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Florida Man Graphic Novel - Volume One

FLORIDA MAN! The hilarious tales of a larger than life figure from the magical land of Florida, USA

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Florida Man Graphic Novel - Volume One

Florida Man Graphic Novel - Volume One

Florida Man Graphic Novel - Volume One

Florida Man Graphic Novel - Volume One

Florida Man Graphic Novel - Volume One

FLORIDA MAN! The hilarious tales of a larger than life figure from the magical land of Florida, USA

FLORIDA MAN! The hilarious tales of a larger than life figure from the magical land of Florida, USA

FLORIDA MAN! The hilarious tales of a larger than life figure from the magical land of Florida, USA

FLORIDA MAN! The hilarious tales of a larger than life figure from the magical land of Florida, USA

Chris Braly
Chris Braly
Chris Braly
Chris Braly
4 Campaigns |
Everytown, United States
$36,119 USD by 710 backers
$30,193 USD by 578 backers on Aug 3, 2020
Mountain Filled 4 Projects Mountain Filled 4 Projects

Visit for the latest news and the cool Florida Man schwag! (Towels, hats, shirts, and more)


Proudly printed in the good ol' U.S.A.!






Gary Duba’s having a bad day. There’s a snake in his toilet, a rabid raccoon in the yard, and his gal Krystal’s in jail for getting naked at a Waffle Castle and licking the manager. Gary is just a southern redneck living in a trailer down by the swamp, but he’s got dreams, big dreams. But it seems like every time he tries to get ahead, fate deals him a low blow.


Then one day he gets lucky…


Grab your very own copy now at & get some cool schwag there too!

Along with his best friend, Floyd, Gary sets out to sell his prized Barry Bonds rookie card to raise the five hundred bucks needed for Krystal's bail, but like always, things find a way of getting out of hand. In fact, Duba's got a way of getting caught in all the wrong places.

We're Bringing Back Funny Books, Ya'll!

Pin-up by Joe Comstock


Pin-up by Barry McClain Jr. and colors by Ichsan Ansori



Mike Baron is the renowned author of numerous novels and several comic books for both Marvel and DC (The Flash, Punisher, Star Wars), but he is perhaps best known for Nexus, his groundbreaking science fiction indie comic co-created with illustrator Steve Rude. Baron has also been honored with two Eisner Awards and an Inkpot Award for his work on Nexus, which has been published in five languages including French, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish.

Baron's other creations include The Badger, Spyke, Feud, The Hook, and The Architect. Mike has even written for outlets like Creem, The Boston Globe, Isthmus, AARP Magazine, Oui, Madison, Fusion, Poudre Magazine, Argosy and many others.




Many brilliant artists have contributed their talents to this project -  including Joe Comstock, Pat BroderickBrett R. Smith, Barry McClain Jr., Elias Martins, Marcelo Salaza and Todd Mulrooney (click their names to see their work)! We even have a few surprises in store for Mike Baron fans!


Ichsan Ansori is handling the interior colors. Ansori is an Indonesia native who attended the National Institute of Technology, Art and Design in Indonesia with a masters in digital coloring. 


Chris Braly is handling the editing and marketing chores. Chris has been involved with media and video production for the past twenty years and is an accomplished producer. He's taking care of the promotional and editorial duties on this project as a newbie, so be sure to direct all overlooked misspellings to him. He's also the Managing Editor of a geek culture internet journal known as Bleeding Fool.




We are striving to create a professional product and get it into the hands of comic book readers and retailers all across the globe!


And in an effort to blow away audience expectations, we plan to publish this as a premium square-bound book, using the best paper quality, and use the best possible cover stock to ensure a rigid, solidly crafted physical copy. Plus, we're proudly using a professional comics printer established and printing here in the good ol' U.S.A.



The Florida Man graphic novel is just the beginning! Look for some neat add-on perks when you order your book so you can show off your Florida Man schwag even when you've had your book stolen by your ex! All these products can be found in the Add-On options after you select your perk near the bottom of the page . And some available tiers already include some of these items! You can even pick up an additional copy of the book for 20% off! Just look at the bottom of the 2nd page once you've selected your perk!

Retro Style Metal Lunchbox


Grab an exclusive Digital Copy of the Graphic Novel!




Official Florida Man T-Shirt



We want to entertain you. And we believe in providing solid, professional, funny comic books for everyone who loves comics. If you like humor comics, you're gonna enjoy this one.

We want to make you laugh and inspire you to share that enjoyment with others. If we can make that happen, we've accomplished our mission.

Help us bring back funny books ya'll!!





TWO GRAPHIC NOVEL UPGRADES! We will be upgrading Florida Man from 56 pages to 64 pages! We’re also upgrading the interior pages from 70lb to 80lb. making it a notch above the rest! 



Florida Man Graphic Novel Upgrade #2 - interior pages will max out at the cherished 100lb paper stock!



Campaign EXCLUSIVE STICKERS for ALL BACKERS and a 2ND EXCLUSIVE POSTCARD!! All backers get an exclusive Florida Man decal, a Florida Man bookmark, and now 2 exclusive postcards! This will be an addition to every backer order, including any backers who ordered the Krystal Beach postcards set!



First round of BONU$E$ to the FLORIDA MAN creative team! Every $50k raised gives another round of bonuses! PLUS ALL BACKERS will get a set of 5 EXCLUSIVE FLORIDA MAN postcards – including the Krystal Beach Coppertone homage postcard!!



Florida Man Graphic Novel Upgrade #3 – Cover Paper Stock will be upgraded from 110lb to the coveted 130lb cover paper stock!



Florida Man Graphic Novel Upgrade #4 - interior pages increase from 64 pages to 80 pages at no additional cost to our readers!!




Help us get the word out! Please share this campaign on as many social media platforms as possible. Check out our updates page to see how you can win the referrals contest by just sharing this campaign! Hop over to our Twitter or our Facebook page at Florida Man Comic and share it with your friends! This will help us get Florida Man into as many hands as possible. And even if you can't back the campaign financially today, we hope that you'll share this with others who can help!


Thanks, ya'll!



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Florida Man Graphic Novel
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Florida Man Graphic Novel

$25 USD
Estimated Shipping
January 2022
1 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Ladies Wrestling Referee
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Ladies Wrestling Referee

$2,500 USD
Estimated Shipping
November 2020
1 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

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