FRACTURED Documentary (
How can we have a rational discussion about the vital role
energy plays in our lives when virtually all of the words and phrases we use
when talking about energy are wrong?
To borrow a RIDICULOUS PHRASE from the anti-energy racket, “What
the Frack!”
follow up to spOILed, the highly informative, entertaining and stylistic movie
on oil that packed theaters from Denver to Midland to Santa Barbara. While spOILed
exposed “addicted to oil” as preposterous rhetoric, in FRACTURED I take aim at many other words and phrases that distort
the public’s understanding of energy. We know anti-energy activists pervert
language in pursuit of their self-interested goals. What’s shocking is that the
rest of us are unknowingly helping their anti-energy cause.
The Need
The 92-minute version of FRACTURED has been shot and is in the final stages of editing. We are raising these funds for the
following needs in order to get the film widely distributed:
I want to take FRACTURED to theaters in select
markets across the U.S., which will greatly expand awareness of the film and
it’s pro-energy message
Production of a second version of the film at a
TV Broadcast Length of 52 minutes to open up many other distribution
Production of a 22-minute mini-movie for
luncheon audiences
Post-production enhancements to the film
Distribution costs
There are thousands of anti-energy activist groups using
deceptive language and other dishonest tactics to shut down the production of
oil, gas, coal, nuclear and hydropower in the United States and beyond. They
have lots of money and political power and they are winning at the expense of
our economy and national security. FRACTURED gives you a rare opportunity to
push back against the activist agenda with a solid, factual, entertaining film.
ENERGY—an actual SOLUTION to the problem that people can use long after they
have watched the film. I call this concept “Broken Windows Speaking.”
The Film
“What the ‘frack!’ The ‘fossil fuel’ age must come to an end!
‘Clean,’ ‘green,’ ‘alternative’ energy will fuel a brighter future. ‘Mother
Nature’ needs us to ‘save the planet’ from ‘climate change deniers.’” This is
the rhetoric we hear on a daily basis.
Energy language is subversive. It constantly reinforces
fictions and fantasies that deceive the public into believing fictions that
endanger our economy, national security and our way of life. The linguistic
deceptions must be stopped, but how? I believe I have the answer—a concept I
call “Broken Windows Speaking.” It’s a creative way to speak truth while
pushing back against the dishonesty.
FRACTURED doesn’t just identify misleading terms while
suggesting better ones—it also exposes unethical tactics used by federal
bureaucrats who undermine our energy industries. FRACTURED explains how administrators
in the EPA and other federal agencies work collaboratively with their friends in
“Big Green.” The bureaucrats hide data that contradicts their anti-energy
agenda (Secret Science), and they bypass Congress to administratively impose
expensive, unnecessary regulations (Sue & Settle). Congress is well aware
of this illegal collaboration, but is doing next to nothing to stop it. The
only way to get our “leaders” to act it to bring pressure from the public, but
people won’t complain if they don’t know what’s going on. FRACTURED seeks to
raise that awareness.
Language and Lies are dangerously misinforming the public’s
understanding of energy, and the number one target of the attacks is hydraulic
fracturing. Therefore the film devotes a good portion of time explaining the
process of fracturing as well as the false accusations made against the
technology. Of course, that requires a debunking of GASLAND and GASLAND II.
The Impact: Why A Movie?
Anti-energy activists sell their ideas using emotional
slogans and images that tap into fear and fantasy. And they make a LOT of
movies. Why? Because emotional storytelling is highly persuasive. While the
anti-oil/gas/coal/nuclear/hydro crusaders are making deceptive emotion-based
appeals what are the pro-energy people doing? They’re writing books and position
papers. How many people are reading those books and papers? Have you? A
text-based appeal has no chance of informing and inspiring even energy industry
workers, let alone the general public.
Like spOILed, FRACTURED presents the truth
about energy production and consumption in a highly informative, entertaining and
creative way. Books mostly sit on shelves. Movies get watched and passed on to
family, friends, neighbors and coworkers. One DVD can reach dozens of people
and sometimes many more. Conversely, 100 books may not reach more than a handful of people since most technical books purchased or gifted never get read.
What's At Stake
Just follow the money. The renewable energy/global
warming/anti-oil, gas, coal and nuclear racket is now a $1.5 TRILLION business!
Elitists and crony-corporatists are getting rich selling the public energy
scams and fantasies. The anti-energy racket is emboldened by a sycophantic
media and a cynically impotent political class. They make a LOT of movies in
their quest to deceive the public and they get away with astonishing
propaganda. Even though GASLAND was widely debunked for many inaccuracies and
blatant untruths, it was nominated for an Academy Award. Millions of people now
believe the lie about the flaming faucet. Without films like FRACTURED and spOILed, the anti-energy
racket has an open field to do and say what it wants, no matter how it weakens
a nation.
The Challenge
It’s not easy getting wide spread exposure of a documentary
film, especially one that isn’t using end-of-the-world scare tactics (Catastrophic
man-caused Climate Change!) or peddling preposterous fantasies (We can run
societies on wind, solar and biomass!). But I proved with spOILed that my team and I know what
it takes to overcome any obstacle that is thrown into the path of one of our films. I took spOILed to theaters in more than 26 cities and personally
attended 178 screenings. Over two years I gave dozens of speeches
coast-to-coast and spOILed has sold close to 15,000 DVDs, a remarkable
accomplishment for any documentary film.
Other Ways You Can Help
The biggest challenge in crowd funding is enlarging the
crowd. Reaching thousands of people is only the beginning. We need to reach
tens of thousands and even hundreds of thousands if possible. Please tell
everyone in your network about this film and our crowdfunding effort and
encourage those people to do the same. A great way to do this is through the
share tools provided by Indiegogo, Facebook, Twitter, email and of course the
most powerful form of all—word of mouth.