck of items consisting of various things that heroes can find. In The Book of the Day and the Book of the Night you will often find an instructionto take a card from the corresponding deck. The absence of such instruction means that the terrain is more or less safe. But sometimes heroes decide to search the current terrain, for example, to find something valuable (food, supplies, treasures or artifacts). If you want to perform a research in this area, take the corresponding Day or Night card. In one turn, you can search the terrain only once.

The Deck of the Day and the Deck of the Night

In the daytime the player is relatively safe. The chance to meet a dangerous creature is much lower than at night. In the daytime it’s easier to find supplies or to hunt. In the daytime, you will often meet neutral creatures with which you can interact. At night everything changes. Creatures that get out of their shelters are more dangerous at night. You can’t find supplies at night and rarely meet peaceful creatures. Consider this when you decide to travel at night.

The Deck of items

You will find a lot of items during your adventures. Sometimes you will find new items defeating your enemies, sometimes you will find something by searching the area.

When you need to check what kind of item you’ve just found take a card from the Deck of items. Items that you found can be stacked next to you to use them later. You will find the description of theitems in the cards, but we’ve tried to make it obvious.

For example, potions allow you to restore a health or strength amount, armor increases protection, and weapons increase the chance to inflict damage to the enemy.

• Potions are disposable cards that a player can use any time (even in combat). After using the card, you must return the items back into the deck and shuffle it.

• Shield is a card that allows the player to gainadditional protection against enemy attacks. After each successful attack of the enemy, roll the D20 and compare its value with the value.

on the shield card. If the score on the dice is less than or equal to the value in the card, you have successfully repelled the attack with the shield. Shield is a reusable card, however it can’t be used with a two-handed weapon.

The Enemies

Sometimes your heroes meet enemies on their way. Cowardly goblins, fearless undead or giant trolls - they all pose a danger to the heroes. In the Deck of the Day or Deck of the Night you can find creature cards. Creature cards show what kind of creature you have met, its strength, defense, accuracy (if the creature has a ranged attack), the health bar and special rules applicable to
these creatures. Also there is the “bag” icon on the card, which shows how many items you can loot from the creature, if you defeat it (if you defeated several creatures, you take as many items as the creatures you defeated accordingly).

How to Play


We really need your support to bring this game to life in a way that we couldn't without your help.
Thank You for taking the time to read through this and we hope you enjoy this game.

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$1 USD $2 USD (50% off)
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  • Donation
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$15 USD $20 USD (25% off)
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Included Items
  • 1 PDF File of Game
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$45 USD $54 USD (16% off)
Get a PREMIUM Magnet version of local map and Tabletop Game Escape of Orodor
Included Items
  • The rulebook
  • Magnet map
  • The book of the Day
  • The book of the Night
  • Deck of items
  • Deck of the Day
  • Deck of the Night
  • Heroes cards
  • D6 dice
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