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Good To Know! A Complete Fursuit Tutorial Series

Everything you need to know to make your own fursuits! Made with 100% blood, sweat and shenanigans!

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Good To Know! A Complete Fursuit Tutorial Series

Good To Know! A Complete Fursuit Tutorial Series

Good To Know! A Complete Fursuit Tutorial Series

Good To Know! A Complete Fursuit Tutorial Series

Good To Know! A Complete Fursuit Tutorial Series

Everything you need to know to make your own fursuits! Made with 100% blood, sweat and shenanigans!

Everything you need to know to make your own fursuits! Made with 100% blood, sweat and shenanigans!

Everything you need to know to make your own fursuits! Made with 100% blood, sweat and shenanigans!

Everything you need to know to make your own fursuits! Made with 100% blood, sweat and shenanigans!

Juliet Johnston
Juliet Johnston
Juliet Johnston
Juliet Johnston
1 Campaign |
Wairarapa, New Zealand
$16,010 USD by 459 backers
$9,710 USD by 279 backers on Sep 4, 2018
I'm super excited about bringing to life a detailed tutorial series for anyone looking to make their very own fursuit! I love making fursuits and have recently figured out that I love teaching it to others too! With a whole month set aside for making this series, I'll really be able to jam pack it with quality, easy to follow steps and walk you threw the whole fursuit building process from tail to head! In this series I'll be making a simple canine fullsuit with moving jaw and digigrade legs!

O Hai!

My name is Juliet Johnston aka (Sparky)
And I've been making fursuits for the past seven years.
You can check out my website here for more info on that!

Anyway! Are you looking for EXPERT tutorial videos on how to make your very own AMAZING fursuits?
"cups mouth and yells (HELL YEAH) like it came from someone else"
Then 'O' boy are you in for a treat!
I'm really excited about making a ten part tutorial series on fursuit building, from patterns, trimming fur, digigrade legs, moving jaws and foam carving! It'll all be here to make getting into fursuit building an easier, less daunting process for those just starting out.
Even experienced builders may find new tricks and tips along the way!
Each episode will be around half an hour so the whole series will be at least five hours long, if not, definitely more! (I often get carried away hehe)

Making your own fursuit is a great way of getting into and experiencing the furry fandom, especially if you're on a budget. It's super fun to learn something new and see your progress get better and better with each new project!
(Not to mention the bragging rights when people ask you, who made your suit?!)

What We Need & What You Get =D

I'll be needing $7000USD to make this series as I'm going to take a whole month off my normal fursuit making work and focus only on this series. I'll have my friend and helper, Maria, working on this project too, so will be funding her wages during this time also.

For this fundraiser's running time only you can get this whole series for $35USD
After the series is made I'll be selling it retail for $50USD, that's a whole 30% discount off for you right now PLUS I'll be added all my backers name or "nickname" in the credits and do a lil special dance for you all as a big thank you! 

Challenges & Goals!

I've always loved making videos but with all my current work it's been really hard to find time to make high quality tutorials, I've been skimming by with a few "how to" videos on my YouTube channel WarningSparkyBites but they have been low budget and not very well thought out, even though I get many comments from fans saying they love them, I know I can do so much better for you guys!

Spread the bird! I mean word...

Even if you can't contribute this time around you can still help out greatly!!!
By spreading the word, retweeting, sharing and harassing yo friends who may be interested!
You can use the Indiegogo share tools too!

And that's all there is to it, so what ARRrrrrrrr ya waiting for! =D
Get all up in it!

Your friendly neighbourhood suit maker,

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Choose your Perk

The BEST! =D

$35 USD $50 USD (30% off)
You not only get the best fursuit tutorial series that will ever be made! But you get it for 37% less than what it will go for once made AND you're name/nickname will be going in the credits at the end for helping me out with backing this epic project!!! Thank you so very much!
Included Items
  • 30% discount & name in credits
Estimated Shipping
January 2019
451 claimed

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