So what is "Full Movie Here"?
Hi! We’re Andrea and Toni, two young filmmakers living in NYC. The goal of this webseries is to create a platform where we can put women at the forefront in interesting and unexpected ways. The premise is this: for each episode (which will be a five minute short), we take the title of famous movie that stars a man as the protagonist and create an entirely new story based off the title alone starring a woman instead.
For the first episode, we made “There Will Be Blood,” which is about a high society vampire party and that one girl who forgot to read the instructions. You can check it out above! More examples of episodes we have planned include “Wolf of Wall Street” which is a campy horror film about a sexually frustrated werewolf, and “Finding Nemo,” about the struggles of growing up in a Kardashian-like family.
Why does this project matter?
Though the entertainment industry is admittedly taking steps to establish equality for both genders, frankly, we just don’t think it’s enough yet. Did you know that CBS bought 9 new pilots this season, and only one of them stars a woman as its primary protagonist? We think it’s time to take matters into our own hands and make the kind of content we want to see more of: the kind starring strong women at the center.
With short, comedic episodes, we will be able to explore a larger variety of genres and ideas.
What do you need help with?
Production Value
So we got the idea, the writing, and the actors. What we don’t have (and what’s impossible to continue without) is a good crew! In order for our mission to come across and for people to notice our series, we need to make the episodes look, sound, and feel as professional as possible. Sadly, that means we can’t just do it on that camera I got for my birthday three years ago (sorry Grandma).
For this project to continue, we need a great cinematographer ($1500), a sound mixer ($800), and an editor ($1400) in addition to costs for wardrobe, production design, and crafts services.
We want to make the best version of this series that we can, and any little bit would help!
If you can’t contribute right now but believe in our mission,
We love you anyway.
Please help spread the word!
Our first episode is already up on Youtube. If you think it’s funny, or even if you don’t and want to make fun of how unfunny you think it is, share it!