Hi. My name is Gavin Lake. I write and direct movies with the help of my extremely talented friends in Omaha, Nebraska. I'm working on a movie called Good Times Bad Times, which is what I want to talk to you about today. It's a movie that's reminiscent of 1980s and 1990's John Hughes movies, as coming of age flicks such as Dazed and Confused, Good Will Hunting, Superbad, Book Smart, Ladybird, and Mid90s.
Ever since I've gotten into film making, I've been so immersed and obsessed with the craft that I can't really remember a time before then. I can't remember not knowing what I want to do, even though I know there was a time where I didn't.
Today, I'm asking you to help achieve not just my dream, but the dreams of 16 other extremely talented people. We're raising funds so the cast and crew can get a fair wage, food, and the equipment needed to make this movie the best it can be. You can be a part of that life-changing event for us, and you don't need to break the bank to do it.
What Are We Spending The Money On Anyway?
In the past, all of our short films have taken 2 or 3 days' worth of shooting and relied on the goodwill of the cast and crew to work for free. However, this is a full-time, two-week shoot. No one has time to work other jobs or spend time with their families. All cast and crew members will be paid a standard union rate, which, for many of them, is a pay cut that they're willing to take because they believe in this project and their crewmates so much.
But we're not stupid. We know that we're not just going to get your hard-earned money handed to us on a silver platter. So, we've created some perks to make sure you're getting your money's worth. Anyone who donates a minimum of $5 gets access to the final cut of the movie, slated to show up sometime in January 2022. After that you'll get a copy of the original screenplay, your name in the credits, or the ability to attend the world premiere of the movie, right here in Omaha, Nebraska.
The desired price tag of this movie is $46,400. Indiegogo takes a percentage of the profits for their services, so in actuality, we need $48,720. But what if we don't get 50 Grand, you ask? Well, this is a flexible funding campaign, so depending on what we get, we'll sit down as a team and figure out the next step, cutting corners however we can. This movie will be made, virtually no matter what, but the hardest thing any of us will ever do will get a hell of a lot easier if we have total funding.
Okay, But WHY Should I Give You My Money?
This movie is the form of an idea I've had since I was about fifteen. Just recently I've gained the skills required to finally write what's been in my heart for this long. It's the thing I'm the most passionate about in this whole world and it's the thing that I'm going to put my entire being into. This is what we want to do. And we know that the world will be watching. Every single one of us is going to leave it all out on the field.
For years we've been developing our craft, experimenting, making mistakes, making occasionally great things, and it's all lead up to this. We're so excited to share this with the world and give it a story that means so much to us.
So There Definitely Won't Be Anything Bad That Happens, Right?
Well, if you've been on a movie set before, you know that things will occasionally get prickly. That's part of the job, we've all been there before. When you get 17 people extremely passionate about what they're making in the same room, you'll probably get 17 extremely strong and different ideas about how to make it the best way possible.
This is the longest shoot I will have done up to this point (2 weeks), and that's going to come with challenges that I've never faced before. This is the first fully paid cast and crew I've ever worked on. That's why I've surrounded myself with an extremely experienced and diverse cast and crew. That's why it's not so bad to have 17 different ideas on how to solve a problem, we'll find the right solution, for all of us.
But What If I Can't Contribute Financially?
Well, I appreciate you reading all of this anyway. If you believe in this project as much as I do, but can't financially contribute, getting the word out about the project, about us, would mean the world to me and the crew. The more eyeballs we get on this page, the more money and attention we can generate. There are tons of ways to share on Indiegogo, and you can find our social media as well.
No matter what you can contribute, thank you so much for your time. I can promise you from the bottom of my heart that I will work as hard as I can to make this movie the best it can be.