Gurukitty Studios is a small but determined comic duo that creates and self publishes our own stories as well as anthologies.
Our Anthologies were originally started when talking to other artists who were troubled by the fact that they didn’t have enough work to make a full book and wanted ways to promote themselves and have things to sell on their convention tables while they worked on bigger projects. Gurukitty Studios also had a similar issue, having lots of projects on the go, but producing nothing in the meantime, we wanted some nice looking books and we wanted to help out the other creators who were also looking for an outlet.
The answer was anthology projects and how they work is, anyone can contributes a completed story, we jury them and select some awesome ones. We then collect them in a book where the Gurukitty duo also add a story each to keep our skills sharp!
Finally, we hold a cover contest to have another (or one of the contributors) artist (perhaps an aspiring cover illustrator) have an opportunity to get their work out there.
Artists are compensated with comp copies of the book as well as the ability to buy additional copies at wholesale to sell at their convention tables for profit.
It costs us a lot of money to produce these anthologies, and we are not well off by any means, we are hard working, self published comic artists just doing our best to get out there like everyone else and we work full time jobs on the side as well. We need funds to buy the compensation copies for artists, mail them out to artists all over the world, additional copies for promotional giveaways, as well as stock to sell at local conventions. We also have to do a lot of marketing and promotional things to help get the book noticed which also costs money.
The anthologies are also a lot of work to put together, coordinating all the files and people, editing the files to fit to the specifications (we’re talking 100’s of files), making the covers, adding tables of contents, credits and additional pages, registering ISBN and getting barcodes…
the list goes on.
The end goal is that the contributors (including us!) now have some published work to use for portfolios, promotion and to sell for profit.
Cover Illustration by Jason Hart.
Our newest anthology, Gateways to Beyond, is what we are currently raising money for to publish, is Science Fiction themed.
This book contains 23 Black and white stories by artists all over the world, during the course of this campaign we will be showing samples from each story to show the variety of art styles and stories that will be contained within. You can already see many samples on our Facebook page!
If you have followed our other anthologies you'll know that each time we want to take It up a notch and go a little farther. With Gateways to Beyond we were more selective with the artwork and lettering but we are also going to take the distribution and marketing to the next level as well.
Below is a detailed breakdown of our plans for the funds:
$535 Studio stock of books for conventions
$165 Comp copies for artists and contributors
$400 shipping (could be more)
So the minimum we need to raise is $1100.00 to just print the book and fulfill the artist copies.
Once that’s done, any additional funds would be funneled into marketing/distribution.
$250-500 Project wonderful AD campaign
We want to launch an ad campaign for Gateways to Beyond on relevant sites through project wonderful, that will also increase the traffic to our website to generate revenue from our ad space as well. The Idea is that we will have this bank of project wonderful money to start off with and, hopefully, we can sell ad space on our own site to continue the cycle of money without the need to refill it. That will take a large chunk of money at first to get the traffic we need right away.
after that we’d like to look further into other venues for sales:
Amazon listing
Diamond (or other) distribution
Any and all extra funds gained after the project wonderful stretch goals would go into distribution of any kind. Amazon would be one of the ones we'd like to do, and we would like to try and get Gateways to Beyond as well as the other anthologies into some bookstore and comic shops. We've looked into some distributors as well, but they are super expensive, so that would be something we would look more into if we had the funds to make it possible.
So that's it in a nutshell!
We will be posting sample comic pages and other content during the course of the campaign! If you have any questions please feel free to ask away!