Breaking Down "Glass"
Glass began as a ten-minute play, is being adapted into a short film, and will be used as a vehicle to promote change and bring hope. The story itself is not one of hope-it is an honest look at the often deadly consequences of abusive relationships. We hope to use the film as a platform to connect those in need with resources available to help them.
What We Need & What You Get
In order to tell this story, we need the big three- lights, camera, and sound. We have a script and have auditioned and assembled an amazing team of young and upcoming actors who are donating their time to be a part of the project. We want to produce the highest quality product possible, and seek to partner with other like minded artists. We needed money in order to rent the production equipment and hire the crew necessary to shoot and edit the film. We also have the added expense of basic production costs- feeding and housing the cast, props and wardrobe for the film, and all the associated costs of making a movie.
Thankfully, we are able to keep our budget relatively small, but even with the budget being as small as it is, we cannot make this movie without your help and support.
The Impact
We are working with local universities in South Carolina to have screenings of "Glass" once it is completed to help drive discussions about abuse in relationships. We have already submitted the script for consideration for staged reading during the month of March, and as we move forward into October of this year we hope to show this film in support of National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. With your help, our film can become a vehicle in which a message of hope can potentially reach thousands, and even millions, of men, women, and children.
Risks & Challenges
Making movies is always challenging. Between Shari and I, we have worked on dozens of film sets. I have been everything from an extra to a stunt coordinator on a big budget film and everything in between. Shari worked hand in hand with production teams in South Carolina making movies over the last three years and has dealt with everything from floods to hurricanes (literally!) during their productions. We understand the nature of this business and the complexities that it involves.
While there is no such thing as a sure bet, we are doing everything we can to ensure that this project proceeds. I have learned that the way you make a project proceed is by finding the right person for each position and letting them work to their full potential. We have been fortunate enough to do that through out this process, and with your help we will be able to fill in the final pieces to make the movie the success we know it can be.
Other Ways You Can Help
- Share, Share Share! Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, it doesn't matter, just get the word out!
- Tag us in your posts at #GlassTheMovie
- Share your stories with us-we want your voice to be heard to!
And that's all there is to it.