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Indiegogo Exclusive - Elliot Rodriguez Cover B
Short Summary
About the Book
Join the fight for survival. Fall of Man #1 is a 25-page full-color comic about kaiju roaming the Earth. Small, scattered tribes live in a desolate wasteland where everyday may be their last. The tribes are full of superpowered individuals. They rally around people who can communicate with the kaiju, whether through telepathy or pheromones, and try to stay safe from feral, roaming kaiju and other tribes who may threaten their home.
Examples of lettered pages:
About the Creator
A.G.E. Comics is a deeply personal project for me. I became less interested in mainstream comics nearly a decade ago, so much so, that I actually just walked away from comics. A few years ago, I tried to jump back in and just felt apathy. This was a terrible thing for me, because comics used to bring such joy to me. I also didn't like that I felt like I couldn't let my children read most mainstream comics because many just stopped being appropriate for kids. To counteract that, I started writing stories.
The stories are written for adults, but perfectly suitable for older kids as well, like how many comics used to be several years ago. I started this imprint as a legacy for my children. I wanted it to be something for them to read, but also to show the importance of family. That's where the name comes from. I have six children and want to support them in everyway that I can, but my wife and I have lost children as well to miscarriage at several different stages of pregnancy. The name of my company has a double meaning for me. The initials are the names of my children who are not here. However, it also reminds me that for everything in life there is an age, or a season, and there will be good and there will be bad. Comics brought such joy and so I hope some day I can return in some small way what comics have given me.
To that end, my company is about comics, but it's also about giving back. For every comic purchased, I will be donating $2. Each different book I publish will have a different charity, but for this first book and because of the reason behind the company, I have chosen The Fletcher Foundation, which is a local charity that helps families going through the same thing my wife and I did.
Paul Byrd is the founder of A.G.E. comics and is an active freelance comic book writer and letterer.
Benjamin Worrell is the author and artist for Sheath Comics, see more of his work at Ben Likes to Draw on Facebook and Instagram!
Jimmy G is a comic colorist and letterer from the UK. You can check out more of his work at
The Impact
What we need:
- I have set the funding goal very low because the book is already completed. All I am looking for is to cover printing and shipping to get it into as many hands as possible. With your support, we can get the book out there. Every dollar I make over funding shipping, will go into the creation of issue #2. I want this series to grow and I'm ready to build a new world.
What you get:
- A full color 25 page comic book.
- All stretch goals.
- A chance to support a meaningful charity.
Stretch Goals
$500 - when we fund everyone gets a print by Luke Stone
$750 - everyone gets a bookmark
$1000 - Nicholas Mueller art print
$1500 - ??????
Risks & Challenges
There are very few risks associated with backing this comic project. The book is done, and as soon as it funds, it is going to be submitted to the printer. The comic will ship out shortly after that. The only issues may arise if there are printer delays, otherwise the book is ready to go.
Other Ways You Can Help
If you can't contribute, I understand completely, but you can still help.
You can get the word out and make some noise about the campaign. Just let people know the campaign is around and you will help more than you know.
Thank you for considering backing or sharing out the campaign and getting me one step closer to my dream of releasing the book.