Welcome to Flyover Country!
"Flyover Country" is a comedy-drama about life in the midwest. Set in Omaha, nebraska, the film begins with Todd, a 27 year old graduate student, describing his disastrous attempts to leave Nebraska for life in a bigger city. Convinced he's cursed to never escape his hometown, Todd's life changes once he meets Russ, who is a fellow student in Todd's contemporary English literature class. Soon, the two become good friends, but their close relationship is threatened once Russ finds out Todd is openly gay.
Afterwards, Russ and Todd attempt to be nothing more than good friends. However, their lives become more complicated when all of Russ's family and friends begin to believe Russ is also gay. Things don't go well for Todd either. After he makes another vain attempt to escape from the heartland, Todd fails spectacularly and must return home. Surrounded by their ultra-conservative families and friends, Russ and Todd's paths continue to cross as they both search for a better life.
"Flyover Country" is an independent film directed by Jim Fields, co-written and produced by Jim Fields and Shaun Vetick of Objectif 49 Films. Featuring a vibrant cast, "Flyover Country" is an entertaining depiction of life in the modern midwest and the social struggles facing all generations today in the heartland of America
What We Need & What You Get
![Preserve me a Seat]()
Our last film, "Bugeaters," (www.bugeatersthemovie.com) was very successful last year as we took it on tour across Nebraska and showed it film festivals, such as the 2011 Estes Park Film Festival in Colorado, where we won the award for "Best Documentary." Our dvd and blu-rays for that film sold well enough last fall that we have had enough money to begin pre-production on "Flyover," but we need your support to make and finish our new project.
We will begin prinicpal photography on "Flyover Country" the day after Memorial Day and will continue filming for as long as we have the money to do so. With your support, our goal is to completely finish the film by the end of January 2013 and show it at both national and international film festivals and take it on tour to independent movie theatres throughout the midwest.
We're not looking for handouts or just a donation, we want everyone to become involved in our film community. We want to open a dialogue between people who are liberal and those who are conservative to explore the issues facing GLBT people in the midwest today. We hope bridge the gaps between those who are against equal rights for glbt people in the midwest and those who are members of the GLBT community so that everyone can lead more successful lives here in flyover country. While our film is entertaining, it also has a strong message that will reverberate with anyone who has ever had a close family member or friend who happens to be gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender.
Once it's completed, "Flyover Country" will be the first independent movie filmed in Omaha, Nebraska, with an openly gay main character and a gay theme.
We urge you to become a part of our "flyover" community and support our project. Our perks include dvd copies of our other films, including the award-winning documentary, "416," and "Preserve Me a Seat," as well as dvd copies of "Bugeaters." In addition, we also have "Flyover Country bumper stickers and t-shirts, as well as major credits available for this project. To learn more about Flyover Country and the people involved, please visit our website at: www.flyovermovie.com and visit our facebook page at: www.facebook.com/flyovercountry.
We hope you'll help us complete our film and become part of our "Flyover Country" community. Thanks! Jim Fields and Shaun Vetick