Femida is a point'n'click detective adventure about justice for Windows, Mac and Linux.
Demo of the second crime case to try:
Windows: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AhuSZaWjdPJXgQe226ACiby7wAcP
Mac: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AhuSZaWjdPJXgQgbejvNLUbBMlLe
Linux: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AhuSZaWjdPJXgQmJMFuo4I-Xa-kg
This is a second and LAST round of funding of Femida. First one can be found here: http://kck.st/2a5XXGA
The video game is set in a dystopic world of the State. The State has recently undergone a violent revolution and rapidly restructures. In a year, it transitioned from a totalitarian communism and now struggles to establish democracy. Provisional government lustrated most of the public servants so capital needs fresh blood. You win a labor lottery to work at Metropolis, capital of the State. The protagonist accepts the summon leaving his countryside life with wife and kids back in the Town. The transfer to Metropolis promises a fulfilling job, good money, and many opportunities. You were born there, your mother still resides in the capital and works for the government. But it's not the only reason you accepted the offer. Your father disappeared during the revolution and his fate is still unknown to this day.
The game has 2 layers: your job as a judge and your personal investigation into what happened to your father.
Judge's duty
The first layer is your job. This is not a simulation of what a judge's job is. It fictionalized distillation of it. We didn't aim for realism, we want you to have fun doing it. Job puts you in a loop:
1) You are briefed about the case by police - you give warrants. Underfunded and corrupt police of the State struggles to investigate.
2) You review the results of the investigation: profiles, forensics conclusions, evidence. Then you connect the dots. Some groups might try to intimidate you, the public might try to sway you.
3) Trial starts and you ask questions based on your conclusions. You update your judgment and determine a sentence or proclaim the person innocent. If chaos doesn't break loose during the session, of course.
4) Newspapers from all of political spectrum report on your decisions. Characters react to them. You get the consequences.
Hero's duty
The latter layer is about your investigation into the fate of your father. This part will look like a visual novel. Not a weird one, we promise...or maybe not. This part is still in production, but you can see the characters below:
We are a bunch of people born in post-soviet countries dedicated to bringing this project to life. Most of us were born in Aktau, a city on the eastern shore of Caspian Sea, Kazakhstan. A lot of people aided us throughout the development from all over the world from London to Singapore. We can't possibly list everyone here. People who currently are working on Femida:
Alexandra Tsetskhladze - artist, illustrator. https://www.behance.net/gruzinka
Dmitry Burmistrov - writer. https://www.facebook.com/burmistrov.dmitriy.7
Eugeny Polyrush - composer. https://soundcloud.com/eugpol
Nikita Osin - writer. https://vk.com/id146179728
Ilya Parfentyev - video producer. https://www.twitch.tv/mrzatotir
Roman Loznevoy - does a little bit of everything, writing this for example. https://www.facebook.com/roman.loznevoy
The universe of Femida is generalized and draws inspiration from different cultures and historical events. We don't make allusions to any particular real-life political parties of figures, neither do we ponder any radical ideologies of the right or the left wing - so you can relax. Not everything has to be political. Femida is primarily exploration, not a propaganda. Femida only advocates the basic morals, principles, and ethics that make justice systems work. Femida makes us see and appreciate the progress our ancestors struggled and died for us to enjoy. Femida reminds us what paths are tempting and rewarding in a short-term, but disastrous and regrettable in a long run. Femida celebrates a complete ownership of one's life, will and intrinsic value of a life of every human being. Femida encourages personal responsibility, truth and reminds how each action of every individual determine the fate of humanity.
The project took longer than expected, but it is soon to be completed. However, our team is running out of funds. We have some unclaimed rewards left after our previous campaign. We wanna give it to you and fund the maintenance of the business up to the moment Femida hits Steam store. As it right now, we are confident that we gonna release it, but the success of this Indiegogo campaign will determine how good the product is going to be. The money will go for paying for Unity subscription (https://store.unity.com 35& per month), accounting, and business maintenance($200 per month, mainly fee to the outsource accounting company). We might struggle and risk the company before the revenue from Steam will start to flow. It will take at least a couple of months of running the company without any revenue until all things are settled with Steam.
- Game - a steam key or DRM-free copy. It's your choice. Half the price.
- Soundtrack - a score by Eugeny Polyrush in high quality.
- Exclusive materials - updates on indiegogo, high-resolution images, participation in development, some backstage.
- Test builds - regular new builds of the game demonstrating progress.
- In-game photo portrait - You are in the game! Well, basically your photo is redrawn as a photo in Femida universe used during the trials to represent the participant testifying.
- Phone call in the game - submit a 6-digit number and the response the player will get when dialing this number. You can write an entire dialogue if you want to.
- Archive entry - make up a personality that will be stored in the archive of criminals inside the game.
- Name character - come up with a name to one of the game characters. We will store the names and pull it out from the stack when naming the characters. We can reject your proposal if it is not appropriate for the game's universe. Sad, we know.
- Your name or words in credits - write a couple of words OR your name/nickname to the Backer’s section of the credits.
- Portrait on the wall - that's kind of crazy but so the amount of money. We will draw you as a XIX - XX century authoritarian and hang you on the wall in the cabinet where the players are going to issue warrants and review the papers and evidence. It's like they gonna see you one fifth of the game.
Other Ways You Can Help
If you prefer to help us in other ways - please use the buttons for sharing on Indiegogo page or send us a message if you are willing to volunteer. We need people to offer questions for the court cases and edit the texts. You can also ask your favourite youtuber or streamer to play the demo.